The kangaroo is the best known of all the marsupials, moreover, this animal has become the emblem of Australia, since it is distributed mainly in Oceania.
We can highlight numerous characteristics of this marsupial, for example the bag in which it nurses and transports its young, called marsupium, or its powerful locomotive system thanks to which the kangaroo reaches great speed and length in his jumps.
Surely you have ever wondered How far can a kangaroo jump? In this article on our site we answer your questions.
Kangaroo musculoskeletal system
The kangaroo, a large animal, is the only one that moves by jumping although this should not surprise us if we consider account its anatomy, which seems perfectly designed for this method of locomotion.
It is a marsupial that has very strong and highly developed hind legs (especially if we compare them with the small dimensions of its front legs), obviously the feet are also very large to enable the impulse of the jump, and its long and muscular tail is essential and ideal for giving the kangaroo the balance it needs during the jump.
The kangaroo jumps by moving its hind legs at the same time.

Kangaroo movement speed
The most comfortable speed for the kangaroo when hopping is approximately 20-25 kilometers/hour, however, they are capable of reaching a speed of 70 kilometers /hour. They can perfectly sustain a speed of 40 kilometers/hour for 2 kilometers, not being able to sustain such a distance with higher speeds.
Although this may seem like a great effort for the kangaroo, it is the most economical means of movement (energy speaking) since it only consumes a small fraction of energy compared to the requirement necessary to move in another way.
In fact, the kangaroo doesn't walk well and when it has to move at low speeds it uses its tail as a tripod together with its front legs.

Length and height of kangaroo jumps
The kangaroo advances an approximate distance of 2 meters with each jump, however, when fleeing from a predator on flat terrain without obstacles, a single jump is capable to cover a distance of 9 meters.
The kangaroo jumps can reach a height of 3 meters, giving rise to an unparalleled spectacle that leaves one in awe to those people who have had the fortune to observe this animal in its natural habitat.

Do you want to know more about the kangaroo?
If you are passionate about this animal and would like to know more about the kangaroo, we recommend that you consult the following articles, which will be of great use and interest to you:
- Kangaroo Play
- Feeding Kangaroos
- What is the kangaroo bag for