Dog SHORKIE - Characteristics, care and photos

Dog SHORKIE - Characteristics, care and photos
Dog SHORKIE - Characteristics, care and photos

In this article on our site we will talk about a fascinating breed of dog, whose recent appearance justifies not being as popular as it should be. We are talking about the shorkie dog, does this name ring a bell? Perhaps you can think that it resembles the "yorkie", and it is not without reason, since it is a mongrel dog that emerged from the cross between a shih yzu and a yorkshire terrier, which results in a toy-sized puppy, with a character that is anything but small. Do you want to get to know this novel and curious breed better? Keep reading and discover all the features of shorkie

Origin of the Shorkie

Shorkies emerged at the beginning of the 21st century in the United States of America, where designer breeders decided to make controlled crosses between two emblematic breeds, such as the yorkshire terrier and the shih tzu Although it is a very recent breed, it undoubtedly has a lot to detail, as it has incredible characteristics, some of which are still unknown. discover, since they do not appear firmly until after a few generations.

Thus, the Shorkie comes from two well-known breeds, both considered toy breeds, as evidenced by their official standard drawn up by the American Kennel Club (AKC), also famous for their intelligence, their character open and friendly and his incredible demeanor. These mongrel dogs have other names, such as: shorkie tzu, yorkie tzu or shih tzu-yorkie mix.

Shorkie Features

The shorkie is a small dog, being cataloged as toy breed In fact, when they are puppies they hardly reach a kilo of weight, while an adult shorkie falls within the range of weight between 3 and 6 kilograms, and its height ranges between 15 and 35 centimeters at the cross. This shows that there is a lot of variability, mainly due to the different genetic makeup of each individual, with either the Yorkshire or the Shih Tzu predominating. Their life expectancy is between 11 and 16 years.

These small dogs have a somewhat different morphology from one specimen to another, as they usually have a body image that is the result of a mixture of that of the shih tzu and the yorkshires in different proportions. In general, they have a compact body, with moderately developed muscles, fine and curved tailAs for its head, some specimens are brachycephalic, something shared with the shih tzu, while others are more similar to the yorkshire and do not have that morphology. His snout is in any case thin and cut, with triangular ears folded forward and a dark nose.

The hair of the shorkie is medium long or pronounced, presenting an extremely silky and very delicate touch In some specimens it is inherited from the typical bi-layer structure of the shih tzu, with a woolly undercoat and a less dense top coat. In these dogs, the thermal insulation is logically better than in those that only have a layer of hair, especially in the cold.

Shorkie Colors

There is, as with size, considerable variability in the color of the shorkie's coat. The most frequent are: black, fawn, brown, blue, red and white, and all their combinations.

The Shorkie Pup

The shorkie puppy has a really reduced size, because at 10 weeks of age it is very very rare for them to reach a kilo of weight. These little ones need a lot of attention, especially when it comes to company, as they are very sensitive to loneliness at these early ages, requiring high doses of affection and dedication. Especially when they are small, it is important to pay attention to their most basic education, trying to gradually adapt them to the customs and schedules of our home, their home and their possible companions, whether human or animal.

In this hybrid breed it is vital to ensure good hydration and nutrition, because due to their low percentage of body fat, they tend to develop hypoglycemia, something that can be avoided if they are well fed, without excesses but without defects. It is also essential to ensure sufficient rest, since they are of an age to grow and need to replenish energy for the correct development of their small organism, which is why naps are very important, as they have to sleep a large part of the day to be he althy.

Shorkie Character

The personality that shorkies usually have is really overwhelming, they seem to be unaware of their small size, as they have a powerful character. They are tremendously impulsive and don't usually give much thought to what they do, which can easily get them into trouble, because they don't see the dangers in time.

In general, they stand out for being very energetic, always looking to play with everything they see in motion and desiring attention from their human family. They are very affectionate and love the pampering sessions and attention provided.

Continuing with the personality of shorkies, sometimes, They can be very barking, just like Yorkshires, especially when faced with noise, visitors or strangers, since they are somewhat distrustful of the latter. However, when they meet people, wonderful ties are undoubtedly created between them and the Shorkie, although they always tend to maintain a special bond with the person they consider their reference person.

Shorkie care

In general, it is considered that the Shorkie breed requires certain attention to be in good condition, so they are not the most suitable for people who do not have time or who do not want a breed very demanding in certain aspects. For example, being active dogs they need enough exercise daily to be able to release all the energy they overflow, so they require walks and hours of games. In addition, this is vital to maintain an adequate weight, as they tend to gain a lot of weight because they are quite gluttonous and anxious about food, so if they do not move they tend to put on weight easily, which has a negative impact on their cardiovascular he alth.

As for his coat, it usually needs some attention, having to brush it quite regularly to keep it he althy and shiny. Specifically, it is recommended to brush it once a day, it is the best way to keep its fur free of tangles and environmental dirt. Finally, we must highlight the importance of environmental enrichment because they are energetic and playful dogs. For this reason, providing varied toys and intelligence games is more than recommended.

Shorkie Education

The Shorkie inherits his great character from his parent breeds, which means that he can be stubborn and eager to get his own way. But, although this can make us lose patience with his training, it is possible to teach him, you just have to know which techniques are the most productive. For example, given their gluttony, experts comment that in this case the prizes with sweets or food usually work very well, the same happens in most of the cases with toys or games, as this breed is very playful. In general, the most important thing is to avoid punishment and aggressiveness at all costs, because in addition to being quite unpleasant for everyone, it does not give the desired results, since they only make the animal more obstinate and refuse to attend.

Some recommendations for the Shorkie are: Carry out frequent but short sessions, of less than half an hour, since we get them to be more receptive; tire them out a little earlier with games or walks to calm their nerves; find a quiet place free from distractions such as sounds or movements; and base the entire session on affection and respect. As with all dogs, positive reinforcement is always the best way to train a Shorkie.

Shorkie He alth

Yorkshires and Shih Tzus usually have a series of congenital pathologies, that is, hereditary and linked to the breed by genetics. For example, in this article we can read the most common diseases of the Yorkshire terrier in detail, including conditions such as cataracts ortracheal collapse

However, being a hybrid dog, the Shorkie usually shows greater resistance to these diseases, which can affect them, but with a much lower incidence. Some of the diseases that have occurred in the shorkies are oral problems, glaucoma or the respiratory syndrome associated with brachycephaly in cases where the specimen has this morphology, more similar to that of the shih tzu. It is also true that the breed does not have a long history, so certain tendencies to suffer certain pathologies may still be unknown.

In general, what we must take into account to preserve their he alth is to carry out regular veterinary check-ups, in which vaccinations, deworming and rigorous analytical tests are carried out. This serves to verify that your state of he alth is good, and if not, detect anomalies as soon as possible, in order to also be able to treat them early.

Adopt a shorkie

Shorkies are energetic and cheerful dogs, if we want a shorkie to be part of our family it is something we have to keep in mind at all times. Why? Well, because this implies that sometimes they are very nervous, demanding cuddles, games and various attentions, so we have to consider if we have the time and the necessary strength to have these needs covered.

Once we have seriously considered the issue of adoption, having clearly understood the demands of having a dog, with the obligations associated with taking good care of it, we can start thinking about where we will look for the animal. We, from our site, recommend starting the search in the associations, shelters and kennels of your closest environment, expanding the search ratio if this does not work. The shorkies are more frequent than we can think, like almost the majority of the hybrid crosses, in entities that have dogs to adopt, if they are not available at the moment we can also exercise patience and wait some time in case someone enters rescued specimen.
