Things you didn't know about butterflies

Table of contents:

Things you didn't know about butterflies
Things you didn't know about butterflies
Things you didn't know about butterflies
Things you didn't know about butterflies

Throughout your life you will have seen hundreds of butterflies in fields, in forests and in the city itself. They belong to the Lepidoptera family, most of them flying.

Butterflies, unlike many other insects, are a species that do not create rejection by human society, on the contrary, we are able to admire the beauty that their wings show and delight in it.

Butterflies are appreciated all over the world, which is why today we dedicate this article to them so you can discover things you didn't know about butterflies.

Did you know..?

Maybe the butterflies you are passionate about because of their vibrant colors or their mere presence, which beautifies the environment, but there are many aspects of their life that you may not know:

Most species of butterflies recorded are nocturnal, although the best known only flutter during the day, in sunlight

Eastern cultures see the butterfly as an embodiment of the soul, just as the ancient Greeks did

They can live between 9 and 10 months maximum

Mating can take from 20 minutes to several hours

Diurnal butterflies evolved from nocturnal butterflies, which emerged approximately 40 million years ago

It is the second animal order with the most species, that is, there is an unimaginable variety

To reach the nectar of the flowers, the butterflies extract their mouth as if it were a straw

The eyes have more than 6,000 individual lenses, and their range of colors only reaches green, red and yellow

If they don't allow their wings to see the sun they would be unable to fly

Things you didn't know about butterflies - Did you know that…?
Things you didn't know about butterflies - Did you know that…?


We're not done yet, keep reading these final tidbits about butterflies:

Caterpillars feed on leaves, flowers, stems, fruits and roots, but when they become butterflies they only feed on pollen, spores, fungi and nectar

In its antennae we find the sense of smell and touch

They can communicate with ants

The number of eggs in the laying is around 500 although few reach the adult stage

They seem delicate but can reach speeds of between 8 and 20 kilometers per hour and some species even reach 50 km/h
