Can I keep chickens at home?

Can I keep chickens at home?
Can I keep chickens at home?
Can I have chickens at home?
Can I have chickens at home?

Self-sufficiency is not only possible but also completely recommendable since it implies a highly beneficial attitude of sustainability for the environment and also for the relationship of human beings with it.

Being self-sufficient is the dream of many people and the good news is that it can become a reality, or at least a good degree of self-sufficiency can be achieved. For this, having laying hens at home is an excellent idea.

Although it obviously requires greater responsibilities than the simple fact of buying eggs in a supermarket, being aware of this responsibility involves initially asking yourself Can I have chickens at home?This is the question we address in the next AnimalWised article.

The responsibility of having chickens at home

The chicken can be kept as a pet, however, currently there is a great boom in the ownership of chickens to obtain food from the eggs they lay.

The possibility of having chickens at home not only involves knowing the existing legislation in this regard, but also honestly examining your possibilities of time and spaceThis initial reflection is essential and in it you must consider the following factors:

  • The chicken coop must have a lot of light because the hens need a warm environment, this implies that in winter artificial lighting must be installed during the afternoons.
  • The chicken coop should not be very big but obviously it must adapt to the number of chickens that live in it. If the coop is too small, problems of overcrowding and fights will arise, on the other hand, if it is too large, the hens will feel little protection.
  • Do you want your hens to live permanently indoors? This is how the food industry treats animals, but perhaps the most ideal is to have a garden so that the hens also have freedom of movement and can even get for themselves part of their food.
  • The hens should be fed twice a day, in the morning and in the evening.
  • The chicken coop needs to be cleaned once a week, in addition, the hens require regular veterinary care.

If you cannot commit to obtaining all the necessary resources and time it would not be a good idea for you to share your home with laying hens, although the goal of self-sufficiency is excellent, remember that the end does not justify the means.

Can I have chickens at home? - The responsibility of having chickens at home
Can I have chickens at home? - The responsibility of having chickens at home

What does the law say about keeping laying hens?

There is Spanish legislation that aims to protect laying hens, however, this law is only applicable in those cases in which the number of laying hens is greater than 350.

This means that when laying hens are kept in the home (obviously in fewer numbers than stated above) this act is not regulated by a state legislature, therefore, nothing should prevent it, although other laws whose scope of application is smaller must be taken into account.

Can I have chickens at home? - What does the law say about keeping laying hens?
Can I have chickens at home? - What does the law say about keeping laying hens?

What laws should you take into account before keeping chickens at home?

Before deciding to share your home with laying hens, you should consult 2 types of regulations in order to avoid any problem, which, although applied locally, are equally important and must be respected:

  • Statutes of the neighborhood association
  • Municipal council regulations
