Side Effects of Cortisone in Dogs

Side Effects of Cortisone in Dogs
Side Effects of Cortisone in Dogs
Cortisone Side Effects in Dogs
Cortisone Side Effects in Dogs

Increasingly we can observe how human diseases related to our lifestyle are also massively diagnosed in our pets, in most cases negatively influenced by our habits.

One of the most important problems of the human being related to drugs is polypharmacy, that is, the prescription and massive taking of drugs, some of them very aggressive for the organism, and this, unfortunately, it can also happen to our furry friends.

It is essential that the owner knows the repercussions of certain drugs in order to study with the veterinarian what other possible options can be applied. To help you acquire this knowledge, in this AnimalWised article we talk about the side effects of cortisone in dogs

What is cortisone?

Cortisone is the popular name generally used for steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, which are medicines based on the structure of steroid hormonesthat are produced internally in the dog's body, also known as natural corticosteroids.

These drugs are also known as semi-synthetic corticosteroids, their potency has increased compared to natural hormones and also, when administered externally, the behavior of these drugs does not obey a natural response and physiological of the organism.

There are certain human medications that are toxic to dogs, however some types of cortisone are used for both species. The group of steroidal anti-inflammatories includes, among others, the following active ingredients: prednisolone, prednisone, dexamethasone and methylprednisolone.

Cortisone Side Effects In Dogs - What Is Cortisone?
Cortisone Side Effects In Dogs - What Is Cortisone?

How does cortisone work in dogs?

As happens with all drugs, cortisone interacts with a specific cell receptor for it, once this union has occurred, the physiology of the organism is altered and in the case of cortisone, the following drug effects:

  • Intervenes in the metabolism of carbohydrates, reducing the use of glucose by the tissues, which implies that the dog may have increased blood sugar levels.
  • Increases sodium absorption, which is directly linked to increased fluid retention.
  • Inhibits the phenomena associated with the inflammatory process (such as dilation of blood vessels and cell proliferation), being the most powerful anti-inflammatory.
  • Decreases the immune and inflammatory response.
  • Reduces the gastric mucus of the stomach, which fulfills a protective function, while increasing the secretion of hydrochloric acid.
  • Reduces calcium absorption.
Side Effects Of Cortisone In Dogs - How Does Cortisone Work In Dogs?
Side Effects Of Cortisone In Dogs - How Does Cortisone Work In Dogs?

In what cases can a dog be prescribed cortisone?

Cortisone is generally prescribed as pharmacological treatment for the following conditions:

  • Diseases characterized by inflammation and joint pain
  • Liver or kidney disease
  • Autoimmune diseases
  • Allergic reactions

What are the side effects of cortisone in dogs?

Before prescribing any drug, the veterinarian should analyze the coefficient between benefit and risk and a good professional should only recommend cortisone when the benefits outweigh the risks.

However, as the owner of your pet you should also be aware of the side effects of cortisone in dogs that can result from its use continued:

  • Generalized edema and fluid accumulation in the abdomen
  • Infectious diseases due to decreased competence of the immune system
  • Increased risk of myocardial infarction
  • Muscular weakness
  • Diabetes
  • Increased blood pressure
  • Increased tension in the eyeball and increased risk of developing cataracts
  • Gastric ulcer and difficulties in the digestion process

All these side effects derive precisely from the mechanism of action and the pharmacological effects of cortisone. Another important fact to know is that cortisone treatment should never be stopped abruptly as it could cause serious hormonal disorders.

Cortisone Side Effects In Dogs - What Are The Side Effects Of Cortisone In Dogs?
Cortisone Side Effects In Dogs - What Are The Side Effects Of Cortisone In Dogs?

What alternatives are there to cortisone?

We must distinguish between two types of treatment that can be performed with steroidal anti-inflammatories or corticosteroids, and one case is that a topical cortisone ointment is applied for a few days to treat a dermatological inflammation and another a very different case is that cortisone is administered orally as a long-term immunomodulatory treatment.

If the cortisone is administered orally and the proposed treatment is long-term, it is important to resort to any option that may represent an alternative, although this is not possible in all cases.

There are many alternatives to cortisone that are much less aggressive for the body, however, this will depend on each dog and the pathology to be treated.

If your dog has been recommended a chronic treatment with cortisone and you do not want to take certain risks, the best thing you can do is go to a holistic veterinarian, a professional who, in addition to handling veterinary medicine, has complete knowledge about other alternative therapies which he will always consider as the first line of treatment.
