Tricks to make my cat's fur shine

Tricks to make my cat's fur shine
Tricks to make my cat's fur shine
Tricks to make my cat's fur shine
Tricks to make my cat's fur shine

Cats take meticulous care of their coat. They lick their hair to groom themselves and keep their fur clean, shiny and untangled.

We can use a few tricks to help give your coat a velvety shine. However, we must bear in mind that unlike dogs, cats lick their hair from accessible areas of their bodies. If there is a pair of cats, they will also lick each other's inaccessible areas. Therefore, our tricks must not leave residues on the coat that could intoxicate the cat.

Read this article on our site and I'll reveal some tricks to shine my cat's fur, or yours too.

Cat brushing

Brush daily your cat for 5 minutes, it will be the most economical way (unless your time is precious), and effective that your cat presents a shiny coat, since you will eliminate dead hair and dirt, leaving it without stains and tangles.

You will also show your cat how much affection you have for him, which will please him very much and will positively reinforce his character

Apart from what has been said, brushing the cat frequently will eliminate possible future trichobezoars (hairballs in the stomach) that both they distress our pets when they suffer them. Discover some brushes for short-haired cats and brushes for long-haired cats.

Tricks to shine my cat's fur - Cat brushing
Tricks to shine my cat's fur - Cat brushing

A good diet

The foods rich in Omega 6 and Omega 12 will promote a superb quality of your cat's coat.

Salmon, trout, sardines, herring and tuna are wonderful foods to enrich your cat's fur. However, never give these foods raw or with bones.

A light boil, or a brief pass through the iron, will eliminate any trace of anisakis or any other parasite or bacteria. Once a week it is convenient that they eat fish, or some wet feed based on fish.

Tricks to make my cat's hair shine - A good diet
Tricks to make my cat's hair shine - A good diet

Home tricks to make your cat's hair shine


The beerfor centuries has had a cosmetic use for hairof people and animals, since it nourishes the hair bulb and also the shaft of the hair, giving it more flexibility, softness and shine. However, the beer that we will use with our cat must be non-alcoholic

The job is very easy:

When we bathe the cat and after a brief rinse, we will apply the warm beer with a sponge all over the body, except for the face and genitals. We will massage it with our fingers so that the beer reaches its epidermis well distributed.

We will wait about three minutes and proceed to a good rinse with water that will completely remove the beer. Finally, we will dry the cat very well, brushing or combing it later.

Tricks to make my cat's hair shine - Homemade tricks to make the cat's hair shine
Tricks to make my cat's hair shine - Homemade tricks to make the cat's hair shine

The egg

There are two ways to use the egg as a hair cosmetic: the yolk and the white. Both are nourishing for the hair, but they work better separately than together.

The yolk is very nutritious and stickier, tending to darken the hair and give it a lot of shine. The clear one is less dense, it is better removed and tends to lighten the hair, offering a more satin shine. Therefore, we will use the yolk for cats with short and dark hair. The clear one will be useful for cats with long and light hair.

The way to apply yolk or white is as follows:

Using a blender, emulsify the egg yolk or egg white with a glass of lukewarm water. Once the cat has been bathed and after a slight rinse, we will proceed to spread the cat with the chosen emulsion using a sponge, avoiding the face, the genitals and immediately massaging the cat with the fingers so that the skin and hair are well nourished.

After 5 minutes letting the emulsion act, rinse the cat thoroughly with water so that there are no sticky remains of the egg. We will dry the cat very well and comb or brush it. We must discard the leftover emulsion and not try to save it.

Tricks to shine my cat's fur
Tricks to shine my cat's fur


honey can also be used as a hair nutrient. Well-nourished hair is he althy hair, therefore shiny and elastic. The way to prepare the emulsion is as follows:

With a blender emulsify half a liter of warm water with a level tablespoon of honey. Then we will proceed with its application in the same way as with the yolk or egg white emulsion, but making an effort in the final rinsing since honey is very sticky.

You can keep the leftover part in the fridge.

Tricks to shine my cat's fur
Tricks to shine my cat's fur


Keratin is a protein. This substance forms the main base of human hair and animal hair; as well as nails and hooves.

You can find keratin or keratin (it's the same thing) in liquid form, but I advise against its use by laymen. Professionals have the proper knowledge to use this very sulfur-rich product. There are many shampoos that incorporate keratin in their formulation, with the appropriate pH for the cat's dermis.
