Dog SHEPSKY - Characteristics, care and photos

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Dog SHEPSKY - Characteristics, care and photos
Dog SHEPSKY - Characteristics, care and photos

Shepsky dogs are actually a mix of two of the most well-known breeds of dogs: the German Shepherd and the Siberian Husky. These are dogs that inherit the physical and behavioral characteristics of their parents, being large, stylish, strong, active, intelligent, obedient, committed, loyal and friendly. They are very good companion dogs and will guard the home well while protecting the whole family, however, they require more space and the opportunity to release their energy through exercise, games or walks than other dog breeds.

Keep reading this article on our site to find out everything about the Shepsky dog, its origin, characteristics, character, education, care, he alth and where to adopt it.

Origin of the Shepsky Dog

The Shepsky dog is a mongrel dog that is becoming more and more popular. It is believed that the first specimen was created in the 1980s, probably in the United States, from a cross between the German Shepherd and Siberian Husky, so it's also a smart and fearless working dog.

German Shepherds originated long ago, in 1899 in the mountainous regions of Germany where they were used as herding dogs and sheep guardians. In 1906 they arrived on the American continent, where the American German Shepherd Club was founded in 1913. Today it is the second most popular breed, preceded by the Labrador Retriever, dedicating itself to multiple functions as police or army dogs.

The Siberian husky originated many years ago, 3,000 years ago in eastern Siberia thanks to the Chukchi tribe, as a long-distance sled dog. In the 20th century it came to Alaska, where it was used as a competition dog or to transport mail. Today it is also used as a companion dog.

Characteristics of the Shepsky Dog

The Shepsky dog is muscular, but the body looks slim and elegant. Once they reach adulthood, the average weight can be between 23 and 34 kg and measure between 51 and 64 cm. The size can vary so much from one specimen to another due to the differences between both parent breeds. As it is a mixed breed dog, it can inherit more characteristics from one breed or another.

Continuing with the characteristics of the Shepsky, its head is long, large and wide and its snout is pointed, but with a powerful jaw The ears are pointed and erect and its legs are strong and slender. The face is often completely or partially black.

The eyes are most often bright blue inherited from the Siberian husky, while the coat is usually dark, like that of the German shepherd. However, the eyes can also be light brown or have heterochromia, that is, one of each color, usually one brown and one blue.

Shepsky Colors

Although the most common is that Shepsky puppies are born with colors similar to those of the German shepherd, the truth is that they can present any of the colors accepted in both parent breeds, as well as new patterns resulting from the mixture. In this way, the coat can range from silver to sable and black and white Its coat is smooth, double-layered, more or less thick, and can be short or length.

Shepsky dog character

They are very intelligent dogs that get along very well with children and with people in general, since their parents are breeds adapted to living and working in herds and being in contact with all kinds of people. Likewise, they have a strong guardian instinct, so they do not hesitate to protect their territory and their family if they live at home. They are very loyal dogs

In addition, Shepskys are very energetic and bold dogs and love to play, but they also have a calm, docile, alert and friendly character, despite their large dog appearance. Of course, it is important that they have a good socialization of puppies, especially with other animals such as cats, so that their instinct does not lead them to want to attack them if they share a home or during a walk.

Shepsky dog care

Shepsky dogs should have the same care as any dog, that is, a balanced diet that provides nutrients and kilocalories daily needs, basic hygiene habits such as brushing once or twice a week, bathing when necessary, monitoring and cleaning ears, trimming nails and performing correct dental hygiene by brushing to prevent periodontal disease or tartar.

Of course, something to keep in mind with these dogs is that they are very active, so they need enough space, games and a good session of daily physical exerciseto release your high energy. Therefore, they are not the ideal companions for sedentary people or those who do not have much space at home. In addition to playing games and exercising outside, it is important that they can also stimulate their minds at home. For this, intelligence games for dogs are recommended.

You should visit the vet several times a year for deworming and vaccination and when the dog is unwell or a disease is suspected.

Shepsky Dog Education

Shepskys are very intelligent dogs, so their education does not usually cause problems as long as they do their part, since that same intelligence allows them to deceive the handler or mislead him, making learning difficult, especially they do resemble the Siberian Husky in being more stubborn than the German Shepherd. Likewise, education must always be based on positive reinforcement as it is the best form of learning in terms of efficiency, speed and reinforcement of the bond between dog and caretaker. Education should be stimulating, fun and away from boredom to be more satisfying for the animal.

Despite being dogs that learn quickly and enjoy it, it is important to bear in mind that it is not advisable to hold sessions that are too long because they could get tired or bored. 15-20 minutes per session will be more than enough. The sessions can be spaced during the day and it is advisable to do them both at home and outside. In this sense, it is essential, as we said, to carry out good socialization because Shepsky dogs can be very territorial with other dogs and have a hunting instinct with other animals. For all this, don't miss these articles:

  • How to socialize a puppy?
  • How to train a puppy?

Shepsky Dog He alth

Shepsky dogs have a life expectancy between 10 and 13 years. Despite being strong and he althy dogs, they can present the common genetic diseases of their parents, such as:

  • Hip dysplasia: associated with the German shepherd breed, it consists of an inconsistency or poor adaptation between the acetabulum and the head of the femur, the articular areas of the pelvis and thigh, respectively, at the hip joint. This malunion causes joint laxity, allowing displacement of the head of the femur, which damages the joint and gradually weakens it. This causes instability in the hip joint that can cause osteoarthritis, lameness, muscle atrophy and pain in the animal.
  • Elbow dysplasia: also associated with the German shepherd breed, it appears when dogs are at their fastest growing between 4 and 6 months of age. It is a set of injuries that can appear in the elbow joint, between the humerus, the radius and the ulna: non-union of the anconeal process, fragmented coronoid process, osteochondritis dissecans and incongruity of the elbow. They can occur isolated or together.
  • Cataracts: more frequent in Siberian huskies, they consist of the partial or total loss of the transparency of the lens of the eye, the crystalline. This lack of transparency causes opacity or completely prevents the passage of light to the retina, which is responsible for carrying light signals to the brain through the optic nerve and allowing vision.

It is also important to control their weight and prevent them from being overweight or obese which, in addition to predisposing to certain diseases, worsen the orthopedic condition of elbow or hip dysplasia in affected dogs.

Where to adopt a Shepsky?

If you are an active person, with time and desire to enjoy the great energy of this dog, you are a good candidate to adopt this breed. Beyond this, the care of this dog does not differ much from that of other large breeds. Except if they have hereditary diseases, which should have a more frequent veterinary control than a totally he althy dog.

It is not usually difficult to find a Shepsky up for adoption because it is a mestizo dog, so just go to the protector or shelternearest and ask about this hybrid breed and its availability. On the internet there are also associations of the breed with which we can get in touch for the adoption of a specimen.

Shepsky photos
