How do I prevent my dog from eating the cat's food?

How do I prevent my dog from eating the cat's food?
How do I prevent my dog from eating the cat's food?
How to prevent my dog from eating cat food?
How to prevent my dog from eating cat food?

Coexistence between dogs and cats is, in most cases, fun and enriching, both for the animals themselves and for us humans. However, there are always small incidents, such as food theft from each other.

If it is a one-off problem you should not worry, however, if dogs eat excessively cat food they can suffer nutritional deficienciesand even lead to he alth problems, as we indicated in our post on "Can dogs eat cat food?" However, in this article on our site we will give you some tips so you know how to prevent your dog from eating cat food :

Why does the dog eat the cat's food?

It is very important to understand why dogs carry out this behavior because, although sometimes it is usually a simple misdeed, in some cases it can hide something else. Below we explain the most common reasons:

  • The quality of the foodthat you offer your dog is deficient and for that reason he looks for a food with a higher nutritional value. high. Remember that this can happen even with the most commercial brands. Cat food, being richer in fat and protein, is usually more appetizing for them. Check the composition of the dog food and find out if it is a quality food or not.
  • The dog is not satisfied with the amount of food you offer him. As with the Labrador, some dogs have a real obsession with food. In these cases, it is highly recommended to consult with our veterinarian about the option of offering him a satiating feed that helps him feel full.
  • Some dogs show bad behavior when their care is not optimal. Although we may not realize it, there are some factors that can lead to behavioral problems: lack of walks or poor quality walks, stress and anxiety, lack of attention and affection, thirst, discomfort (cold, not having a bed of one's own, restlessness excessive noise or due to inclement weather), lack of expression, isolation, fear, punishment…
  • He alth problems (usually intestinal) may lead you to eat someone else's food, in an attempt to improve your digestion. Going to the vet is always recommended, whether the dog is visibly sick or not.
  • Finally it can happen that your dog is simply attracted to your cat's food. Not knowing how to ration his food and finding his companion's unprotected, your dog decides to eat it.
How to prevent my dog from eating cat food? - Why does the dog eat the cat's food?
How to prevent my dog from eating cat food? - Why does the dog eat the cat's food?

Tips to prevent the dog from eating the cat's food

1. Separate feeders

If you are one of those who rations the cat's food by offering it food only once a day (or spread over several feedings), it will suffice to offer them food at the same time in rooms separate Lock the cat in one room, or vice versa, and don't open it until both of you are finished.

In these cases it is highly recommended to follow a fixed shooting schedule for both. This type of solution is positive: the cat will eat in a relaxed way knowing that his companion will not steal his food and the dog will reduce his level of stress and excitement by not having to steal.

How to prevent my dog from eating cat food? - Tricks to prevent the dog from eating the cat's food
How to prevent my dog from eating cat food? - Tricks to prevent the dog from eating the cat's food

two. Place the cat's bowl in an elevated place

If, on the other hand, you are one of those who offer unlimited food to your cat, it will be convenient to locate its feeder in a high place. You need to make sure the dog can't access it but the cat can. Choosing the place is usually a bit complicated, as some are extremely intelligent and skilled and will do anything to get their prize.

In these cases it is useful to install a small system of walkways and shelves on a free wall, but otherwise you can always usea particular piece of furniture . You must choose the ideal place yourself, but we recommend you to be alert the first few days to make sure that everything goes well.

How to prevent my dog from eating cat food?
How to prevent my dog from eating cat food?

3. Work on obedience with your dog

If you don't want to change the place of food or the routine of your animals, you can always choose to work on basic obedience with your dog, more specifically the " stop " or " stop ". Although you will need a little more time to achieve good results, the truth is that teaching your dog to stay still on command is the best option since you will achieve that he understands you, you will encourage good communication and spend more time with him, something that he will love.

Don't forget that at first you must be present whenever it is your cat's feeding time to remind your dog to stop and stop stalking your feline companion's food. Through repetition and the use of positive reinforcement (praise after good behavior) your dog will stop carrying out this behavior.

How to prevent my dog from eating cat food?
How to prevent my dog from eating cat food?

4. Buy an automatic feeder with a microchip

In the market we can find special feeders that open automatically when a specific animal approaches. It works with microchip (which we'll add to your collar) and is perfect for households with many animals. This option has a high economic cost but in addition to preventing theft, it manages to keep wet food in better condition for longer. One option is the " SureFeed microchip feeder".
