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How do elephants reproduce?
How do elephants reproduce?

Elephants are one of the most popular animals in the world. There are different types of elephants in various regions of the world. But, despite the possible differences between them, they are all mammals whose way of reproduction is basically the same.

Elephants present a sexual reproduction, copulating, gestating the fetus in the womb and finally giving birth, followed by of suckling the calf. Do you want to know the details of each of these moments? Well, we'll give you all of them in this article on our site about how elephants reproduce

The reproductive system of the elephant

Elephants have a special reproductive system, we will distinguish between male and female, understanding their anatomy and functioning.

Reproductive system of male elephants

In the case of males, they have two internal testicles, so they cannot be seen. These are located in the kidney area and are surrounded by a bag called the scrotum. The tubes of this reproductive system, which carry the sperm to the penis, are really long, since they usually measure about 2 meters

When males have high levels of testosterone in their blood, it can be perceived because they secrete fluid from glands in their back of their eyes, the so-called temporal glands. It is at this time that they tend to be more aggressive.

Reproductive system of elephants

Females have a vestibule behind the vulva, through which the sperm travels to the uterus, first passing through the cervix and vagina. Once there, one of the two ovaries must have produced the egg, which is transported through the oviduct and the uterine horns until it meets the sperm. When the egg has been fertilized, it is placed in the uterus, where the fetus will develop until it is ready to be born.

In this other article on our site you will find more curiosities about the elephant.

How do elephants reproduce? - The reproductive system of the elephant
How do elephants reproduce? - The reproductive system of the elephant

Elephants mating

For the necessary copulation to occur for the sexual reproduction of elephants, it is necessary that first the female goes into heatDuring this period, controlled by the hormones in her body, she makes certain sounds that serve to let the males know that she is ready to mate. The female is usually somewhat reticent, making the male insist before allowing copulation.

But not only females give signals of being ready, as males also have their way of showing that they are ready for copulation. They usually show it through movements of their ears, which allow them to make their scent reach the females and thus make them feel attracted to them. In addition, they rub against each other and join their trunks during courtship.

Since elephants are gregarious animals, it is normal for several males to feel attracted by the call of the same female. That is why there are fights between them, only the one who is victorious having the right to copulate with the female. The fights can become incredibly fierce, with many males losing their tusks or in very, very extreme cases, even their lives.

A curious fact is that, after copulation, the male stays with the female, staying by her side for a weather. They do this in order to ensure that no other male copulates with them, in addition to keeping them safe from possible dangers and thus ensuring her offspring.

How do elephants reproduce? - The mating of elephants
How do elephants reproduce? - The mating of elephants

The reproduction of the elephant

Elephant reproduction is sexual reproduction, specifically the elephant is a viviparous placental animal. This means that the young develop in their mother's womb, receiving the necessary nutrients for their growth through a placenta. After being fully formed, a childbirth occurs, this occurs after about 680 days of gestation, that is, almost two years, as we explain in this other article on ¿ How long does an elephant's pregnancy last?

Although baby elephants remain on their feet practically from the moment they are born, they need their mother, because she feeds them with milkthat their breasts produce and care for them until they are old enough to live more independently. Normally only is born at each delivery, being very extraordinary that births of two young are given, although it is not impossible.

Female elephants are not mature until they are approximately 14 years old For male elephants, the beginning of their fertile period usually goes from 10 to 15 years old, but the older ones tend to mate more frequently, since they are more likely to win over the young immature in the fights for the female.
