Dog ZUCHÓN or shichón - Characteristics, care and photos

Dog ZUCHÓN or shichón - Characteristics, care and photos
Dog ZUCHÓN or shichón - Characteristics, care and photos

The curious zuchón or shichón dog arises from the crossing of bichon frize and shih tzu dogs. Thus, it is a mestizo dog that has become increasingly popular due to its beauty and character. This dog stands out for being active, energetic, affectionate and fun. In addition, it has other qualities that make it an excellent companion dog for people allergic to dogs, since it is considered to be hypoallergenic.

If you want to know all the characteristics of the zuchón or shichón, its basic care and possible he alth problems, stay on our site and discover all these details and much more.

Origin of the bump or shichón

The shichón receives many different names, such as zuchón, tzu frisé or even teddy bear. Whatever it is called, the zuchón or shichón is a dog that arises from the crossing of two breeds as iconic as the bichon frize and the shih tzu. In this way, the shichón is a hybrid dog, which emerged in a controlled manner in the last decades of the 20th century, being a breed of recent appearance.

The specific place and date in which the first shichón puppies were born are unknown, but it is believed that they were the result of crosses made with great care by an expert in the breeding of both parent breeds and with advice veterinary. As a hybrid breed, it is not officially recognized by most of the cynological organizations, but it does have an official standard by others such as the American Hybrid Club (AHC).

Characteristics of the zuchón or shichón

A shichón is a small-sized dog, being between 22 and 30 centimeters tall at the withers. The average weight of a shichón or zuchón is between 4 and 10 kilograms, with males usually being slightly larger than females. Their average life expectancy is approximately 16 years.

The zuchón has a proportionate body, so that none of the parts that make it up are particularly prominent. Its tail is medium long and is covered with soft fur. The eyes, very round and of a brown or dark brown color, are incredibly expressive. On the other hand, the ears are located at half height with respect to its face, which is relatively wide. These have rounded tips and hang slightly forward.

The fur of the zuchón is medium in length, on the short side, with slight undulations and presenting the peculiarity of hardly losing hair, which makes it a dog listed as hypoallergenic.

Colors of the zuchón or shichón

The coat of the shichón is very varied, so that it presents different varieties of color. The most frequent shades of this hybrid breed are: gray, black, brown, cream, white, tan and possible combinations of the above.

El zuchón or shichón puppy

Shichon puppies are usually really small in size, although it can vary depending on the parent breed whose genetics predominate in each of its offspring.

Whatever their size, these are very active and playful puppies, who spend hours and hours looking for new and fascinating things with those who have non-stop fun. Of course, they also need a good rest so that their growth occurs correctly and they can develop without problems.

Character of the zuchón or shichón

These small dogs have a very marked personality, which can even be contradictory for their small size. The great character of a shichón can come as a surprise, although the surprise is not so great when dealing with shih tzu or bichon frise specimens, as these also tend to have a quite marked character.

They are dogs active, which store huge amounts of energy, so they are quite restless and playful Therefore, it is important for them to do physical activity and be able to play every day. In general, they are intelligent, attentive and obedient dogs, although the latter also depends on how they have been trained.

In addition, they are extremely affectionate, so they tend to spend a lot with their family. They adapt very well to life both in homes with small children and elderly people, living indoors is always preferable, since they are not prepared to withstand the rigors of life outside a home.

Care of the zuchón or shichón

The zuchón is not one of the most demanding breeds in terms of the care it needs. The one that is usually advisable to highlight is their need to receive attention and affection, because they do not handle loneliness well and the lack of affection and company makes them suffer high levels of anxiety.

Regarding the necessary physical activity, it highlights how energetic they are, so they need to practice daily exercise in order to be able to channel all that energy constructively. However, they do not need this activity to be vigorous, because, due to their small size, daily walks and games will suffice. In addition, it is advisable to play intelligence or logic games that also keep them active and stimulated on a mental level.

On the other hand, within the care of the zuchón we also find those referring to its coat. His coat requires some attention, such as frequent brushing, which should be done at least twice a week, although ideally every day. Only then can the zuchón show off its shiny, soft fur in good condition, free of dirt and any tangles.

The feeding of the shichon must be adjusted to its small size, since overfeeding will cause the animal to gain weight, becoming overweight or even obese, with the negative consequences that this entails at the level of such as cardiovascular or joint problems.

Education of the zuchón or shichón

As we have already mentioned, the shichon has a somewhat strong character, so it is necessary to carry out training adapted to this personality. It is best to start training the shichon when it is just a puppy, because this way it learns much faster and the training seems to be more effective if it is continued as an adult.

The best thing is, as with any other breed or mongrel dog, to carry out training that is respectful and adapted to each specific specimen. In general terms, it has been shown that the techniques that have the most and best results are those based on positive training Some specific recommendations for the case of shichon are:

  • The minimum duration of the training sessions is about 10-15 minutes, and it is advisable that each session last between 30 and 45 minutes at the most.
  • It is best to start by teaching them basic commands and gradually increase the difficulty.
  • Given his energy level, games can also be a good way to train the zuchón without losing interest.

He alth of the zuchón or shichón

Being a hybrid breed, the shichón has a much more robust he alth than that which can occur in any of its purebred parents because the genetic combinations resulting from the crossing generate a breed that is more resistant to the illness. However, some of the most common diseases in the zuchón dog are those related to the circulatory system and, specifically, to the heart. They can suffer from high intracardiac pressure and also an alteration of the mitral valve, leading to heart failure

Your joints can also be affected by various problems, such as patellar luxation or patellar dysplasia In this case, the patella comes out of its usual hole, generating a lot of pain and discomfort in the animal. In severe cases, trauma surgery is necessary.

Another disease that can occur in shichons is progressive retinal atrophy, quite frequent especially at advanced ages of the animal. Retinal atrophy is an eye he alth problem that can end in blindness when it is very advanced.

In any case, it is best to go to the vet and carry out an adequate preventive medicine plan, as it is thus possible to detect any symptom or anomaly in time.

Where to adopt a zuchón or shichón?

Adopting a shichon can be a really complex task, especially if we are outside the United States, where its popularity has made it a fairly common hybrid breed and relatively easy to find. However, in Europe, and more specifically in Spain, finding a shichon can be a somewhat complicated task. But this does not mean that it is impossible, in fact many dogs are adopted in kennels, shelters and associations For this reason, it is best to go to places with animals looking for a home, thus giving them the chance to enjoy a happy and welcoming family life.

Before adopting a shichón, its specific needs must be taken into account, such as company and dedication, as well as ensuring that it can be taken for a daily walk and that a veterinary expense can be afforded in case of emergency.
