Do dogs have nightmares? - DISCOVER IT

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Do dogs have nightmares? - DISCOVER IT
Do dogs have nightmares? - DISCOVER IT
Do dogs have nightmares?
Do dogs have nightmares?

Many guardians wonder if dogs have nightmares when they watch them whimper, cry and even growl in their sleep. You too? Like humans, dogs dream when they reach the stage of deep sleep or REM (Rapid Eye Movement).

Now then, do dogs' dreams include nightmares? Whenever they have twitching, crying or grunting are they having them? In this article on our site we will explain if dogs have nightmares or not and some other details related to canine sleep, don't miss it!

How long do dogs sleep?

Sleeping hours are essential for a dog, as his body and mind need to rest to replenish energy and maintain a balanced metabolism. Therefore, as guardians, we must ensure that our furry friends have a positive and calm environment where they can relax and sleep well.

However, many guardians wonder if it is normal for their dogs to sleep a lot. Actually, dogs usually sleep more hours than humans, but not continuously or continuously. Likewise, the amount of sleep that each individual needs varies according to their age and some environmental factors, such as the weather or the time of year.

Puppies may sleep about 20 hours per day for their first three to four months of life, then gradually reduce your daily hours of sleep. An adult dog usually sleeps between 8 and 13 hours, depending on their age, metabolism and also the time of year, since they tend to sleep more during the winter. In the case of older dogs, over 8 or 10 years old depending on the breed, the daily hours of sleep increase again, varying between 15 and 18 hours

Do dogs have nightmares? - How much do dogs sleep?
Do dogs have nightmares? - How much do dogs sleep?

What do dogs dream about?

Now that you know that your best friend dreams, you are probably wondering what dog dreams are like and if dogs have nightmares or not. We will start by understanding how dreams are produced in dogs.

As we mentioned in the introduction, doggy dreams occur when the sleeping dog enters the REM sleep phase As the name suggests, in this phase the dog registers rapid and random eye movements, its body has reduced muscle tone, that is, its muscles are completely relaxed.

However, a high brain activity is detected, which is what allows the production of dreams. That is to say that while the dog sounds, its neurons continue to work and, through a encephalogram, this phenomenon can be observed by the increase in the emission of emitted waves by the brain in REM sleep.

But what do dogs dream?

Although the advancement of science has allowed us to know more about the dreams of dogs, we still have much to discover about their content and no one can define exactly what dogs dream about. However, several studies have shown that the brain wave patterns of dogs during sleep are not very different from those observed in humans.

This would indicate that sleep in dogs has the same function as in humans: assimilating or fixing experiences and learning lived during his days. Therefore, it is very likely that dogs dream of things that they experience in their day-to-day life, such as their walks, the games they share with other dogs, the food they enjoy, etc.

So, if you were wondering if dogs dream of their owners, the answer is: yes, because their guardian is their " favorite human" with whom you share your routine and enjoy being in your company.

Do dogs have nightmares?

Everything indicates dogs yes they can have nightmares If the dog has a negative experience in his day to day, this too it can be fixed during the dream period and its memory can cause a nightmare, which is nothing more serious than a dream with negative or unpleasant content.

Just like us, dogs can experience difficult or frustrating moments in their routine and this is totally normal. However, if your dog has nightmares every day, this may be an indication that his environment and routine are affecting his well-being In addition to observing his movements in During the dream period, you can also analyze your dog's waking behavior and sleeping positions, as these usually reveal a lot about how he feels in his environment.

If you have recently adopted a dog and you notice nightmares occurring on a continuous basis, this may be an indication that your new best friend has experienced negative situations and/or contexts in his past, or has not had the opportunity to socialize properly. In these cases it is also advisable to pay attention to his behaviorin a waking state (that is, when he is awake).

If the furry dog is very fearful, frightened or insecure when interacting with other dogs and people, the ideal is to consult a canine educator or ethologist to verify the causes of these behaviors and define specific guidelines to help him regain your confidence and enjoy a he althy and positive social life.

Do dogs have nightmares? - Do dogs have nightmares?
Do dogs have nightmares? - Do dogs have nightmares?

My dog dreams and cries, is it normal?

If your sleeping dog crying, whimpering or twitching, he is probably experiencing a nightmare. When reliving a negative experience in their dreams, dogs often reproduce the same reaction they would have if they were awake, so they may whimper, whimper, whimper, and bark during their nightmares.

Is it good to wake up a dog that is having a nightmare?

Seeing that their sleeping dog is very agitated and seems to be having a bad experience, it is normal for many guardians to feel the urge to wake up the dog that is having a nightmare. However, it is not advisable to wake dogs abruptly, as this can startle them, causing high stress and even an unexpected reaction, such as a bite.

If you notice that your dog is having a nightmare, it is best to watch it and wait, as they do not usually last long. But if you notice that this is not happening and your furry is still very agitated or scared, you can speak in a soft tone of voice and, once he is awake, caress him carefully.

And if you want to prevent your dog from having nightmares, you only need to provide him with the essential care to establish a positive routine, with the proper physical and mental stimulation, good education and early socialization, complete and balanced nutrition, and a nurturing environment where your best friend finds positive ways to channel their energy and have fun while you're away. Also, don't forget that dogs occasionally have nightmares and this is totally normal
