Swedish Lapland Dog - Origin, characteristics, character, care, he alth and photos

Swedish Lapland Dog - Origin, characteristics, character, care, he alth and photos
Swedish Lapland Dog - Origin, characteristics, character, care, he alth and photos
Swedish Lapland dog
Swedish Lapland dog

The Swedish Lapland Hound, also known as Swedish Lapland Sheepdog, "lapphound" or "lappie", is a Medium-sized dog of the Nordic Spitz type. Its dense fur and cunning gaze give this dog a very sweet and peculiar appearance that stands out for being an exceptional, intelligent, noble and very active working dog, perfect for adventurous guardians who enjoy spending time outdoors with their pet. furry.

If you have a Swedish Lapland dog at home or want to know if this is the most suitable breed for you, in this article from On our site we tell you everything you need to know about this exceptional dog, from its main physical and temperament traits to its history, passing through its basic care, he alth and education. You can't miss it!

Origin of the Swedish Lapland dog

The Swedish Lapland Dog is One of the oldest known European breeds. As its name suggests, its origin is in Lapland, a vast geographical region that encompasses northern Norway, Finland, Sweden and part of Russia, where the lappie was considered an invaluable companion for the nomadic tribes of the Sami, the people that inhabited the area hundreds of years ago.

The Sami initially used these dogs as hunters, but over time their main role changed and the Swedish Lapps became primarily guarding and herdingof reindeer herds. Today some Swedish Lapps can still be found working as sheepdogs, accompanying Swedish and Finnish farmers and controlling their sheep. However, most lappies are now companion dogs.

Characteristics of the Swedish Lapphund

The Swedish Lapland Dog is a compact, medium-sized spitz, both males and females weighing around 20 kilos in their adult age and measure between 40 and 50 centimeters at the withers. The lappie has short, muscular limbs, a fully furred tail curved over the back, large, highly expressive dark brown eyes located on a thin and elongated snout and erect, triangular and small ears, characteristic of the spitz.

Without a doubt, one of its most significant physical features is its dense coat, which can be black, brown or both, although completely black specimens are the most common in the breed. Its coat is double layered and the hair is characterized by being lush, shiny, smooth and especially long on the tail, the back of the legs and the neck.

Character of the Swedish Lapland Dog

As a good working dog, the Swedish Lapland dog enjoys being physically active, He is easy to train and very intelligent, therefore, they do not usually have difficulty learning new skills through positive reinforcement. Its lively and attentive temperament makes it the ideal companion for guardians who like to practice dog sports, since the lappie not only excels at herding tasks, it is also an excellent breed for practicing Agility, tracking and other training modalities.

Nevertheless, the Lapland Swede is also a versatile dog that adapts to a quieter life with the family, provided they are properly covered their needs, is offered an adequate education and is provided with sufficient physical and mental stimulation.

With its guardians, this breed is friendly, tolerant and affectionate, but it does not constantly seek human contact, as is the case with other Nordic breeds, the lappie tends to be somewhat independent. On the other hand, we are dealing with a very vigilant and quite barking dog that will not hesitate to warn of the presence of any person or strange element that approaches its home.

Swedish Lapland dog care

Like all dogs, the Swedish Lapland dog requires specific care. These cares are:

  • Feeding: it is very important to offer the Swedish Lapland dog a very good quality diet adapted to its age and state of he alth, whether in feed, cooked diet or BARF format.
  • Exercise: keep in mind that, although the lappie is an excellent companion, to live with this breed, you need to have with enough time to devote to it, as this dog needs plenty of stimulation and exercise.
  • Grooming: one of the aspects that must be watched most in the case of the Swedish Lapland dog is thecoat care The lappie's coat is very dense and tends to tangle easily, which is not only a cosmetic problem, but also a he alth one, as knots in the hair can adhere to the skin causing circulation problems and preventing it from perspiring. To avoid this, it is important to brush the animal daily , removing all dead hair and knots, especially after walking in the fields or on the beach. During the summer months, coat care should be intensified to prevent heatstroke.

Swedish Lapland Dog Education

The Swedish Lapland Dog has a tremendous capacity for learning, is highly intelligent and attentive, and enjoys being physically active and training new skills. This breed is usually quite friendly and sociable with other dogs and people, but in order for it not to develop behavioral problems, it is essential to have patience and spend time socializing it, especially during its puppy stage.

Although he learns very quickly, the lappie gets bored easily if training sessions are too long or monotonous, causing him to completely lose interest and become stubborn or frustrated. The best way to teach this dog is through play and always using positive reinforcement. The use of punishment or other aversive techniques can cause serious behavior problems in the dog.

Swedish Lapphund He alth

In general, this breed is very hardy and in very good he alth, although several aspects must be taken into consideration to ensure a long and he althy life for this dog.

Some of the main pathologies that can affect the Swedish Lapp are the following:

  • Progressive retinal atrophy: hereditary eye pathology that affects the dog's retina and causes it to gradually lose vision. gradually.
  • Hip dysplasia: osteoarticular problem, also hereditary, caused by a malformation in the coxofemoral joint that causes pain, lameness and difficulty to walk. If diagnosed early, it is possible to treat it and even correct it through surgery.
  • Periodontal disease: the accumulation of tartar and dental plaque generates infections in the animal's gums, deteriorating the teeth and making it necessary to, in many cases, remove the damaged parts. Also, if left untreated, the infection can travel to other organs in the body, putting the dog's life at risk. To avoid this, it is important to brush the lappie's teeth at least once a week and, if the vet recommends it, clean the mouth from time to time.
  • Diabetes: Just like in people, diabetes in dogs results from the body's inability to produce or use diabetes. insulin. The main symptoms of canine diabetes are apathy, increased food and water intake, increased urine output, and weight loss, among others. Detected early, diabetes is treatable and allows the dog to lead a practically normal life.

Of course, it is essential to comply with the vaccination and deworming schedule prescribed by the veterinarian to prevent the animal from getting sick and to carry out a complete annual check-up after seven or eight years of life.

Where to adopt a Lapland Swedish dog?

Currently, there are very few specimens of the Swedish Lapland dog and the vast majority of them found in the Nordic countries, especially in Sweden. This makes it quite difficult to find lappies for adoption, since, in addition, it is a very little known breed in Spain. However, if you think this is the right dog for you, you can always contact shelters and animal protection associations in various parts of the country, since many of them allow their animals to travel to the adopter's city of residence.

Similarly, and if you don't mind going a little further, you can ask at shelters in other European countries where the Swedish Lapland dog is more present and go adopt it. Other breeds similar in appearance and temperament to the Swedish Lapp and that are more frequent in Spanish shelters are the Pomeranian or the German Spitz.
