Top 10 German Dog Breeds - Images and Characteristics

Top 10 German Dog Breeds - Images and Characteristics
Top 10 German Dog Breeds - Images and Characteristics
Top 10 German Dog Breeds
Top 10 German Dog Breeds

Have you ever wondered what are the 10 most popular German dog breeds? Well, in this article on our site all your doubts will be dispelled because we are going to show you a list with the main physical characteristics. the character and origin of the 10 most popular German dog breeds that exist.

From the Boxer or the Pomeranian, through the German Shepherd or the Rottweiler, to the Dobermann or the Schnauzer, if you like German dog breeds and don't know which one to opt for at the moment to adopt one, do not miss this informative list and keep reading.

However, it should be noted that all dogs, regardless of their breed, need to keep their vaccination schedule up to date and visit their veterinarian whenever necessary.

1. Pomeranian

The Pomeranian is a breed of toy or mini dog, ideal for people looking for a small, active, happy and sociable companion. Its main characteristic is its particular physical appearance, with a semi-long and soft coat, which gives it the appearance of a mini lion and requires frequent brushing.

Regarding their temperament, Pomeranians are very noble and affectionate dogs, who need constant attention from their owners, and that they can live perfectly well in a small apartment. It is said that the Pomeranians arose from an old dukedom located between Poland and Germany called Pomerania, hence their name. Formerly, they were much larger in size and were used as cattle dogs. Its original name was “Wolfspitz” which means: spitz wolf.

Top 10 German Dog Breeds - 1. Pomeranian
Top 10 German Dog Breeds - 1. Pomeranian

two. Boxer

The Boxer is another of the 10 most popular German dog breeds, medium in size and currently very popular, as it is very patient with children and has a character docile and loyal towards his family. These dogs have short, soft and shiny hair and need a lot of daily physical and mental activity.

It is said that it first appeared in a kennel called von Dom in Munich, Germany, and that it comes from the cross of two extinct dog breeds: the Brabant bullenbeisser and the Bulldog of yesteryear. They were once used as messenger dogs, transporting the bodies of wounded soldiers or communication cables in European wars, but today they are often chosen for training as police dogs.

The 10 most popular German dog breeds - 2. Boxer
The 10 most popular German dog breeds - 2. Boxer

3. German shepherd

The German shepherd is a large dog that is capable of performing a wide variety of activities, such as a sheepdog, police dog, search and rescue dog or guide dog. As well as his versatility, it also highlights his intelligence and character, balanced, reliable and safe, which give this dog great fame worldwide.

Its origins are associated with herding dogs and its history dates back to 1890, when cavalry captain Max Emil Frederick with Sthephanitz convinced his owner to develop a working breed of dog that had a noble appearance. Although it currently continues to perform herding duties, today we can consider the German Shepherd an "all-terrain" dog

The 10 most popular German dog breeds - 3. German Shepherd
The 10 most popular German dog breeds - 3. German Shepherd

4. Rottweiler

The Rottweiler is another of the 10 most popular German dog breeds, medium-large in size and looking strong, athletic and robust, that has both great detractors and great defenders. The bad reputation they have as "dangerous dogs" comes from the misuse and aggressive activities that some unscrupulous and irresponsible owners have carried out with these dogs, which in reality are dogs with an intelligent, adaptable and obedient character.

Although their appearance commands respect, these dogs with short, smooth and fine hair can become very docile and friendly if they are properly socialized as puppies.

Its origin dates back to the Roman Empire, where the ancestors of the Rottweiler were used as protection and herding dogs, but where the first dog of this breed was actually born was in the German region of Rottweil.

The 10 most popular German dog breeds - 4. Rottweiler
The 10 most popular German dog breeds - 4. Rottweiler

5. Schnauzer

The schnauzer is a robust and strong medium-sized dog, characterized by its loy alty and great intelligence, which is why they are ideal for any type of family. In addition, these dogs have very peculiar physical characteristics, such as their very bushy eyebrows, their mustache on their snout or their bushy beard, which makes them very popular in all the world. The word "schnauzer" derives from the German word "schnauze" which means snout.

