Home remedies to detangle my dog's hair - Very effective

Home remedies to detangle my dog's hair - Very effective
Home remedies to detangle my dog's hair - Very effective
Home remedies to detangle my dog's hair
Home remedies to detangle my dog's hair

It is not always easy to find products on the market to remove knots in dogs that are really effective and there are breeds and mestizos that have very specific needs, such as the case of the Yorkshire terrier, the M altese bichon or the Spanish water dog. If you are looking for a homemade detangler for dogs, you have come to the right place: in this ExperrtoAnimal article we will show you some home remedies to detangle your dog's hair

Not worrying about the correct hygiene and needs of the coat can lead to tangles and even dermatological conditions. Below we will show you everything you need to know to make a homemade conditioner for dogs as well as tips and tricks from professionals that you can apply yourself at home. Keep reading!

Basic hair care to prevent the appearance of knots

The first thing to keep in mind before delving into home remedies to detangle a dog's hair is that a good base of carewill ensure that the fur is kept in optimal conditions, so that it will not (or will be more difficult) to form knots.

It is interesting to follow the recommendations because, if we do not do so, we may one day find ourselves with a dog with hair full of knots, which is impossible to untangle and there is no other choice but to shave, with the inconvenience this may cause. Thus, in order not to find ourselves in this unpleasant situation, we can take the following measures to apply from the moment our dog arrives home:

  • The first thing is to be aware of the type of dog that we must take care of. Long-haired dogs will need daily grooming. If we do not have time for it, we will have to opt for a short-haired animal or, if we take care of a long coat, we will have to keep it short or visit the dog groomer frequently.
  • Although our new furry companion is a puppy, we must get him used from the first moment to accepting to be brushed We will start with very short sessions, we will reward and we will progressively increase the time of care. Although our little one has short hair and does not need daily brushing, we must also get him used to handling, as this will be very important throughout his life, not only for him to be bathed, but also for him to accept manipulations for veterinary check-ups or administration of medicines.
  • We can use a specific table for brushing. This way our dog will know what we are going to do to it and will end up getting used to it. A plastic table (on the terrace, balcony, garden or patio) can be an essential utensil, easy to clean, stable and at a suitable height so as not to hurt our backs and allow us access to the whole body of the dog.
  • It is a good idea to start brushing in the areas most likely to form tangles, such as behind the ears, on the legs, chest, tail or belly.
  • In the same way that we consult the veterinarian about the vaccination schedule, we should ask him about the most appropriate care for our dog's coat. It may be a good time for you to refer us to a dog groomer Many veterinary clinics already have the services of these professionals. Just as we choose a veterinarian, we must have a reference hairdresser. For your choice we will take into account your knowledge but also your ability to handle our dog.
  • After consultation with professionals, we should get our own accessory kit that is more suitable for caring for our dog's coat. Combs, brushes, detanglers, scissors or shampoos will constitute the basic materials and essential elements to apply home remedies for spectacular hair. In some cases it will also be interesting to acquire a knot-pulling comb for dogs
  • Finally, we must not forget that the hair is going to be a reflection of our dog's he alth but also of his feedingFor this reason it is very important that we follow the recommendations on veterinary check-ups, vaccinations, deworming and always offer feed that is suitable for their needs.
Home remedies to untangle my dog's hair - Basic hair care to prevent the appearance of knots
Home remedies to untangle my dog's hair - Basic hair care to prevent the appearance of knots

How to remove knots from a dog? - Tips and tricks

Sometimes, no matter how much we brush our dog, we can find tangles. Some long-haired dogs can get in knots just from their walking routine. This long hair, with movement, begins to tangle at the ends and can end up forming knots. This type of hair can be brushed after walks, at least in the areas that we see more conflictive, such as the legs and the tail.

Other times we adopt or pick up a dog from the street and we already find it with unkempt fur and in poor condition. If the situation is very serious, that is, the hair is plagued with knots and dreadlocks and, in addition, they are very glued to the skin In this case we must leave the case in the hands of a professional

On the contrary, if we are able to successfully address the situation, these are some of the home remedies to untangle our dog's hair:

  • First of all, we will pass our hand through the entire coat to get an idea of the extent of the damage and thus be able to design the approach, calculate how many sessions we will need and obtain all the necessary material.
  • We will start the process trying to undo the biggest tangles, since, being more complicated, if we leave them until the end, the dog, but also us, will be tired. We will choose a moment in which both the dog and us are calm and we have time.
  • To begin with, we check the distance from the knot to the skin In no case should it be pulled as the skin will follow the hair and we will be hurting the dog. Therefore, to approach the knot, we must always protect the skin, holding it at its base to prevent any pull from affecting it.
  • Before touching anything we must moisten the knot To do this we can use a detangling or conditioning spray or, alternatively, spray with water. Be careful, to facilitate the task and protect the hair as much as possible, it should be wet, but it does not involve bathing the dog since washing will not undo the knots. Better get rid of them first and then finish the session with a good bath and dry.
  • We will begin to undo the knot with our hands, from the tip, opening hair by hair. The simplest and most superficial knots will be removed with this movement alone.
  • When this is not enough we can help ourselves with a fine metal comb, always holding the base of the hair, as we have said, so as not to pull the skin and, consequently, harm our dog.
  • If the density of the knot or its proximity to the skin make it impossible to undo, we should opt for cut it, always being very careful not to pull because we could cut the skin. To avoid this, we can protect it by putting the comb between the knot and it. If the tangles are too many, we will consider going to a professional.
  • Once all the tangles have been undone, we can thoroughly brush the dog, using a brush suitable for its type of hair, as advised by the groomer
  • We can conclude with a good bath, always with specific products for dogs. In addition to shampoo, and always following the recommendations of professionals, we can use conditioners or softeners.
  • Drying should be done first with a towel, taking care not to rub so as not to produce tangles again. The same precaution we will have if we use a dryer.
  • To finish, we pass the brush again and we cannot forget to congratulate our dog, either with affectionate words and caresses, or with a prize in the form of food or a game.
Home remedies to untangle my dog's hair - How to remove knots from a dog? - Tips and tricks
Home remedies to untangle my dog's hair - How to remove knots from a dog? - Tips and tricks

How to make homemade dog conditioner?

If you are considering the option of making a homemade detangler for dogs with totally natural products that are also not harmful to their skin We recommend you continue browsing our site to discover 5 homemade conditioner recipes for dogs.

These products to remove knots from dogs are completely organic and very easy to make Of course, if you are looking for a product to highly effective detangling dog hair and for regular use, it may be interesting to search the market for professional and high-quality products, always specific for dogs. You should never use a conditioner for human use with the intention of removing knots from your dog.

The importance of the mantle

These home remedies to untangle our dog's hair should help us to keep a coat in perfect condition. Although it is not generally given much importance, the role of fur is very important as it performs functions such as the following:

  • First skin protection barrier against physical, chemical and mechanical injuries.
  • Protection, also, against solar rays.
  • Temperature control work, protecting from cold and heat.

Let's remember to visit our veterinarian if we observe alopecia (areas without hair), wounds, dandruff, eczema, brittle or dull coat or any other alteration of the skin and coat.
