Because cats wag their tails? - Find out

Because cats wag their tails? - Find out
Because cats wag their tails? - Find out
Because cats wag their tails?
Because cats wag their tails?

Cats wag their tails practically all day. At the same time, they are very communicative animals. These two facts are closely related to each other. The movement of the tail tells us many more things than we think and know.

Why do cats wag their tails? This action is not a simple physical spasm. There are dozens of speeches that can be interpreted from the movement of a cat's tail, some obvious and others more subtle.

As we get to know our cat's language beyond meowing, we get to know more about its personality and understand its nature. That is why in this new article on our site we want to tell you that there is not one, not two, but many reasons why cats wag their tails. Keep reading!

The versatile tail of the cat

Because of how mobile it is, a cat's tail is one of the most communicative parts. If you pay attention to your cat's tail behavior, you'll see that there are a lot of different types of tail wagging:

  • Raised up
  • down
  • Tightened diagonal
  • Raised with the tip bent down
  • Quick or smooth movements
  • Wound around you or themselves
  • Stuck between the legs
  • All bristling

It can be so complex, that we are not only talking about movements as such, but also about the way the hair lays: flat, bristly or bristle like a brush.

Basically, the movement of the tail of cats moves voluntarily because it has something to tell us Whether it is a desire, a state of encouragement or a warning, your cat expresses his inner world through this appendage. In this case, cats wag their tails voluntarily. However, some studies indicate that others are involuntary.

Let's look at some basic trends:

Because cats wag their tails? - The versatile tail of the cat
Because cats wag their tails? - The versatile tail of the cat

The positive tail

  • Upwards, shaking: A cat that is shaking its tail is a cat that is very excited to see you. They are good nerves and this is a positive gesture. This can happen when you come home after a long day at work.
  • Pointing Up: This is a time for kindness and calm. Note that if you have a good relationship with your cat, he will choose to perform this gesture when he is around you. It is also a way to greet you in a cheerful way. Among cats it happens that when there is a mother with her pups, she will raise her tail in this way, when looking to be followed or to get her attention
  • Tail thrown forward over her back: This gesture may seem a bit strange, but it indicates that your cat is really happy and happy with your presence. This is his way of inviting us to smell his anal glands and to be friendly.
Because cats wag their tails? - positive tail
Because cats wag their tails? - positive tail

The intrigued queue

  • Raised at an angle: This poses no threat to you or those around you. The cat may be a bit insecure about some possible new situation. It usually happens when he meets a new feline friend or someone who comes home for the first time. Notice that he performs this movement at the same time as he sniffs this new subject.
  • Tail raised, with a hook at the tip: This means that it has a conciliatory but reserved attitude.
  • Sweeping the tail: This is one of the more complex gestures because it could mean many different things. You'll need to be aware of your cat's other types of body language to know exactly how he's feeling (ears, body, etc). Erratically sweeping the tail from side to side could mean things like: intense interest and attention in something (a toy, prey), ecstasy over grooming, frustration and anger if the tail hits the ground, or an invitation to another cat friend to play.
Because cats wag their tails? - The intrigued tail
Because cats wag their tails? - The intrigued tail

The negative tail

  • Hook at the base of the tail: when the hook is inverted or called "horseshoe tail" it is a gesture that indicates that the cat is in a defensive situation and is open to aggression. Usually the tail will also be bristling and the back will be arched.
  • Tail up and wagging: This is a sign that drama is coming. This type of tail generally conveys an emotion charged with intensity. It can indicate an ironic attitude in your cat and at the same time it tells you that he is angry about something and prefers to be alone. He will do this while he walks past you, without stopping, showing indifference
  • Brush Tail: If your cat's tail swells and his fur becomes thick and standing up like the bristles of a brush, don't get too close. The cat feels threatened and is very likely to be aggressive.
  • Tail held between legs: Your cat is afraid, upset and even wants to be left alone.
Because cats wag their tails? - negative tail
Because cats wag their tails? - negative tail

Cats don't just communicate by wagging their tails

If you already know why cats wag their tails,it's also important that you know that it's not the only way cats communicate with your environment. They use their ears, body position or their head, among other things, to show their state of mind and make them understand what is happening to them. So it's a matter of looking closely, following your instincts and empathizing with the feline.
