Airedale terrier dog: characteristics and photos

Airedale terrier dog: characteristics and photos
Airedale terrier dog: characteristics and photos
Airedale terrier
Airedale terrier

The airedale terrier is the largest of the terriers, a large or giant sized dog, and has long been a working dog by nature. At first glance it may look like a giant fox terrier in black and tan, but a closer look reveals differences that go beyond size and color.

If you are thinking of adopting a dog with these characteristics, it is essential that you properly inform yourself about its character and the care it requires, as it is a very active dog with a special personality.

In this tab on our site we will detail with you everything you need to know about the Ariedale Terrier and its behavior. Keep reading:

History of the airedale terrier

The airedale terrier originated in England about 100 years ago. This breed first appeared in the Aire Valley, and was originally used for small game hunting (mainly to get rid of vermin). The airedale was originally called the waterside terrier, and given its great qualities as a hunting dog, a way was sought to improve the breed for this activity. In this quest, crosses were made between waterside terriers and otterhounds, to give the breed greater swimming ability.

Over time, and when the name of the breed had already been established as airedale terrier, these dogs began to be used in different activities: small game, big game, guides for the blind, dogs of police, search and rescue dogs, etc. Today the airedale terrier fulfills few of these functions, but the vocation for work still persists in this noble, versatile and elegant breed.

Airedale Terrier Characteristics

The Airedale Terrier has a compact and muscular body that tends to be square, but can be slightly longer than it is tall. The chest is deep but not wide. The head of this dog is elongated and has a flat cranial vault. The stop is not pronounced and is not noticeable to the naked eye. The jaws of the Airedale Terrier are powerful, strong, and muscular, but they should not be so muscular that the cheeks appear rounded or bulging. The teeth are strong and close in a powerful scissor bite. The neck is muscular, without dewlap and both its length and width are moderate.

The tail is strong and set high. During the action the airedale should carry it raised, but never curved on the back. The docked tail is still accepted, but this trend is rapidly losing favor because of the cruelty it represents. In some countries tail docking for cosmetic reasons is illegal, so dogs must present their entire tail.

The airedale terrier's ears are small, but not disproportionate to the head. They are V-shaped and the section where they bend is slightly above the vault of the skull.

This terrier has double coat: a hard outer coat that forms the so-called "wire" hair, and a sub-coat short and smooth. The Airedale's coat should be dense. Although the coarse hair of this breed tends to form waves, it should never be curled. The accepted color for this dog breed is black and tan (chestnut). The dorsal part of the dog, from the neck to the tail, must be black or dark gray. The rest must be fire-colored, accepting different shades. Some white chest hair is acceptable.

The height at the withers ranges between 58 and 61 centimeters for males. For females, the height at the withers should be between 56 and 59 centimeters. The average weight of the airedale terrier is between 23 and 29 kilograms for males. For females, the weight is between 18 and 20 kilograms.

Airedale terrier character

The airedale terrier is a cheerful, confident, brave and intelligent dog He is usually friendly with people and also with other dogs, but needs good socialization from puppy. This dog is impulsive and tends to exhibit intense prey behavior. Therefore, it is necessary to train it from puppyhood, although training without abuse or domination attempts is always preferable.

Given his mental acuity and physical strength, the Airedale Terrier is an excellent candidate for dog sports. He can perform very well in any dog sport, including Schutzhund, Mondio-ring, Agility, Canine Freestyle and others.

Its character also makes this dog a great collaborator in hunting, as it is not afraid of prey and has even been used for hunting big game (although there are obviously more suitable breeds for this task). The courage of the airedale terrier makes this dog an excellent guard and protector.

Although this breed is very versatile, it needs a lot of physical and mental exercise. Therefore, an Airedale can be a bit rough when playing with small children and dogs that are not used to rough play.

Airedale terrier care

The Airedale requires a lot of exercise and is therefore not recommended for small apartment living. It is necessary that you have at least a medium garden or patio to be able to play. In addition, long daily walks are necessary for proper socialization and to help burn energy. Play as a means of training is often very useful.

Even with a garden, daily walks and a daily play schedule, the Airedale may need more exercise, especially during his first three years of life. Therefore, it does not hurt to take it to the field or practice some dynamic canine sport such as Agility.

Fur is a matter of conflict for those who have an airedale but don't have enough time to care for it. The coat of the airedale terrier requires frequent brushing, but it also needs specialized care on a regular basis. It is best to take the dog to the dog groomer about twice a year, and brush it regularly. It is important to clean his beard often to avoid food residue. If you have an airedale for show, coat care should be done by an expert and more frequently.

Airedale terrier education

As we have commented, the education of the airedale terrier should begin early, when it is still a puppy, to initiate a correct socialization of the dog that allows it to relate well with people, pets and the environment in which you will live. Providing you with a variety of positive experiences will help us prevent future behavior problems. physical exercise is also of the utmost importance for this very reason as otherwise you can develop destructive and excitable habits. Intelligence games are a good option.

Obedience can be a bit tricky but with consistency and the use of positive reinforcement, our airedale terrier will learn the basic commands of obedience and the education you must maintain at home. Previously we mentioned Agility as a sport that also stimulates his intelligence, recommended in this breed.

Airedale terrier he alth

This breed is usually very hardy and has few he alth problems. However, attention should be paid to eye diseases, skin infections and hip dysplasia. The ideal is to prevent these problems before they begin to develop, for this we recommend the following indications:

  • Although this is a dog that needs a lot of physical exercise, it is advisable not to force it as this can cause the premature appearance of hip dysplasia and elbow dysplasia.
  • A high-quality diet based on fish and rice feed will help prevent skin problems as well as offering supplements such as omega 3 omega 6 that will give your coat a great shine.
  • We must pay attention to his facial cleaning by removing his legañas, food remains and accumulated dirt. In the canine hairdresser it will also be ideal to ask the professional for a review of these areas.

To finish, it will suffice to go to the vet about twice a year, who will help us quickly detect any disease and provide the airedale with the relevant vaccines.

Airedale terrier pictures
