What do SEAHORSES EAT? - Type of food

What do SEAHORSES EAT? - Type of food
What do SEAHORSES EAT? - Type of food
What do seahorses eat?
What do seahorses eat?

44 species of the Syngnathidae family are known as seahorses, in which we can also find pipe fish and sea dragons. All of them are very peculiar fish that are characterized by their eccentric shapes and by the curious “pregnancy” of the male.

Unlike the rest of the family, seahorses belong to the genus Hippocampus. This scientific name alludes to the shape of their head, similar to that of a horse (hippo) and also to their rarer characteristics, which make them look like sea monsters (campus). Do you want to know these fish better? In this article on our site we tell you what seahorses eat and some of their most curious characteristics.

Characteristics of seahorses

Before knowing what seahorses eat, we must know a series of characteristics related to their diet. Seahorses are fish that measure between 2 and 30 centimeters. Like all Actinopterygians, they have an internal bony skeleton that we know as "spines". Its most striking feature is the morphology of its head, which has a tubular snout as a result of the fusion of its jaws.

Another of the main characteristics of seahorses are their peculiar eyes, which move in all directions and independently. As for its tail, it is prehensile and curls inwards in a similar way to the tail of many monkeys. They use it to cling to rocks, corals and algae. Finally, we cannot forget to name the incubator bag that the males present in the abdomen.

Due to their particular body shape, seahorses swim clumsily. Therefore, they have developed a series of strategies that protect them from their predators. One of them is his armor, made up of bony rings that cover his entire body. These rings may have spines or bony protrusions that help them camouflage among the corals. In addition, they blend in with their environment through changes in color

Finally, the most peculiar characteristic of the seahorse is its reproduction. We tell you about it in this other article about the Reproduction of the seahorse.

What do seahorses eat? - Characteristics of seahorses
What do seahorses eat? - Characteristics of seahorses

Seahorse Habitat

In order to imagine what seahorses eat, we must know that they are sedentary animals that live in very special places. These are the barrier reefs, the seagrasses, themangroves and los estuaries These particular ecosystems are distributed throughout warm and temperate waters around the world, with some exceptions.

In these places so full of life, the seahorses remain still and hidden among the algae, rocks or sand. For this reason, they seem very harmless and it is hard to imagine what they feed on. Let's see it!

What do seahorses eat?

Hippocampi are carnivorous animals and voracious predators of other organisms that live on the seabed. But what exactly do seahorses eat? Their favorite food is small crustaceans, although the only requirement they make of their prey is that they fit in their mouths. Thus, in the diet of seahorses you can find annelids, cnidarian larvae, fingerling fish, etc.

To hunt, use their camouflage abilities and stand completely still. Their tactic is to wait patiently for prey to approach. Afterwards, they suck them up thanks to their tubular snout and swallow them alive. This explains why their eyes are so similar to those of chameleons, whose way of hunting is very similar. Discover other Animals that camouflage themselves in this other article.

Feeding baby seahorses

Seahorse pups are born very small and are planktonic. This means that they live suspended in the seawater together with other organisms, such as microscopic algae (phytoplankton) and very small animals (zooplankton).

Despite their small size, seahorse pups have a well-developed digestive system, so their diet is very similar to that of their parents. Therefore, are carnivorous and feed on zooplankton that float with them in the ocean. These organisms include copepods and krill, which are tiny crustaceans.

What do seahorses eat? - What do seahorses eat?
What do seahorses eat? - What do seahorses eat?

Seahorse trivia

Now that you know what seahorses eat, you will probably still have some questions. For this reason, we have gathered together some of the numerous curiosities of seahorses.

What is the smallest seahorse in the world? And the biggest?

The Satomi pygmy seahorse (Hippocampus satomiae) measures just 13 millimeters and is the smallest seahorse known to date. It contrasts with the largest seahorse in the world, whose length exceeds 30 centimeters. This is the Australian big-bellied seahorse (Hippocampus abdominalis).

Who are the predators of seahorses?

Because of their camouflage and armor, these marine animals have few predators. However, some animals are able to circumvent these mechanisms. Among the predators of the seahorse are large pelagic fish (tuna, sea bream, etc.), rays and some birds and sea turtles.

Is the seahorse monogamous?

Some species of seahorses are seasonally monogamous, meaning they only come together during the breeding season. The following year, when it is time to reproduce, they look for a different partner. However, most seahorses are polygamous, having multiple mates during the same breeding season.

How do seahorses communicate?

Seahorses communicate with each other through clicks imperceptible to the human ear. They are especially abundant during courtship and while feeding. Currently, they are being studied extensively.

Are seahorses in danger of extinction?

Currently, 42 species of seahorses are on the IUCN Red List of Endangered Species. Among them, 12 species are classified as vulnerable and two are in danger of extinction.

Its main threats are habitat loss, trawling, climate change and pollution. Every year, more than 15 million seahorses are caught, both accidentally (by trawlers) and intentionally. This is because seahorses are still used in traditional medicine, in aquariums and as ornamentation.
