Why do dogs move their tails?

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Why do dogs move their tails?
Why do dogs move their tails?
Why do dogs move their tails?
Why do dogs move their tails?

"Dogs wag their tails when they're happy and keep them down when they're sad", how many times have you been told this when you wondered why dogs wag The tail? Without a doubt, this is one of the most widespread beliefs about canine behavior worldwide. However, the reasons that lead our furry companions to shake, raise or hide their tails go much further.

In this article on our site we will detail the reasons that lead dogs to wag their tails so that you learn to interpret each of their movements. Keep reading and discover why do dogs wag their tails.

The dog's tail, the most expressive part of his body

Together with the ears, the dog uses its tail to express all its emotions, feelings and moods, so understand each one of its movements can help us interpret what our furry companion is trying to tell us. Likewise, some of the movements it makes with its tail are directly related to the socialization process, so amputating it will not only represent a cruel act towards the animal, but it will also prevent it from interacting correctly with other dogs, pets and people.

On the other hand, the animal's tail is nothing more than the continuation of the vertebral columnIn this way, the dog's tail is made up of caudal or coccygeal vertebrae, and can have from 20 to 23. Regardless of the shape of the dog's tail (straight, curved or coiled), as it is the end of the spine, it helps maintain balance, which is why you should never dock a dog's tail.

Why do dogs move their tails? - The dog's tail, the most expressive part of its body
Why do dogs move their tails? - The dog's tail, the most expressive part of its body

They wag their tails to express happiness

When our dog waves its tail vigorously from side to side and, in addition, makes small jumps, barks or tries to pounce on us, he is telling us that he is happy, cheerful and excited. We see this attitude, above all, when we return home after a few hours, when we are about to take the dog for a walk or when we are going to offer him food.

When they want to play

When dogs wag their tails in circles and, in addition, jump or move their front legs from side to side, they indicate that They want to play with us. If the time is right, don't hesitate and start your favorite game.

You can get toys for dogs, teach him to fetch the ball or run together in an open space. Remember that dedicating a period of time a day to play with your furry companion is essential both to keep him active and to strengthen your bond.

Why do dogs move their tails? - When they want to play
Why do dogs move their tails? - When they want to play

When alert or indecisive

If your dog holds its tail up, fully erect, and ears straight up, is that you probably have a self-confident dog. This tense position expresses that your dog is tense and alert to what may happen, especially when he interacts with other dogs.

Why do dogs move their tails? - Being alert or indecisive
Why do dogs move their tails? - Being alert or indecisive

Wags its tail to communicate with other dogs

On both sides of the anus, dogs have the so-called anal glands In them, a lubricating substance is generated that they use to defecate without difficulties. However, this is not the only function they have, since the anal glands provide each dog with a unique scent. By shaking its tail, what the dog does is give off that aroma, identify itself and capture the attention of the dogs around it. Have you ever wondered why dogs smell each other? Here's the answer!

In addition to allowing dogs to communicate with each other, dogs wag their tails to give off their particular scent for reproductive purposes. In this way, when the females are in heat, it is not surprising that they chase the males with their tails fully erect and making effusive movements from side to side. If you want to avoid a possible pregnancy, keep in mind that canine sterilization is the best solution.

When you feel calm and relaxed

When a dog is calm, relaxed and at ease, it tends to let its tail low but away from its paws You may add occasional slow movement from side to side, but never quickly or effusively. In this way, we see how when dogs keep their tails down, they do not necessarily indicate fear or represent a response to a negative stimulus. If you want to know the calmest dog breeds, don't miss this article!

Why do dogs move their tails? - When you feel calm and relaxed
Why do dogs move their tails? - When you feel calm and relaxed

You are sad or afraid

If the dog shows the tail between the legs and the ears back, it is indicating that he is afraid, he is sad or scared. Especially when this last state occurs, the dog also has bristly hair and trembles. For these cases, it will be essential to pay attention to the possible causes that may be generating sadness or fear in our partner. For more information, check out our article on what to do if your dog is sad.
