Tricks to prevent my dog from eating plants

Tricks to prevent my dog from eating plants
Tricks to prevent my dog from eating plants
Tricks to prevent my dog from eating plants
Tricks to prevent my dog from eating plants

Dogs, especially puppies, are fond of plant leaves. They bite, lick and play with them because they love their sour and natural flavor, and they also love to explore the bushes because they find their smell and appearance curious as well.

It is very common to see dog owners angry because their dear best friend has destroyed the beautiful garden, and even more common, end up frustrated by not being able to control this behavior.

Fortunately the war is not lost. Continue reading this article on our site where we will give you the tricks to prevent your dog from eating the plants You will see that you will reach the desired goal with a good dose of distraction, training and more.

Why do plants bite?

Your dog may be chewing, biting, destroying and enjoying your entire garden due to many reasons: lack of vitamins in his body, boredom, stomach pain (in this case they seek the herb to improve the unpleasant sensation) and even to drain stress when, for example, situations occur that generate unexpected changes or anxiety(the arrival of a new family member or a move, for example).

Tricks to prevent my dog from eating plants - Why do plants bite?
Tricks to prevent my dog from eating plants - Why do plants bite?

Vitamins, distraction and some citrus spray

  • Nutrient deficiency As we have mentioned in other articles, nutrition is everything. Dogs often seek to chew on plants because their body lacks the necessary fiber to keep all digestive processes in order. This act could be a warning that your pet is doing to you. Analyze your diet and if the deficiency is present try to add a little bran (rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals) to your diet. A cereal made from bran flakes might suffice or switch to one that contains higher doses of fiber from plants rather than grains and meats.
  • It's also quite possible that your dog is on the verge of boredom and the only way for him to have a little fun is to play with your plants. Place all over the house (as far away from the garden as possible) all the dog toys you can. Make sure she has all the distractions she needs to focus her attention on something other than your precious roses or herbs. Oh, important, don't forget to pay attention and e get involved in the game too
  • If your dog starts sniffing near the garden, let him sniff as much as he wants (it's a natural and necessary attitude for dogs) but the first time you see that he intends to nibble, tell him "No" forcefully and safely (never aggressively), and remove it from the area. If you are constant and do not miss the opportunity, you will see how in days he will lose interest in your plants. If your pet responds to the wake-up call and moves away on his own, you should reward his good attitude, this will help him create a better habit because he will know that by not approaching you will get some reward.
  • On our site we do not believe in punishment, we believe in correct education. Severely and directly punishing your dog could only cause fear and conflicting emotions in him. The smartest way to reprimand him is, at the same time, the most indirect way possible, where your dog does not associate you with the punishment. An example is spraying plants with a harmless but unpleasant tasting spray. It may be "sour apple or lemon juice" which is sold in all stores and garden centers, in order to keep animals away from the gardens.
Tricks to prevent my dog from eating plants - Vitamins, distraction and some citrus spray
Tricks to prevent my dog from eating plants - Vitamins, distraction and some citrus spray

and if your dog keeps eating the plants…more tricks

  • Something very simple, but at the same time cumbersome, because we are not always available to do it, is to keep the plants out of your dog's reachFor example, if your friend is small, move the plants up to a level that he or she cannot reach or even see. Now, whether your pet is big or small, simply blocking access may be the easiest way to keep it out Surround the bushes or yard with something like a net or chain-link fence.
  • Dogs find it annoying to walk on certain surfaces. A good way to keep them out of the garden is to lay out items that may make you feel uncomfortable like aluminum foil, bubble wrap, or pine cones. With this you will make a kind of protective barrier Make sure that the elements you are going to color do not harm them.
  • Remember that dogs are pure energy and if we don't help them drain it regularly and properly, they will always find a way to do it and this might not be the most pleasant,lack of exercise in dogs often encourages undesirable behavior. Among the best exercises that you can do with your best friend and that works to release all the accumulation of energy are those of going to look for or catch things. If you make an effort to play with your dog and deplete his energy in a positive way, you will see how he will seek less to bite and eat your plants, in fact, he will be so tired that he will prefer to sleep than to approach them.
Tricks to stop my dog from eating the plants - and if your dog keeps eating the plants… more tricks
Tricks to stop my dog from eating the plants - and if your dog keeps eating the plants… more tricks

Don't forget that there are plants that are toxic to your dog. Check our list and make sure you don't have any of them in your garden or inside your apartment.
