+10 AMAZING and beautiful spotted cat breeds (with PHOTOS)

+10 AMAZING and beautiful spotted cat breeds (with PHOTOS)
+10 AMAZING and beautiful spotted cat breeds (with PHOTOS)
Spotted Cat Breeds
Spotted Cat Breeds

The length, shape and color of the fur of cats is extremely varied depending on the breed and the individual, which means that we can find specimens with very diverse and curious patterns. If we compare the more than 40 feline breeds recognized by the International Feline Federation (FIFe), we find that the tabby coat is the most frequent, but there are also many specimens that have spots of greater or lesser size spread over their body.

In this article on our site we present the main spotted cat breeds and tell you more about their origin, temperament and care. If you like spotted cats, don't stop reading!

1. Bengali

The Bengal cat is native to the United States and was born from the cross between an Asian leopard cat (Prionailurus bengalensis) and a common cat, which gave it a beautiful golden fur with black spots reminiscent of jaguars. For this reason, if we think of cats with leopard spots, without a doubt, the Bengal is the first that comes to mind.

Bengals are extremely felines Active, energetic and curious They love to play with anything and can easily get bored if they spend too much time alone or they are not given the necessary stimulation. In addition, they are very climbing cats and like to monitor their surroundings from above, so it is advisable to provide them with towers or cat structures that they can climb.

Bengal cats are a he althy breed in general, although they can be somewhat demanding with food, which has to be of good quality and very palatable for them to accept.

Spotted Cat Breeds - 1. Bengali
Spotted Cat Breeds - 1. Bengali

two. Egyptian Mau

This breed of cat from Egypt has a very characteristic appearance that highlights its beautiful speckled pattern on a background that is usually bronze or silver, and his large round eyes that give him a curious expression of constant concern.

The Egyptian mau is a cat shy and quite sensitive His exceptional sense of hearing together with his cautious nature make him easily frightened by loud and sudden sounds, so you need some habituation if you are going to live, for example, with children or in very noisy environments. On the other hand, the mau is a particularly affectionate cat and attached to all those people with whom it trusts, it enjoys the company of both humans and other animals and establishes very strong bonds with its guardians. For all these reasons, these cats with gray spots are the ideal companions for home people.

Spotted Cat Breeds - 2. Egyptian Mau
Spotted Cat Breeds - 2. Egyptian Mau

3. Ocicat

Another of the cat breeds with spots is the so-called "ocicat" or "ocelot cat". This breed was created accidentally when, in the 1960s, an American breeder wanted to obtain Siamese cats with a color pattern similar to that of Abyssinian cats. To do this, she made crosses between these two breeds until, coincidentally, she obtained a calf with a mottled pattern very similar to that of an ocelot(Leopardus pardalis), what gave name to this new race.

The ocicat is a feline with character confident and outgoing Despite its wild appearance, it is a sociable and playful animal that loves love to be ignored. The ocicat is also very attentive and intelligent, so it is possible to teach him some tricks as long as the training is done through positive reinforcement and in short sessions to avoid getting bored or frustrated.

It is a he althy breed that does not require excessive care, although it is important to provide it with enough physical, social and cognitive stimulation so that it does not develop behavioral problems.

Cat breeds with spots - 3. Ocicat
Cat breeds with spots - 3. Ocicat

4. Savannah

This spectacular breed emerged in the 1980s when a domestic cat crossed with a male serval (Leptailurus serval), giving rise to a hybrid offspring that was given the name "savannah".

Savannah cats can vary widely in size, even within a litter, as a result of their hybrid genetics, but they are all considerably taller, longer and than a common house cat. In the same way, its character varies according to the individual. With good socialization, Savannahs are usually friendly and loyal cats, although quite independent. They are also characterized by being very active and intelligent and, as a curious fact, many of them love to play in the water.

The Savannah is a very special breed, but its characteristics and its particular genetics make it not a suitable companion animal for people without previous experience in the care and education of these felines.

Spotted Cat Breeds - 4. Savannah
Spotted Cat Breeds - 4. Savannah

5. Japanese Bobtail

As its name suggests, the Japanese bobtail is native to Japan, where it is considered a symbol of good luck. Without a doubt, its most remarkable feature is its short tail in the shape of a "pompom", similar to that of a rabbit. This feline breed can wear different colors and patterns, although the most characteristic and traditional is the tricolor, made up of reddish and black spots on a white background

The Japanese bobtail can have long or short hair and specimens with iris heterochromia, that is, with one eye of each color, are relatively common. He is a fairly independent and meowing cat, but also very sweet, sociable and versatile, which makes him a good companion for children and other animals. He is a born explorer and enjoys going outside whenever he can and climbing to high places where he can observe the surroundings.

