Ringworm in dogs - Symptoms, causes, treatment and home remedies

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Ringworm in dogs - Symptoms, causes, treatment and home remedies
Ringworm in dogs - Symptoms, causes, treatment and home remedies
Ringworm in Dogs - Symptoms, Causes and Treatment
Ringworm in Dogs - Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

If we suspect or already know for sure that our dog has ringworm or dermatophytosis, we must start treatment as soon as possible. It is important that the veterinarian confirms it with some test or test that he thinks necessary.

In this article on our site we are going to detail everything about the treatment of ringworm in dogs In addition, you can find the symptoms of this disease and some home remedies that will help you complement the treatment stipulated by the veterinarian. Don't wait any longer if your dog suffers from ringworm, as it is a parasitic disease caused by a fungus that reproduces quickly. Keep reading to find out everything about dermatophytosis in dogs, one of the most common skin diseases in dogs.

What is ringworm or dermatophytosis in dogs?

Dermatophytosis, popularly known as ringworm, is a fungal disease, that is, it is a disease caused by fungi. It is infectious, contagious and affects different species animals, such as dogs and cats.

This is a skin condition that affects the most superficial layers of the skin and can be caused by various fungi, the following being the most common:

  • Microsporum canis
  • Microsporum gypseum
  • Trichophyton mentagrophytes

In general, M. canis usually affects 70% of dogs with ringworm and 98% of cats. These fungi adhere to the stratum corneum of the skin and feed on keratin, a protein present in various structures, such as nails, skin, and hair. Fungi love warm, moist environments to grow and thrive.

Does ringworm spread to humans?

Yes, ringworm in dogs is contagious to humans and other animals such as cats. In humans, M. canis is also the most common fungus, so it is essential to go to the veterinary clinic as soon as the first symptoms are observed.

Ringworm in dogs - Symptoms, causes and treatment - What is ringworm or dermatophytosis in dogs?
Ringworm in dogs - Symptoms, causes and treatment - What is ringworm or dermatophytosis in dogs?

Ringworm infection in dogs

The spread of dermatophytosis in dogs occurs when the dog comes into direct contact with another infected animal or person. You can also get it if you have been in contact with an environment or place contaminated by spores (produced by fungi) or contaminated accessories, such as an infected dog's bed, brush, food bowl …

Since ringworm is such a contagious disease, it is very common to see it in animals that live in groups, for example, in shelters, in controlled colonies, etc. For this same reason, it is vital that as soon as we detect ringworm in any of our pets, we start treatment immediately, as this may help us stop the spread.

As with most diseases, if the previous condition of the dog that is infected is not very good, a depressed immune system of the dog will facilitate the spread of ringwormthroughout the body in a short time. This is so because the skin is in a more fragile and vulnerable state, making it more susceptible to infections like this one. In these cases, the fungi that cause ringworm find the ideal environment to reproduce.

The symptoms begin to be visible between 2 and 4 weeks after infection.

Symptoms of ringworm in dogs

As we have already mentioned, fungi feed on the keratin present in the skin, causing desquamation of it. Fungal spores penetrate the skin and take the place of the hair follicle, destroying the keratin present and causing hair loss. For this reason, the main symptoms of dermatophytosis in dogs are circular lesions accompanied by alopecia Scabs and scales of a yellowish color appear and, in addition, we will notice a rather peculiar smell that is shed from the skin of the infected dog. These lesions on our dog's skin can be seen localized or generalized and spread throughout the body, depending on how advanced the state of the disease is. In the case of dogs, dermatophytosis does not usually cause just itching and scratching, as it does in the case of humans.

Although dermatophytosis or ringworm in dogs has these quite characteristic symptoms, we should not be overconfident, because demodicosis or demodectic mange in dogs has very similar symptoms and hardly produces itching, unlike other types of mange. The best thing would be for our trusted veterinarian to confirm this with a series of tests that will help in the diagnosis, such as a trichogram performed under a microscope to observe the hairs in the affected area and detect the fungi that cause ringworm.

Ringworm In Dogs - Symptoms, Causes And Treatment - Ringworm Symptoms In Dogs
Ringworm In Dogs - Symptoms, Causes And Treatment - Ringworm Symptoms In Dogs

Diagnosis of dermatophytosis in dogs

The diagnosis of ringworm in dogs should be made by a veterinarian. Although the lesions of this disease are very characteristic, as we have mentioned, there are other pathologies that present similar clinical signs.

Once at the clinic, the veterinarian who treats our dog will begin by asking them a series of questions, such as if there are more animals at home, if any member of the household has similar injuries, the animal's routine, if it has been in contact with infected animals, etc. After this first interview, he will examine our dog and observe the injuries

To obtain a definitive diagnosis, the tests will be as follows:

  • Wood's Lamp. It is a method based on the collection of hairs close to the circular lesions to place them under the lamp and analyze them.
  • Direct observation under the microscope. As we have already pointed out, the veterinarian can also choose to analyze the extracted hairs directly under the microscope.
  • Fungus culture The hairs are analyzed in the laboratory to identify the exact type of fungus. If the diagnosis is confirmed, this culture will be repeated throughout the treatment until the results are negative, that is, they show that the dog is now fungus-free.
Ringworm in dogs - Symptoms, causes and treatment - Diagnosis of dermatophytosis in dogs
Ringworm in dogs - Symptoms, causes and treatment - Diagnosis of dermatophytosis in dogs

How to cure ringworm in dogs? - Treatment

It is true that many times if ringworm is diagnosed in main phases, only by improving the immune system of the affected animal, ringworm subsides in a few months. Therefore, in these cases, in addition to helping improve our partner's defense system, the goal of treatment is rather symptomatic and to prevent the spread of the fungus.

