10 common things that can kill your cat

10 common things that can kill your cat
10 common things that can kill your cat
10 common things that can kill your cat
10 common things that can kill your cat

There are many things that can kill your cat and some are found in your own home without you knowing. It will be essential that you inform yourself and know how to identify what these products, foods or plants are and that you keep them well away from your feline.

On our site we offer you a complete list of common things that can kill your cat, explaining why. In addition, we will also explain what to do if your cat suffers from poisoning or how you can avoid it.

Keep reading and discover 10 common things that can kill your cat.

1. Water with bleach

It is usual that in the hottest seasons the cat tries to drink water from anywhere. Especially if his drinker is empty, he may try to drink from other places. If by mistake you have forgotten the bucket of water with bleach that you used to clean, you could have a serious problem.

Cats love bleach, it's irresistible to them. But that can spell serious trouble for your he alth. Bleach is very harmful and can cause serious problems in your digestive system, vomiting, excessive salivation and a lot of pain. Especially if they vomit, bleach can be a terrible corrosive to the cat's mouth.

10 common things that can kill your cat - 1. Water with bleach
10 common things that can kill your cat - 1. Water with bleach

two. Aspirin

Aspirin is a very common medicine, which does not harm the human body. However, the effects on our cat can be very serious since it is very poisonous for felines. Other medications, such as paracetamol, are also toxic to cats.

10 common things that can kill your cat - 2. Aspirin
10 common things that can kill your cat - 2. Aspirin

3. Poinsettia

Poinsettia is one of the toxic plants for cats. It is very important to make sure that our cat cannot access it in any way as they seem to have a natural attraction to the poinsettia. The milky sage that this plant offers causes vomiting and diarrhea in small quantities but in large doses it can be very harmful.

10 common things that can kill your cat - 3. Poinsettia
10 common things that can kill your cat - 3. Poinsettia

4. Chocolate

Chocolate contains a toxic substance called theobromine, an alkaloid obtained from cocoa that stimulates the cat's nervous system. Unlike people, felines are not able to eliminate this substance from their body. Just six grams per kilogram of weight can be deadly

10 common things that can kill your cat - 4. Chocolate
10 common things that can kill your cat - 4. Chocolate

5. Snuff smoke

As happens with people, tobacco smoke causes the appearance of cancer in cats. If you are a smoker, bet on having the windows wide open, smoking outside whenever possible and always throwing the smoke towards the ceiling.

10 common things that can kill your cat - 5. Tobacco smoke
10 common things that can kill your cat - 5. Tobacco smoke

6. Raw Fish

It is not a good idea to offer our cat raw fish, even if we have portions of our sashimi left over. Raw fish can contain bacteria, which are very harmful to a cat that is used to eating dry food. On the other hand, we must also watch out for thorns, one of the main causes of intestinal perforation in cats.

Finally, mention that the consumption of certain fish, such as tuna, can cause vitamin B deficiencies and an excessive intake of mercury, which is very harmful for cats.

10 common things that can kill your cat - 6. Raw fish
10 common things that can kill your cat - 6. Raw fish

7. Mothballs

Your cat will most likely be attracted to mothballs on the floor. If they are ingested we will be facing a very serious he alth problem since it seriously damages the nervous system. It can cause vomiting, diarrhea and even seizures

10 common things that can kill your cat - 7. Mothballs
10 common things that can kill your cat - 7. Mothballs

8. Toothpaste

Toothpaste or dentifrice contains a large amount of chemical elements such as fluoride or abrasives (s alt). Specifically fluoride is very harmful and dangerous to your cat's he alth.

May cause nervous disturbances, inattentiveness, heartburn, vomiting and internal damage. In the long run it can even cause incontinence and even death. It is very important to prevent cat access to this product.

10 common things that can kill your cat - 8. Toothpaste
10 common things that can kill your cat - 8. Toothpaste

9. Paint

The different types of paints are composed of pigments, binders, solvents, plasticizers and other elements. All of them are harmful to your cat's intestinal he alth but solvents, specifically, can cause hallucinations, very intense internal pain, seizures, epilepsy, coma and even arrhythmias heart rate.

10 common things that can kill your cat - 9. Paint
10 common things that can kill your cat - 9. Paint

10. Rat poison

Obviously any type of poison is very harmful to the he alth of your pets. If you have cats or dogs at home you should never use rat poison to kill them as your animals could be affected. Let's not forget that children are also susceptible to eating anything they find. Better bet on homemade traps that do not kill the rat and that cannot cause harm to your animals. Ingesting this type of product can cause death very quickly

10 Common Things That Can Kill Your Cat - 10. Rat Poison
10 Common Things That Can Kill Your Cat - 10. Rat Poison

What to do if the cat has been poisoned?

If your cat has been poisoned, you should go to the vet as soon as possible so that they can help expel the toxic substance from its body. Remember that it is not advisable to try to make him vomit if we are not sure what he has ingested, since some products such as bleach can act as dangerous corrosives in his mouth.

Go to the emergency vet if necessary, your cat's life is at risk if it has ingested any of these 10 common things that can kill your cat.

10 common things that can kill your cat - What to do if the cat has been intoxicated?
10 common things that can kill your cat - What to do if the cat has been intoxicated?

Tips to prevent your cat from suffering poisoning

The best thing you can do to prevent your cat from getting poisoned is to keep all these products out of reach just like you would with a small child You cannot expect the cat to know what things are harmful and what are not. You yourself must ensure their safety responsibly.
