Australian Kelpie - Origin, Characteristics, Character and Care

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Australian Kelpie - Origin, Characteristics, Character and Care
Australian Kelpie - Origin, Characteristics, Character and Care
Australian Kelpie
Australian Kelpie

The Australian kelpie is a well-known breed, however, it is highly appreciated in its country of origin. In fact, it is one of the most loved Australian dog breeds, do you want to know why? Her appearance, similar to the fox, combined with her character makes everyone who knows her fall in love. Precisely for this reason, in this file on our site we will talk in detail about the Australian Kelpie dog breed, keep reading!

Origin of the Australian Kelpie

The origin of the breed is uncertain, but it has been shown that kelpies are descendants of Scottish hounds, all of them various types of collie, which were taken to Australia to use them in grazing the large herds owned by the landowners. Some think it is the result of a cross between dingoes and border collies, but more precise documents reveal that the breed originated from collies in the north of England.

These dogs replaced the convicts who were previously in charge of herding the sheep, but as the number and size of the flocks increased this became impractical, which is when the owners of the flocks decided to resort to Sheepdogs, among them one of the most suitable for the climate was the Australian kelpie, so the breed was very appreciated by Australian peasants.

Physical Characteristics of the Australian Kelpie

Kelpies are medium-sized, with a fairly wide margin in terms of accepted weight, which is between 11 and 20 kilos, the height at the withers in males is from 46 to 51 centimeters and in females from 43 to 48, the latter being somewhat smaller. The body is strong, very muscular and proportionate. They are well developed.

These dogs are very resistant animals due to the double layer of fur that insulates their skin from high temperatures and ultraviolet rays. This coat is between 2 and 3 centimeters long and is dense and hard, which makes it resistant to water. Accepted colors are black, red, fawn, chocolate, smoke, and combinations of black and tan and red and tan.

Their extremities are very elastic, which allows them to have great physical resistance. The head is wide and rounded, with a straight snout, finished in a nose whose color will match that of the mantle, and almond-shaped eyes. Its upright ears are medium-sized and end in a point.

Australian Kelpie Character

Kelpies are dogs very active and predisposed to perform tasks, they are extremely obedient, which reminds us that they come from collies, They are restless and at the same time very intelligent. These animals easily adapt to life anywhere, flats, houses or land, although if they live in a place with little space we must be very rigorous in terms of the time they spend doing physical activity, as it is very important that they spend enough time exercising to keep them he althy and balanced.

If we have dedicated time to puppy socialization, Australian Kelpies get along perfectly both with children and with other dogs or pets that we have at home, since in general we are talking about a fairly sociable breed.

Australian Kelpie Care

In order for our Australian kelpie to be in the best conditions, we must provide them with a quality food that covers all their nutritional needs, as well as ensure that they always have at their disposal fresh and clean water We must pay the greatest attention to the times of games and exercises daily, as these animals need high levels of intensity and duration to be able to release the overdose of energy they have. For this we can resort to toys or long walks, a minimum of between 2 and 4 a day. We will also provide you with mental stimulation.

His coat does not require too much dedication, because despite being long it is easy to brush, if we do it weekly we will be able to maintain a clean and beautiful coat. The baths must be limited to when it is essential because our pet has gotten too dirty, taking care that in cold times the hair is completely dry.

Australian Kelpie Education

Australian Kelpies are a canine breed considered to be one of the most intelligent , while being very hard-working and obedient, however their high energy levels can make it somewhat more difficult to train these dogs well for inexperienced handlers. To promote good learning, it is recommended to perform enough physical activity to relax, as well as the use of positive training techniques, always using the positive reinforcement and avoiding punishment.

It will be key to teach them the basic orders of obedience, such as sit, lie down, still or come here, essential for good communication with the dog, outdoor control and to improve the bond with the tutor. We can practice between two and three times a week. In addition, we will combine it with mental stimulation exercises and canine skills if desired.

Australian Kelpie He alth

Australian kelpies are usually very he althy and hardy dogs, although it seems that retinal problems are more common in them than in some others races, the problem with them is that they are strong even when they are sick, so sometimes it is difficult to know what is wrong with them until they are bad enough. For this reason, it is strongly recommended to respect regular visits and veterinary check-ups, vaccinations and deworming, as well as to carry out proper maintenance of their eyes, mouth and ears, in this way This way we will be able to keep most diseases at bay and our kelpie will be able to enjoy a long and he althy life with us.

Australian Kelpie Photos
