My male dog has a swollen nipple - Causes
My male dog has a swollen nipple - Causes

Although they normally go unnoticed due to their small size, the truth is that male dogs also have breasts, like the mammals they are, and they can suffer pathologies. So it's a good idea to review them from time to time.

In this article on our site, we're going to go over the causes of a male dog having a swollen nipple. Of course, if we notice any alteration in our dog's nipples, we have to go to the vet's office.

Tumor in the nipple of a male dog

We begin this review of the reasons why a male dog has a swollen nipple due to mammary tumor Although in females it is a quite frequent pathology when they have not been castrated or have been castrated late, the truth is that in males this type of tumors are rare and occur only in a small percentage of specimens. The few cases recorded correspond to elderly males, an average of about ten years old, and the vast majority are tumors benign

These tumors appear as lumps in the breast, of different sizes and, occasionally, the skin can ulcerate. You don't have to wait for them to grow and you can go to the vet as soon as you notice the bulge. The most common and recommended treatment is, as in the case of female dogs, surgical removal. After that, it can be analyzed in the reference laboratory to know exactly what type the tumor is. Also, as in the mammary tumors of bitches, in some specimens they can recur, so the entire process would have to be repeated.

For more information on this subject, we encourage you to read this other article on Tumors in dogs - Types, symptoms and treatment.

My male dog has a swollen nipple - Causes - Tumor in the nipple of a male dog
My male dog has a swollen nipple - Causes - Tumor in the nipple of a male dog

Infection in the nipple of a male dog

Infection of the mammary glands is known as mastitis and usually affects bitches during lactation. Two types are distinguished, which are called galactostasis and acute septic mastitis and in both cases require the intervention of the veterinarian. In the first case there is an accumulation of milk that dilates the breasts, which causes pain and heat. In addition to the lactation period, it can also appear during false pregnancies.

In acute septic mastitis, there is an infection or abscess in one or more mammary glands caused by bacteria getting inside of the breast through a wound or scratch present in the skin. When there is infection, there are also other symptoms, such as:

  • Fever.
  • Depression.
  • Anorexy.
  • Breast pain.
  • Swollen breasts.

Although mastitis could also occur in a dog, if our male dog has a swollen nipple, it is rare that it is due to this reason. Yes, instead there could be an abscess, which is a collection of pus under the skin resulting from an infection and can be seen as a lump. In the male dog it could be a consequence of:

  • One bite.
  • A scratch, for example from a cat.
  • A foreign body stuck under the skin
  • Other injury, such as those caused by walking through bushes or lying on glass or the like.

Abscesses need to be seen by a veterinarian, as they may need drainage, removal of a foreign body, complete cleaning or a scheduled antibiotic treatment.

For more information, you can consult this other article on our site about Abscesses in dogs - Causes and treatment.

My male dog has a swollen nipple - Causes - Infection in the nipple of a male dog
My male dog has a swollen nipple - Causes - Infection in the nipple of a male dog

My dog has a black nipple

There is a disease called hyperestrogenism, which, as its name suggests, is due to an excess estrogenIt occurs when there is an overproduction of these hormones by the testicles, in the case of males. It is associated with tumors in the testicles, which are frequent, especially in specimens over six years of age and, above all, in those who have already turned ten years old. They are rare in unretained testes, where they can be seen as enlargement, masses, or hardness. On the other hand, in retained testicles, which constitute the majority of cases, it is possible to notice a mass in the groin area. For more information, see My dog has swollen testicles - Causes and what to do.

Symptoms that indicate hyperestrogenism include enlargement of the mammary glands and nipples, so we might notice that our male dog has a swollen nippleIn addition, the foreskin is also hanging and there are symmetrical changes in the skin and hair, especially in the genital region and extending to the lower abdomen. There is dryness, the hair breaks, falls out and does not grow back and the skin darkens, hence we can see one or more black nipples of our dog. The treatment goes through castration
