Food for baby iguanas - Everything you need to know

Food for baby iguanas - Everything you need to know
Food for baby iguanas - Everything you need to know
Feeding baby iguanas
Feeding baby iguanas

Before you adopt an iguana you should know that it is not a common pet. They are reptiles and to care for them properly you must invest a lot of time, patience and money. As for baby iguanas, you should know that in captivity they hardly exceed a year of life. They must be given constant care and good nutrition. For this reason, you must be very responsible if you decide to adopt a baby iguana.

Keep reading this article on feeding baby iguanas and find out how to do it properly.

What do baby iguanas eat?

Iguanas are animals that feed only on vegetables, they are herbivores We should never give them meat. They have teeth but they do not chew, but rather tear food apart before swallowing it. For this reason it is very important to chop or grate your food.

We must pay attention to the size of our iguana's head and make sure that the bites are easy to swallow. Baby iguanas need to be fed every day. It is advisable to change the feeder a couple of times a day, modifying the combination of vegetables. This is how we encourage our little one to eat.

It is very important that you clean your bowl regularly, without leaving food remains from previous days as mold can easily develop.

The best time to feed them is in the morning, after they've been basking for a couple of hours in the UV rays. They need heat to be able to metabolize food. It is important that when you move it (especially after eating) you do not subject it to currents or sudden changes in temperature.

Food should never be cold or excessively hot. If you use frozen vegetables, you must previously defrost them and wait until they are at room temperature. Even if it comes from the fridge, it is convenient to prepare the bowl and wait for its temperature to rise (we can place it outside the terrarium for a few minutes).

Food for baby iguanas - What do baby iguanas eat?
Food for baby iguanas - What do baby iguanas eat?

He althy food for baby iguanas

An iguana's diet should contain approximately 95% vegetables, green vegetables and leaves; y 5% fruit and fodder for iguana.

A good base with which to mix the vegetables and fruits that we crush is fresh alfalfa, chopped into small pieces. We can also incorporate pumpkin, hibiscus or rose flowers; As long as they do not contain pesticides. Recommended vegetables are:

  • Pumpkin
  • Zucchini
  • Cilantro
  • Green beans
  • Turnip Greens

There are fruits such as lemon or orange that are not recommended due to their acidity; although we can give it very occasionally and in small quantities. The fruits that we must incorporate are the following:

  • Figs
  • Cantaloupe
  • Pears
  • Apples
  • Tomatoes
  • Papaya

Regarding dehydrated foods on the market: you can incorporate them into your diet, but always combining them with other fresh products. If your little iguana has a hard time eating them, you can moisten them with water to soften them and make them easier to eat.

Food for baby iguanas - He althy food for baby iguanas
Food for baby iguanas - He althy food for baby iguanas

Sporadic foods

These foods should only be present sporadically as they do not have a suitable composition for them. Its consumption in high quantities can cause nutritional deficiencies. We can always include small amounts of some of them with other recommended vegetables.

Foods low in calcium and phosphorus

  • Carrots
  • Banana
  • Grape
  • Lettuce
  • Onion

Lettuce, although it is a food that iguanas usually eat very well, it is not advisable to give it large quantities. This is because lettuce has very little nutritional value and can make our baby iguana lose its appetite.

Foods that cause deficiencies in the thyroid gland

  • Broccoli
  • Brussels sprouts
  • Cauliflower
  • Turnips
Food for baby iguanas - Sporadic foods
Food for baby iguanas - Sporadic foods

Dangerous foods for baby iguanas

The foods called dangerous here are not poisonous for our iguana but due to their composition they are not very appropriate for them We must avoid them to prevent future problems. Especially in a baby iguana that needs a he althy and varied diet that provides everything it needs to grow strong.

There are a number of vegetables that can be harmful to our iguana. They are the ones that contain oxalic acid or oxalate, a substance that our iguana's body cannot metabolize and assimilate. Its presence prevents the normal assimilation of calcium, generating insufficiencies that can trigger joint and bone problems.

Foods with oxalic acid:

  • Spinach
  • Rhubarb
  • Beetroot
  • Celery
  • Chard
  • Pepper

We should avoid giving him eggs or any dairy products such as cheese.

Food for baby iguanas - Dangerous food for baby iguanas
Food for baby iguanas - Dangerous food for baby iguanas

Vitamins and Calcium

Vitamin D, calcium and phosphorus must be present in the diet. If the supply is insufficient, a metabolic bone disease called MBD (metabolic bone disease) can develop.

Vitamin D and phosphorus are involved in the absorption of calcium, a key factor for the development of an iguana calf.

A he althy, varied and balanced diet should provide the necessary amounts but we can make sure with vitamin supplements. There are pills, drops or special sprays for iguanas on the market.

Consult your veterinarian about the dosage and the appropriate supplement for your little iguana.
