Aspirin for dogs - Dosage and recommendations

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Aspirin for dogs - Dosage and recommendations
Aspirin for dogs - Dosage and recommendations
Aspirin for Dogs - Dosage and Recommendations
Aspirin for Dogs - Dosage and Recommendations

Aspirin is a very common and widespread drug, so it is easy to find it in the medicine cabinets of the houses of any caregiver who, in addition, will have consumed it on numerous occasions, obtaining good results and no side effect. It is therefore not surprising that they have no doubts when administering aspirin for their dogs

In this article on our site we will explain why it is a problem to offer this drug to our animals.

Is aspirin good for dogs?

aspirin or acetylsalicylic acid is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug, also known by the acronym NSAID. It is a widely used drug that is dispensed without a prescription at any pharmacy. It is used in both veterinary and human medicine. In animals it is prescribed to control pain associated with musculoskeletal injuries and to prevent clot formation

The problem with aspirin for dogs is that it is administered incorrectly, which could cause very serious poisoning Dogs do not they correctly metabolize commonly used drugs such as aspirin, paracetamol or ibuprofen. This causes the breakdown products of these medications to build up in your body.

As each dog has its own metabolism, a priori we are not going to know which one may be more or less sensitive to this drug. Therefore, even small doses of aspirin can trigger serious consequences. In no case can we give our dog aspirin on our own and only a veterinarian can determine if its use is necessary and with what guidelines.

Aspirin for dogs - Dosage and recommendations - Is aspirin good for dogs?
Aspirin for dogs - Dosage and recommendations - Is aspirin good for dogs?

Symptoms of Aspirin Poisoning for Dogs

Because of its possible effects, aspirin is considered one of the prohibited drugs for dogs. Therefore, if our dog has consumed an inadequate dose of aspirin, we will very quickly see symptoms such as the following:

  • Abdominal pain
  • Hypersalivation
  • Vomiting
  • Vomiting blood
  • Diarrhea
  • Tarri-like stools
  • Fever
  • General weakness
  • Tremors
  • Seizures
  • Respiratory difficulties
  • Gastrointestinal ulcers
  • Changes in urination
  • Changes in water intake
  • Renal insufficiency
  • Brain edema
  • Death

If we have given our dog aspirin or we suspect that he may have ingested it and we appreciate any of these symptoms, we must immediately go to the veterinary clinicIn the most serious cases, it will be necessary to leave the animal admitted so that it receives intensive treatment that may include stomach lavage , gastrointestinal protectors, fluid therapy, drugs for control the symptoms that occur and blood tests to know the state of the dog and control its evolution.

Can I give my dog half an aspirin?

Due to the ease with which we have access to aspirin and its widespread use, it may seem that half an aspirin is going to be harmless for our dog, but we have already seen that even a minimal dose could because of intoxication , since it will also depend on the size of the dog, its metabolism and its previous state.

Therefore, the dose of aspirin for dogs can only be Guided by a professional who assesses the advantages and disadvantages of your administration and establish an appropriate protocol regarding the dose, but also decide the frequency and duration of the treatment. In any case, it is now possible to choose between different drugs formulated specifically for dogs and which are therefore more effective and safer for them.

Aspirin for dogs - Dosage and recommendations - Can I give my dog half an aspirin?
Aspirin for dogs - Dosage and recommendations - Can I give my dog half an aspirin?

How to give a dog aspirin?

Based on what we have explained, we can only give aspirin for dogs as directed by the vet Now, if What we ask ourselves is what can we give our dog when we think he needs an aspirin, we have to take into account some aspects.

The first thing is that, if we notice that the dog is not well or shows any symptoms, we should always go to the vet. And this is so because medicine is not mathematics, which means that the same symptom can be due to several pathologies, hence the importance of the veterinarian examine the dogand determine which one you have. Only with this information will you be able to prescribe the right drug.

Also, due to the ease with which aspirin can cause intoxication, should not be our first choice when it comes to combat our dog's pain.

Anti-inflammatories for dogs

Aspirin for dogs can be harmful in this species, which is why most people opt to resort to other analgesics or anti-inflammatories that maintain efficacy but reduce side effects. Although humans and dogs can use the same active ingredients on occasion, only the veterinarian can give us the prescription and the appropriate administration guidelines. For this reason, we should never fall into the temptation of medicating our children on our own.

Even anti-inflammatories for veterinary use can cause gastroduodenal ulcers, which is why it is common that, especially in prolonged treatments, we must administer them together with gastric protectors. Therefore, it is essential that we leave any aspect related to our dog's medication in the hands of professionals.
