Nature is wise and proof of this are these incredible parents who do everything possible to bring up the next generation. On our site we bring you this interesting list with the 10 most exemplary parents of the animal kingdom, discover who are the ones who most protect their young, those who expose their lives and those who sacrifice the most.
I'm sure you already know some of them, but maybe you didn't know what amazing parents they can be. If you are a father, you may understand many of these behaviors, since fatherhood is a condition that does not only apply to human beings. So discover with us that to be a good father in the animal kingdom, you don't always need big claws or to be huge, let yourself be surprised and discover the curiosities of these wonderful animals.
1. Emperor penguin
These impressive birds have to have a place in our list and it is precisely that the total dedication of the parents of this species of penguins is a characteristic that has made them very famous.
Emperor penguins forgo food and protect a single egg throughout the unforgiving winter season. The females lay them, but the ones who incubate them until they hatch are the fathers.

two. Seahorses
With this exemplary father we had doubts, we believe that he should also take first place! and it is that the male seahorses are such good fathers, that they are the ones who get pregnant.
The female deposits the fertilized eggs in a kind of bag that the males have to protect all the offspring. The seahorse can carry up to 2,000 eggs with it for 10 days… without a doubt it is one of the best parents in the animal kingdom and also one of the most exotic.

3. Owl Monkeys
What makes Owl Monkey parents special is that your job as a parent is never done. The males not only help the females, but are also responsible for transporting the babies during the lactation period and also share the tasks of caring for and grooming the little ones.
The third place on our list of exemplary parents of the animal kingdom could not be other than the owl monkey and if these animals catch your attention, discover the types of monkeys and their names.

4. Giant Water Bugs
They are not very pretty, but the truth is that the males of this species of water bugs carry the eggs of their young on their backs, from the moment the female fertilizes them until they hatch.
The giant water bug is responsible for protecting its offspring, carrying up to 150 eggs on its back. Without a doubt, he is a great father and deserves a place in our count of the animal kingdom.
Photo Source: National Geographic

5. Black-necked Swan
Fifth place on our list of the best parents in the animal kingdom goes to the black-necked swan. If you've ever seen these swans swimming in a lake and you saw the mother carrying her young on top of her and around her, well she wasn't the mother, she was her father!
This species of swans carry their babies on their backs to protect them from predators, the cold and other dangers. The male takes care of the litter for a whole year, although his activity as a good father is more intense during the first weeks

6. Wolf
Ferocious and wild, but parents like no other. Gray wolves, in addition to being one of the most faithful animals in the animal kingdom, are also exemplary fathers. She not only cares about feeding her partner after giving birth, but also takes care of the young and their training in hunting and survival issues.
The wolf is a good father and a good partner and therefore ranks sixth on our list of the best fathers in the animal kingdom.

7. Red fox
Like the wolves, the red fox is an exemplary father who, although he does not take care of the young himself, he conscientiously takes care of their survival.
The male red fox is responsible for feeding his family, mother and children, during the first three months. This wonderful father of the animal kingdom has to look for food every 4-6 hours for everyone in the house and in addition to this, he is the one who will teach the little ones to hunt and survive.

8. Catfish
Another exemplary father who eats his offspring. The impressive thing about the dedication of the parents of this species of fish is that they protect their young in their mouths until they reach 5 centimeters in length.
During all that time, the male catfish survives without eating food and that's why we have him on our list of the best fathers in the animal kingdom.

9. Bull frog
The bullfrog is an example of a father. It is true that in this species the pregnancy process is quite complicated for the mothers, but once the eggs are fertilized, the parents protect them in a very original way: they eat them!
The bullfrog protects all its young inside its mouth, which can be up to 6,000 and the best or worst of all is that when they are ready to enter the world, the The male bullfrog "vomits" his offspring into happy little tadpoles.

10. Barking Frog
Yes, another frog. Its real name is craugastor augusti, but it is better known by the nickname barking frog thanks to the very particular sound they emit. In the case of the parents, the males are known to be overly protective of their young and in extreme cases, the barking frog may even urinate on the eggs if they lack water to survive.
Getting a livelihood for your children to live at all costs, makes the peculiar barking frog close our count of the best parents in the animal kingdom.

Did you like our list of Best Parents in the Animal Kingdom or do you think there is a parent we forgot about? Leave your comments and share these articles to celebrate Father's Day. At our site we know how important it is to be a good father and maybe the work that these amazing animals do can help you be a better one.