Guanche names for dogs

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Guanche names for dogs
Guanche names for dogs
Guanche dog names
Guanche dog names

If you want to increase the family by taking in a dog Surely you already know that this fact requires a great responsibility, although it is also true that it is very gratifying and that it brings deeply positive emotions and values.

One of the first things owners should consider when welcoming a puppy is the name we are going to give him, which is not It should only be unique and original, but it should also seem ideal for our pet and match our personal taste.

If you are looking for an original name with history, you are interested in knowing what are the Guanche names for dogs.

What are Guanche names?

The term Guanche refers to the aboriginal tribes of the Canary Islands, and the Guanche names that are collected were used to denominate historical characters and deities, forming part of the heritage that the natives of this geographical area have left us.

Guanche names are more than 500 years old and each name is related to the history of this people, so in addition to being historical, authentic and original names, they are also rare, something that is sometimes hard to find.

If you are curious about the Guanche names for dogs, be sure to consider this unusual option to give your pet a name.

Guanche names for dogs - What are Guanche names?
Guanche names for dogs - What are Guanche names?

Before choosing a name for your pet…

Before deciding on one of the Guanche names for dogs you should know that the main function of the name you give your pet is capture their attention and allow subsequent dog training, so it is important that you take into account the following guidelines:

  • The name should not be very long, as this would make it difficult for the dog to learn, names with a single syllable are not recommended either, it is best to choose a name with two syllables, or failing that, a long name that can be shortened.
  • The name we give our pet should not be similar to any command, for example, if we call our dog "Pit", it can be easily confused with the command "Sit".

In addition to following these tips, you should also bear in mind that during the name learning period, you must not use your pet's name when you are angry, as your dog may associate his name with something negative.

Guanche names for dogs - Before choosing a name for your pet…
Guanche names for dogs - Before choosing a name for your pet…

Guanche names for male dogs

If you have welcomed a male dog, we hope that the following selection of Guanche names for dogs will inspire you.

  • Abentahar
  • Acaymo
  • Ache
  • Adargoma
  • Aday
  • Afahe
  • Afur
  • Agoney
  • Airam
  • Alguin-Arguin
  • Ancor
  • Arago
  • Arico
  • Armiche
  • Artamy
  • Asano
  • Augeron
  • Axer
  • Ayoze
  • Aythami
  • Badel
  • Baeta
  • Baute
  • War
  • Beimaco
  • Bencomo
  • Berehano
  • Bentagay
  • Besay
  • Chede
  • Chevender
  • Chimboyo
  • Chinconayro
  • Doramas
  • Echendey
  • Egonayga
  • Eiunche
  • Gaineto
  • Gaitafa
  • Ganache
  • Gaumet
  • Geneto
  • Gerad
  • Geronte
  • Guaire
  • Guanareme
  • Guayasen
  • Himar
  • Nauzet
  • Oto
  • Peak
  • Rayco
  • Tahod
  • Tigorte
  • Tinerfe
  • Ventor
  • Xitama
Guanche names for dogs - Guanche names for male dogs
Guanche names for dogs - Guanche names for male dogs

Guanche names for female dogs

If your pet is female and you are looking for an original name for her, check out the following selection of Guanche names for female dogs, now that will give you more than one idea.

  • Acerina
  • Andamara
  • Aniaga
  • Arecida
  • Arminda
  • Assa
  • Atidamana
  • Cathaysa
  • Chaxiraxi
  • Dacile
  • Fayna
  • Gara
  • Gazmina
  • Guacimara
  • Guaida
  • Guajara
  • Gualda
  • Guanine
  • Guaxan
  • Guayamin
  • Hara
  • Idaira
  • Iruene
  • Mati
  • May
  • Nayra
  • Nira
  • Nisa
  • Rosalva
  • Yaiza
  • Yurena
  • Yareli
Guanche names for dogs - Guanche names for female dogs
Guanche names for dogs - Guanche names for female dogs

Have you already chosen a name for your pet?

We hope that our selection of Guanche names for dogs has helped you, however, if you still haven't found the right name for your pet you should know that you have many more options at your disposal.

You can consult a wide selection of original names for dogs, mythological names, or Chinese names.

Finally, once you have decided on the name of your pet, we invite you to familiarize yourself with the care a puppy needs.