Its origin comes from German and dates back to 1800, where these dogs were used to guard the stables, kill rodents or accompany the carriages. Many years later this breed was crossed with several others to find the same qualities but with different sizes, giving rise to the 3 breed sizes that currently exist:

  • miniature schnauzers
  • the medium schnauzers
  • the giant schnauzers
The 10 most popular German dog breeds - 5. Schnauzer
The 10 most popular German dog breeds - 5. Schnauzer

6. Miniature Pinscher

The Miniature Pinscher is a small-sized dog, also known as the Min Pin, Min Pin and Dwarf Pinscher, included in the 10 most popular German dog breeds. The original German name is Zwergpinscher and it comes from various breed crosses such as the German Pinscher, the Dachshund or sausage dog, and the Italian Greyhound. With his own, this dog tends to be affectionate and sociable, but with others he has a strong and dominant character. It is a very active and active dog but it can still live in a small flat.

Most people think that this very dynamic and confident dog is the little brother of the Doberman, but the reality is different, and that the miniature pinscher breed is much older than the doberman breed.

The 10 most popular German dog breeds - 6. Miniature Pinscher
The 10 most popular German dog breeds - 6. Miniature Pinscher

7. Dachshund or dachshund

The dachshund, or, as it is popularly known, sausage dog, is a small dog of German origin, which means "dachshund". It is characterized by having an elongated body and head and short legs and there are three types of dachshund according to their coat and weight:

  • Standard Dachshund
  • Miniature Dachshund
  • Dachshund for the rabbit hunt
  • Short-haired Dachshund
  • Wirehaired Dachshund
  • Long-haired Dachshund

These dogs tend to be very friendly and playful with their own, but due to their historical origin, they tend to have a very strong prey drive, and often run after small animals to attack them.

Its origin dates back to 1888, when the first breed standard was drawn up for the first time at the First Breed Club of Germany.

The 10 most popular German dog breeds - 7. Dachshund or dachshund
The 10 most popular German dog breeds - 7. Dachshund or dachshund

8. Great Dane

The Great Dane, German Mastiff, German Mastiff or German Mastiff, is another of the 10 most popular giant-sized German dog breeds that is characterized by being one of the mostdogs big, charismatic and elegant in the world. This dog has a well-proportioned and beautiful body, and an imposing figure, which is why it is considered "the Apollo of the canine breeds" by the International Cinological Federation (FCI). In addition, he has an affectionate and friendly character with his family, but if he is not well socialized, he can become reserved with strangers.

Bullenbesiser is the extinct breed that is considered to be the ancestor of the Great Dane along with the German dogs that were used to hunt wild boar. This German breed was born in 1878 from several crosses between these dogs, giving rise to different types of bulldogs.

Top 10 German Dog Breeds - 8. Great Dane
Top 10 German Dog Breeds - 8. Great Dane

9. Doberman

The Doberman, or Doberman Pinscher, is a large, elegant and muscular breed of dog, excellent for protection and security workThis dog is one of the most intelligent dogs that exist, besides being friendly, peaceful and dependent on its family, so they need constant attention. Their body is muscular and compact and they show a short, dense and hard coat.

Friederich Louis Doberman, a tax collector and kennel volunteer, was the creator of this breed back in 1834 and 1894. Due to the insecurity of his job, Dobermann decided to create a breed of dogs that was able to protect him and at the same time, have attachment for him. It is not known exactly what crosses he made but it is believed that these dogs are related to Rottweilers, Beaucerons and German "butcher dogs".

The 10 most popular German dog breeds - 9. Doberman
The 10 most popular German dog breeds - 9. Doberman

10. Weimaraner

The Weimaraner is the last of the 10 most popular large German dog breeds, also known as the "Weimaraner". Considered one of the most elegant breeds due to their beauty and slim figure, these dogs are always greyish in color and can have short or long hair. They are excellent hunting dogs and have a loyal, curious, dynamic and intelligent character

Its origins date back to before the 19th century and Grand Duke Charles August of the Duchy of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach was the creator of this breed, wanting a noble dog specialized in hunting big game. Today, Weimaraners are used as search and rescue dogs, and also to participate in multiple dog sports.
