AUSSIEDOODLE or AUSSIEPOO - Origin, Characteristics and Photos

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AUSSIEDOODLE or AUSSIEPOO - Origin, Characteristics and Photos
AUSSIEDOODLE or AUSSIEPOO - Origin, Characteristics and Photos
Aussiedoodle or aussiepoo
Aussiedoodle or aussiepoo

Intelligent, active, strong and affectionate, that's how we could define the aussiedoodle. These dogs, also called Australian poodles, have become very popular due to their good nature and enviable physique.

Originating in Australia, aussiedoodles have gone viral, reaching every corner of the world in just a few years. With a great character and impressive skills, aussiedoodles are undoubtedly worthy of being known, for this reason, on our site we have prepared this interesting file that tells everything about the aussiedoodle Do you want to meet him?

Origin of the aussiedoodle or aussiepoo

Although the aussiedoodle has its origin in Australian lands, it has become so popular in recent years that there is already a greater number of specimens in the United States than in Australia itself.

This hybrid breed arises from the crossbreeding of the Australian Shepherd and different types of poodle. For this reason it receives the name of aussiedoodle, or what is the same, Australian poodle. In turn they are also called aussiepoos, again being the combination of aussie, which refers to the Australian shepherd and poo, from poodle or poodle.

Like the other popular hybrid breeds, Australian poodles do not have the official recognition of international cynological entities, not being considered an independent breed by these organizations, but rather ahybrid or mestizo race

Characteristics of the aussiedoodle or aussiepoo

The Aussiepoo has different heights and sizes, specifically they differ according to the type of poodle that the parent was. In this way, the specimens from the cross between an Australian shepherd and a toy poodle are much smaller in size than those whose parent is a miniature or medium poodle. Weight ranges between 11 and 31 kilograms, while height is usually between 25 and 45 centimeters. Their average life expectancy is approximately 12-15 years

These dogs have a proportionate body, with flexible and developed muscles. Its snout is elongated and quite fine, especially when reaching its dark nose. The very expressive eyes are usually brown, although there are specimens with amber eyes or with heterochromia, that is, one eye is a different color from the other. Its ears are erect and medium in size, and its tail can be both straight and curved.

The aussiedoodle's coat is medium long, with curly and very dense hair These dogs are considered hypoallergenic, because they hardly they generate dandruff, not causing as much allergy as other breeds. Here we explain what are other of The best dog breeds for allergy sufferers.

The aussiedoodle puppy

The aussiedoodle is a exemplary puppy, he is active but not hyperactive, he is affectionate but not annoying, he is intelligent, attentive and not they are usually neither noisy nor destructive.

They have a great curiosity about everything around them, which we can take advantage of to introduce the whole family, including other pets, because they have no problem living with other animals, much less if they have been presented as a puppy.

Even so, it is always advisable to start their education as soon as possible, trying to instill the knowledge and basic training while they are still some sweet puppies, like potty training.

aussiedoodle colors

The aussiedoodle can come in different colors, including:

  • Tricolor red.
  • Tricolor black.
  • Red merle.
  • Blue merle.
  • Sun tanning.
  • Gray.
  • White.
  • Any of the other colors mixed with black.

Character of aussiedoodle or aussiepoo

One of the great benefits of the aussiedoodle dog breed is its exemplary character. The aussiedoodle is a loving, caring, affectionate and highly empathetic dog, who will provide care and affection to anyone in his vicinity.

They are also very intelligent, so they learn very quickly, which combined with their predisposition to work, inherited from the Australian shepherd, makes them learn at breakneck speed. In addition to all this, they are pretty docile dogs, which do not resist training.

These dogs have a great capacity for adaptation, being able to live both in flats and in houses, whether they are in the countryside, in the city, whether or not they have a garden and are of one size or another. Although it is true that, since they are active dogs, it is recommended that if they do not have enough space to run around and play, they should have the opportunity to do so outside, in the park or in open adapted spaces.

As for his relationship with others, the aussiedoodle is sweet and affectionate with everyone, adults, children, other animals, da No matter who you associate with, there will never be a problem for you to create a magnificent and harmonious relationship.

Aussiedoodle or aussiepoo care

The main precautions to take into account when sharing a home with an aussiedoodle are those related to their diet and daily physical activity As for nutrition, we need your diet to be adequate and adjusted to your nutritional and energy requirements. To do this, the simplest thing is usually to resort to a quality feed, although if we want to give them another type of diet, we must do so under the supervision of the veterinarian.

These dogs are quite active, so they need daily physical exercise. To do this, in addition to walks, they need to let off steam with games or circuits, such as the Agility circuits, in which they are very good.

Their coat does not require much care, in the case of specimens with a coat similar to that of poodles, it will be enough that we brush them regularly, about once a day or at most every other day. Haircuts are usually recommended every 8-12 weeks. In the event that the coat is more similar to that of the Australian shepherd, care will be less, being less demanding, although regular brushing is also recommended.

Regarding hygiene, it is advisable to use the bathrooms only when necessary. Something that should be done periodically is to take care of their ears, teeth and eyes, doing regular cleanings, as well as keeping their nails trimmed. In this other article we teach you how to cut a dog's nails at home?

Education of the aussiedoodle or aussiepoo

As we have mentioned before, dogs of the aussiedoodle breed are extremely intelligent and attentive. This, combined with their predisposition to action makes them very easy to train.

They are also very curious and active, so perhaps a good training technique is to include games in training, because that way we will keep their attention and they will learn much faster.

There are also other options, but whatever we choose, it must be a technique based on mutual respect and affection, avoiding punishment and aggressiveness at all costs.

He alth of the aussiedoodle or aussiepoo

The aussiedoodle is not a very sickly dog, however it can inherit congenital conditions from both the Australian Shepherd and the Poodle. One of the most frequent and problematic conditions is the well-known and feared hip dysplasia, which in the most serious cases requires complicated surgical interventions To know the status of the joints of our pet and to be able to evaluate it, it is necessary that we resort to regular veterinary check-ups. These must include, in addition to the common blood tests, preventive and diagnostic radiological tests.

They also have quite a tendency to develop ear infections, for this reason it is so important to have the condition of their ears controlled and to clean them with a suitable ear product.

Apart from all this, we strongly recommend keeping our pets up to date on their vaccinations, as well as carrying out check-ups and deworming, both internal and external, regularly.

Adopt an aussiedoodle or aussiepoo

Before adopting any animal, the first thing is to consider its needs, emotional as well as physical and mental. In this sense, the aussiedoodle demands company, affection, quality food and high doses of exercise, since is an active dog

It can be a great option for those who are allergic to dog hair, as it is considered a hypoallergenic dog for two reasons: no it hardly loses hair and generates almost no dandruff.

If after considering their requirements you still think you want to share your life with an aussiedoodle, we advise you to resort to associations, shelters and kennels of your zone. By adopting an abandoned animal, you are giving it an opportunity to live a happy life as part of your family.

Photos of Aussiedoodle or aussiepoo