It is a fairly he althy animal, but requires frequent brushing to keep its coat in good condition and prevent it from ingesting hairballs, especially the long-haired bobtail.

Spotted Cat Breeds - 5. Japanese Bobtail
Spotted Cat Breeds - 5. Japanese Bobtail

6. Munchkin

This breed of cat stands out for its short legs, the result of a genetic mutation that causes the bones of its limbs to be of a smaller than usual size. Their way of walking is reminiscent of a ferret, but despite the length of their legs, munchkins are fast and playful cats and, although they are not able to jump as much as other cats, their intelligence helps them find faster paths. simple to access as far as they want.

Its coat can be short or long and come in many shades and patterns, including brindle and dappled, so we can find cats with tiger, leopard or rarer spots. Tricolor specimens (with orange, black and white spots) are common in this breed and, as with other cats, these individuals in particular will be almost entirely female. In this other article we explain why tricolor cats are usually female.

The munchkin requires frequent brushing and it is necessary to monitor its he alth status with annual visits to the vet, as its characteristic mutation makes these animals more susceptible to problems with their spine.

Cat breeds with spots - 6. Munchkin
Cat breeds with spots - 6. Munchkin

7. Burmese

There are several white cats with brown spots that exist, the Burmese being one of the most popular. The Burmese cat, also called the Sacred of Burma, has a beautiful semi-long coat that is usually very light in color on almost all of its body, except for the face, ears and the distal area of the legs and tail, where it presents Darker Tone StainsHis four paws are white, giving the impression that he is wearing "socks" and his eyes are light blue.

This breed stands out for being very familiar, it adapts easily to the environment and can live without problems with other animals as long as it is used to it to them and make a good presentation. Many Burmese cats are quite meowing and tend to demand the attention of their guardians by emitting very varied sounds, although they are also calm and affectionate animals.

The Burmese's coat needs a lot of care to prevent knots from forming or the cat ingesting hairballs when grooming. It is best to brush it with a tool suitable for semi-long-haired cats and do it at least three or four times a week.

Cat breeds with spots - 7. Burmese
Cat breeds with spots - 7. Burmese

8. Siamese

The elegant Siamese cat has a very recognizable appearance that highlights its slim and elongated figure, its almond-shaped eyes with an oriental appearance and its characteristics black spots on the face, tail and the distal end of the four extremities that protrude over the rest of its fur, cream colored. For this reason, it is one of the cats with black spots par excellence.

Although these cats love to curl up and rest in warm places, they are also very active and extremely playful They are affectionate animals with their guardians and, if they are well socialized, they usually prefer to live in the company of other cats with whom they can interact, as they tend to get bored if they do not have enough environmental stimulation or if they spend many hours alone at home.

Breeds of cats with spots - 8. Siamese
Breeds of cats with spots - 8. Siamese

9. Balinese

The Balinese cat is closely related to the Siamese, as it is a breed that arose from the selective breeding of those Siamese cats that had longer than usual fur. This is why the Balinese was known for a long time as "longhaired Siamese" until it was finally recognized as a different breed.

The Balinese cat standard accepts a large number of colors, among which blue, chocolate, cream or reddish stand out, as well as some patterns that include dark spots on face, ears, legs and tail.

Although today there is a clear distinction between one breed and another, the Balinese cat is still very similar to the Siamese in terms of temperament, as it is an animal attached to its guardians,meowing, playful, intelligent and that needs a lot of stimulation so as not to get bored or frustrated, especially the younger dogs.

Cat breeds with spots - 9. Balinese
Cat breeds with spots - 9. Balinese

10. Ragdoll

This breed with semi-long hair has a very characteristic gray or black spot around its eyes, which are usually a very bright blue. Sure. It also frequently has areas of darker fur on its tail or on its back, while the rest of its coat is white or cream, although sometimes it can also have colored spots similar to those on its face.

The ragdoll is a cat calm, peaceful and quiet. He usually tolerates the presence of other animals or children in the home very well and, although he is also independent, he is affectionate with those with whom he trusts enough.

The specimens of this breed are long-lived and generally in good he alth, but, as with any other breed with long or semi-long hair, the ragdoll's coat must be brushed and groomed frequently to prevent complications.

Other cat breeds with spots

Some breeds can sport various patterns and colors depending on the individual, including but not limited to dappled fur. So, we can find countless cats with colored spots, such as black and orange or black and white. Some of these spotted cat breeds are:

  • European Common
  • Sphynx or sphinx cat
  • Cornish rex
  • American Shorthair
  • Oriental Shorthair
  • Kurilian bobtail
  • Persian
  • Norwegian Forest

If you want to know only those cats with tiger spots, don't miss this other article: "Cats that look like tigers".