Mostly, a topical antifungal treatment in the form of an ointment, powder or lotion is sufficient. In the case of using a lotion or powder, we can help ourselves with a brush to be able to spread the product well while helping to eliminate fungal spores accumulated in the fur. We must opt for the fungal product that our trusted veterinarian prescribes after having analyzed our dog and discovered the fungus that causes ringworm in him. It is vital that the treatment is carried out on the entire body of our dog, even if the lesions are localized, so we ensure that there are no areas of the body where the fungus may be thriving without even showing symptoms. In any case, the veterinarian himself/herself will guide us on how to carry out the treatment.

The most used treatment in dogs is the following:

  • Calasulfre (0'05%)
  • Chlorhexidine (0.5%)
  • Captan solution (at 1:300 in rinse twice a week)

On the other hand, for more severe cases in dogs, systemic treatment with an antimycotic such as griseofulvin is often used. The dose should be indicated by a specialist veterinarian, since it will depend on the weight of our dog among other factors.

Generally, treatments should last between 1 and 3 months In addition, any treatment for ringworm in dogs or other animals should continue to be done between 2 and 4 more weeks after the affected animal is apparently cured, since in this way we ensure as much as possible that the fungi do not reappear, since they need very little to spread again. The way to know for sure that our dog is cured is for the vet to perform the fungal culture again.

Ringworm in dogs - Symptoms, causes and treatment - How to cure ringworm in dogs? - Treatment
Ringworm in dogs - Symptoms, causes and treatment - How to cure ringworm in dogs? - Treatment

Home remedies to combat ringworm in dogs

Although we must continue applying the veterinary treatment to cure ringworm in dogs, as a complement we can apply some home remedies. Of course, before introducing them, we recommend consulting with the specialist if they are really appropriate for the specific case of our dog. That said, let's see below some tips and natural and home remedies to treat ringworm and its symptoms:

  • Hygiene when handling lesions: As we mentioned before, ringworm is also contagious to humans. For this reason, in the event that our dog has this skin disease, it is vital that we protect ourselves well at all times. We must use latex gloves to handle our dog and apply the treatments. Likewise, we will wash our hands well before and after.
  • Home cleaning and disinfection: To prevent the fungus from spreading further, we must thoroughly clean and disinfect the entire house. We can do it with chlorine and detergent. We will have to vacuum everything and get rid of the vacuum cleaner bag. In addition, if possible, furniture, carpets, our dog's bed, toys, blankets, etc., should be steam cleaned. This process must be done at least on the first day and the last day of treatment.
  • Trimming the hair near the lesions: trimming the hair around the lesions that our dog has will cause the fungus it more difficult for it to spread throughout the body. It is vital that after cutting the hair we remove the hair from the environment and clean again, as the ringworm fungi survive in these hairs.
  • Infected dog bath: Surely the treatment prescribed by the vet often includes baths. It is very important that we let the shampoo or lotion act for at least 10 minutes. We must make sure that the water never exceeds 27 ºC.
  • Tea Tree Oil: This essential oil has very strong antiseptic properties and is used for many different things. However, as it is a rather strong oil, it is preferable to dilute it in water before applying it to the affected areas. In this way, we recommend diluting 3 to 5 drops in a container with water. The amount can be progressively increased if no improvement is observed. When applying the solution, it is preferable to use a clean gauze, changing it so as not to spread the fungi.
  • Neem Oil: This is another oil that has strong antifungal properties, making it an excellent home remedy to treat ringworm in dogs. A very common way of using it is by pouring two and a half tablespoons of this oil into a jar with aloe vera, mixing it well. It will have to be spread on the areas affected by ringworm twice a day.
  • Grapefruit seed oil: this oil has antibacterial and antifungal properties and is therefore a natural product widely used to treat ringworm. In this case, we will mix the grapefruit seed oil with a little warm water to apply it twice a day. Soon we will begin to notice improvements.
  • Garlic: Garlic is known to be a powerful disinfectant and works very well as an antifungal as well. In this case, the best way to apply it is to chop a little garlic, mix it with a little neutral Vaseline, spread it on the areas affected by ringworm and cover it with a gauze to let it act better. We must leave it overnight and during the day the necessary baths that are specified in the veterinary treatment will be given and we will apply a little more garlic after the baths. We will repeat this for at least 3 days.
  • Vinagre con sal: We mix iodized s alt with vinegar until there is a kind of paste left that we will apply to the areas that have ringworm on the our dog's skin We will let it act for about 5 minutes, then we will remove it and wash well. This process must be repeated for at least a week.

It is very important that the dog does not ingest any of the remedies mentioned to avoid digestive problems. Likewise, in case of doubt, we insist, it is essential to consult the veterinarian.
