What is canicross? How to practice it with your dog?

What is canicross? How to practice it with your dog?
What is canicross? How to practice it with your dog?
What is canicross? How to practice it with your dog?
What is canicross? How to practice it with your dog?

More and more people are practicing canicross with their dogs: they run with them tied around their waist. This sport can be done individually, although there are also clubs that prepare for the different competitions at a regional, national or international level.

Developing daily activities with your dog is an excellent way to strengthen your bond, for this reason, in this article on our site we want to talk about canicross, a very complete impact sport for people who want to exercise with their pets.

Next, we will explain what canicross is and how to practice it with your dog, a great way to create a proactive routine and promote a he althy physical state for both:

What is canicross?

Canicross is one of the most popular dog sports today. Actually, it is a form of mushing, the traditional dog sled pull.

Consists of running with a dog tied to the waist using a belt and a shooting line that is fixed with a carabiner. The shooting line is connected to the dog's harness, which must be specifically designed for the practice of this sport. Traditional straps should not be used as it is necessary to cushion the impacts of both bodies with special equipment.

Competitive canicross was introduced in our country about 15 years ago. In other European countries, this sporting discipline has a much longer tradition. However, you can always practice canicross alternatively in forests, trails and paths.

What is canicross? How to practice it with your dog? - What is canicross?
What is canicross? How to practice it with your dog? - What is canicross?

What do you need to practice canicross?

Going for a run on a leash and harness not specially made for canicross can cause injury to both the dog and its human handler. For this reason, it is best to purchase the specific equipment to practice this sport.

The canicross team:

  • Ergonomic harness: it must be comfortable for the dog, fit well and avoid any type of chafing that could cause injuries at the cutaneous or anatomicalCanicross should never be practiced with a collar instead of a harness because it could cause irreparable cervical injuries in the dog.
  • Firing line: This is the link between the dog and its handler or human runner. It is usually flexible to avoid sudden jerks and cushion sudden acceleration and braking. It usually has a maximum length of 2 meters, although there may be variations.
  • Belt for the handler: is the belt that the person must wear, and where the dog will be tied. It is usually wide and padded, usually with a carabiner that hooks to the shooting line. Some belts have compartments to store things, something that can be useful during the race.

In addition to these three basic accessories, it is essential to train the dog gradually, both in the intensity level of the activity (what we would do with any other athlete) as in the basic commands of obedience and directionality.

What is canicross? How to practice it with your dog? - What do you need to practice canicross?
What is canicross? How to practice it with your dog? - What do you need to practice canicross?

What are the best dog breeds for canicross?

There is no single breed appropriate for canicross. Actually, almost any dog can be suitable, although this sport is usually practiced with medium and large dogs (between 20 kg and 30 kg in weight).

Of course, it is not highly recommended that brachycephalic dogs (with flat snouts) practice exercises as intense as canicross. These breeds tend to have respiratory problems and, therefore, have difficulties in modulating and balancing their body temperature, as well as other complications.

On the other hand, Molossian races shouldn't practice it either. We refer to mastiffs, Corsican dogs, Bernese Mountain Dogs, Boxers and the like. These dogs have a body structure that makes them prone to certain he alth problems in the face of intense physical exercise, such as heat stroke or various respiratory problems.

How do I know if my dog can practice canicross?

As we have mentioned, practically any adult dog can start canicross, however, it is essential that before starting to practice this sport we carry out a complete veterinary review, which certifies the good he alth of the dog as well as the state of its pads, which must be examined periodically.

What is canicross? How to practice it with your dog? - What are the best dog breeds for canicross?
What is canicross? How to practice it with your dog? - What are the best dog breeds for canicross?

Canicross training routine

There are several modalities within canicross, although the most common is the Sprint, medium and long distance. They are usually runs of between 5 and 12 km, however the distance may vary depending on the rules of the organizing federation. In this type of event, the attention and care of the dog is considered fundamental, the classification is often secondary for any responsible owner.

People who compete in canicross at a professional level do so with the most absolute and profound respect for the animal, so there are some prohibited guidelines, such as the dog running with the harness behind the man and of course any type of mistreatment.

How should I train my dog?

Once you have the canicross equipment and have taught your dog the basic commands and directionality, you can start practicing on your own in any enabled area. It is recommended to start a moderate routine and gradually increase the pace, according to our own performance and that of our partner.

If you want to participate in official canicross competitions, you must Set distance and time goals, and go over them little by little to evaluate if you are good candidates for this intense sport.

Later on, you can consider Joining a canicross or mushing club to train with other people and participate in the different activities that whether they are official or not.
