AÏDI or Dog of the Atlas Mountains - Characteristics and Care

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AÏDI or Dog of the Atlas Mountains - Characteristics and Care
AÏDI or Dog of the Atlas Mountains - Characteristics and Care
Aïdi or Dog of the Atlas Mountains
Aïdi or Dog of the Atlas Mountains

Coming from North Africa, the aïdi or dog of the Atlas Mountains has a long and vast history behind it. This is so because it is one of the oldest dog breeds in the world.

These dogs, slender and robust at the same time, embody the very spirit of bravery and fierceness, since they are famous for facing the most fearsome predators to defend the cattle that they usually keep in the Atlas Mountains, as well as the territories of which they act as guardians. If you want to know all the characteristics of aïdi, its care and possible he alth problems, keep reading and discover everything on our site.

Origin of the Atlas Mountain Dog

The aïdi is a breed of dog originally from North Africa, specifically from Morocco. These dogs have traditionally exercised herding functions among the herds belonging to the peasants of the North Atlas, among whom it has been popular for hundreds of years, being a truly ancient breed, with a long history in its region of origin.

However, its functions as a herder differ greatly from other herding breeds in the rest of the world, because far from guiding the herds, the aïdi is in charge of fiercely protecting them against possible predators. It is also common to see them as guard dogs for houses and farms throughout the Atlas.

Characteristics of the aïdi or dog of the Atlas Mountains

The Atlas Mountain Dog is a large-sized dog, since, according to the official breed standard, its height It is usually around 52-62 centimeters and its weight is between 33 and 45 kilograms The usual life expectancy in this breed is between 12 and 14 years.

The body of the aïdi is rustic and has developed muscles, however, its appearance is light and balanced, not looking like a molossian Its head is quite distinctive, very thin and sharply triangular. In it, its medium dark eyes and its black nose stand out. The ears, of moderate length, hang to the sides and have rounded tips.

The hair of an aïdi is semi-long and very dense, presenting a greater length on the neck, throat and tail, while that on the face and ears it is shorter, thinner and sparse.

Colors of the aïdi or dog of the Atlas Mountains

The coat of the Atlas Mountain Dog can come in various shades: white, sand, fawn, reddish, brindle, white and black, white and fawn more or less carbonado, as well as tricolor.

One of the most common patterns is made up of distributed spots forming a blanket and a hat, separated by a band with a line which is progressively enlarged. The nose and lips are well pigmented, both being completely black.

The dog of the Atlas Mountains puppy

Aïdi as a puppy does not present any peculiarity compared to any other dog of the same age. They are very docile dogs, especially with their family, although it is common for them to distrust strangers from an early age, being suspicious of unknown people

As with all breeds, it is recommended to start basic education as soon as possible, because although docile, many dogs become rebellious and mischievous if no one is in charge of teaching them. In addition, a certain discipline must be maintained to prevent them from becoming capricious or capricious, teaching them to live respectfully with those around them. Finally, if he gets bored or inactive for a long time or just he can become very destructive, impulsive, restless and barking.

Atlas Mountain Dog Character

If there is a word to define the character of the Atlas Mountain Dog, it is " fidelity". These dogs are extremely faithful, emphasizing their loy alty to their owners, whom they fiercely defend from any possible danger. They are also extremely affectionate and docile dogs, both with their guardian (reference person) and with all the members of their family.

The aïdi is a dog that is characterized by its gifts as a guardian, this is because they are courageous and relentless when they have to face some danger. Usually, they work as a guard dog for this reason, being very protective and having no qualms about any danger. In this sense, it also highlights its ability to detect potential threats and dangers, so it is always alert and giving really fast and effective responses.

Atlas Mountain Dog Care

Given the characteristics that we have been mentioning, such as, for example, that it is a guard dog traditionally accustomed to living in a rural environment, this breed requires certain attention. To begin with, it is recommended that if we have an aïdi at home it has a wide open space, in which the animal can play and run as it pleases, since they are very active dogs that need to do a lot of exercise on a daily basis. They need to be active both physically and mentally, so it is recommended that they have toys or entertainment that facilitate this at their disposal.

Because of all this, it is often difficult for them to adapt to life in the city, in flats or apartments, even the larger ones. This is so because their exercise needs are very high. Likewise, it is not advisable for them to be alone in houses without a garden or outdoor patio for a long time because of this, their need to run and play will make them become destructive with the furniture or bark due to anxiety and stress.

Regarding daily aïdi care, it is necessary to watch their diet, as they are very gluttonous and tend to become overweight with a lot of ease. Regular brushing of their coat is also essential to prevent tangles and accumulation of dead hair.

Atlas Mountain Dog Education

The aïdi is normally a dog with a great predisposition to action, moreover he is very obedientThis combination makes it learn at a great speed to perform different activities. For this reason, it is a highly valued dog as a working dog, since in addition to being very obedient, it is faithful, alert and very territorial, which makes it an ideal guardian against strangers and predators.

Although within his family circle he can be somewhat stubborn, if we follow some basic guidelines about his education and establish he althy habits, there will be no problems. The Aïdi is one of the most responsive breeds to training, learning really complicated skills without much effort. Likewise, he is a calm and very balanced dog. Of course, as in all dogs, to instruct him it is advisable to resort to techniques such as positive reinforcement Punishments, violence or shouting do not work with aïdi, nor with no other dog, because this only generates fear, anxiety, stress and frustration in the dog, states that are not recommended.

Despite being a balanced and obedient dog, it is important to point out that he is also usually dominant with other dogs and very suspicious of strangers, so it is recommended that introductions and approaches be controlled and progressive. For this reason, it is vital to carry out a correct socialization of the dog as part of the training of the aïdi, and the sooner the better!

Atlas Mountain Dog He alth

The aïdi are dogs with good he alth in general, however, this does not exempt them from suffering from various conditions. Some of the most frequent are those related to their large size, as they are linked to large or giant breeds. Some examples of these diseases are hip dysplasia, elbow,of patella and the stomach twist , among others.

In addition, it is recommended to frequently check their ears, since they tend to develop fungus due to the morphology of their ears, which makes that more moisture is retained, promoting the proliferation of harmful microorganisms. Of course, visits to the vet should not be neglected, which must be done on a regular basis to keep our dog protected against various infections. Therefore, it is important to keep them vaccinated and dewormed.

Where to adopt a dog from the Atlas Mountains?

Except in Morocco or North Africa, we must bear in mind that this breed of dog is not very common in Europe, Asia, America or Oceania. Therefore, if we seek to adopt an aïdi specifically so that it becomes part of our family, it will probably cost us a bit to locate a specimen of this breed.

However, we must not give up before trying, we can contact the shelters, protectors and animal associations of our area to ask if there is a dog with the characteristics sought. If there were none at that time, we can be patient and wait for the entity's notice if one enters them or expand the search ratio to places that are somewhat less close.

It is always preferable to adopt a dog than to buy one, since in this way we will be giving that animal an opportunity to leave a life of abandonment and loneliness, giving it the opportunity to join our own family.
