5 BARF Recipes for Cats - Ingredients, Preparation and More

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5 BARF Recipes for Cats - Ingredients, Preparation and More
5 BARF Recipes for Cats - Ingredients, Preparation and More
BARF Cat Recipes
BARF Cat Recipes

We know that offering feed is not the same as offering a BARF diet for cats, however, if we take care of the feline's diet in detail and we avoid creating nutritional deficiencies, both types of food can be correct and recommended. There is no perfect type of food, they can all be valid if we offer them correctly.

Following a BARF diet in Spain, for example, is relatively simple, since in practically any shop we will find meat that has passed all the sanitary controls However, if you are not sure of the origin of the ingredients, it is best to freeze the meat to avoid the transmission of pathogens and parasites. Below on our site we offer you 5 BARF recipes for cats :

The most recommended homemade cat foods

Although cats are strictly carnivorous, the truth is that apart from meat and fish we can occasionally include other foods in your diet that will help you maintain your good he alth and avoid nutritional deficiencies that you may suffer as a result of a homemade diet.

Some homemade foods that you can use to make BARF recipes for cats are:

  • Chicken
  • Turkey
  • Veal
  • Ox
  • Pork
  • Rabbit
  • Lamb
  • Eggs
  • Yogurt
  • Kefir
  • Mackerel
  • Sardines
  • Boquer
  • Salmon
  • ones
  • Sole
  • Trout
  • Curbina
  • Gold
  • Etc.

Remember that to develop an appropriate and well-balanced BARF diet for cats you must consult the veterinarian He will formulate a specific diet taking into account the specific needs of the feline or the particular he alth problems it may have. In addition, he will help you make the right food choices and suggest some supplements

Apart from this, visiting the specialist every 3 or 6 months to perform blood tests will be very important to detect any abnormality of promptly.

BARF recipes for cats - The most recommended homemade cat foods
BARF recipes for cats - The most recommended homemade cat foods

Example 1 of the BARF diet for cats: Assorted Sashimi

Including fish in the feline's diet is an excellent option to provide the necessary amount of protein and theessential fatty acids to meet your nutritional needs. Of course, fish should not be the only source of food for the cat, it will also need supplements and meat to receive everything it needs. Fish can be served raw as long as it is a fresh food , otherwise it is recommended to cook it lightly.

Below we name some fish that you can include in this plate of assorted sashimi for cats:

  • Salmon
  • Mackerel
  • Trout
  • Gold

The method of preparation is very simple You will only need to remove skin and bones, cut into fillets that are not particularly large and make small cubes. You can also add some kind of vegetable oil to stimulate the cat's appetite and even add some extras such as huevasor small shellfish , for example.

BARF recipes for cats - Example 1 of the BARF diet for cats: Assorted Sashimi
BARF recipes for cats - Example 1 of the BARF diet for cats: Assorted Sashimi

Example 2 of the BARF diet for cats: Steak tartare with liver

This recipe contains some of the most recommended foods rich in taurine for cats. The taurine is an essential amino acid essential for the heart muscle, vision, formation of bile s alts, etcThis recipe is also very rich in proteins, fats, vitamins of type B, A, D and E or iron among others. As in the previous case, it is very important to offer this recipe with fresh and quality ingredients.

To prepare this recipe for steak tartare with liver for your cat you need:

  • Chopped veal
  • Cow liver
  • The yolk of a chicken or quail egg

Preparing this recipe is very easy You only need to cut the liver into very small cubes, mix them with the minced meat and a dash of oil vegetable. Once the ingredients are well mixed, you only need to use a troquel (platting ring) or a cookie moldround. Place the egg yolk on top and that's it.

Remember that, unlike human steak tartare, cat steak should never include onion. If you want to add some spice you can choose turmeric, brewer's yeast, parsley or thyme.

BARF recipes for cats - Example 2 of the BARF diet for cats: Steak tartare with liver
BARF recipes for cats - Example 2 of the BARF diet for cats: Steak tartare with liver

Example 3 of the BARF diet for cats: Lamb meatballs and yogurt

Lamb is, by far, one of the most digestivemeats for cats, so its consumption is recommended for cats suffering from digestive problems, gastroenteritis or frequent gastritis. Lamb meat stands out for having high-value proteins, provides essential amino acids and has a low amount of fat, so it is also ideal for cats suffering from obesity.

In this recipe, we will also add some vegetables recommended for cats. Although we know that felines are strictly carnivorous, including small doses of vegetables in their mashed foods gives them an extra vitamins In this case we will add carrot, which is easy to digestion, provides fiber and vitamins and is good for the eyes.

To make this recipe for lamb meatballs and yogurt you need:

  • Mutton
  • Carrot
  • Natural yoghurt, sugar free.

We will use a meat grinder to grind the meat and carrot. Then we will make small meatballs, remember that they must be small in size. Finally, you only need to add yogurt on top, a food rich in calcium and that also provides beneficial bacteria, such as probiotics

BARF recipes for cats - Example 3 of the BARF diet for cats: Lamb meatballs and yogurt
BARF recipes for cats - Example 3 of the BARF diet for cats: Lamb meatballs and yogurt

Example 4 of the BARF diet for cats: Seafood salad

This new seafood-based recipe provides our best friend important nutritional properties, such as folic acid, vitamins A and E or its high content of minerals, such as potassium, sodium, iodine and magnesium. It's also a low-calorie recipe, so we can offer it to cats who are overweight.

The seafood salad can be prepared with:

  • Prawn
  • Sea urchin
  • Mussels
  • Clams
  • Shrimp
  • Razor

Once again we emphasize product quality, especially in this case, since shellfish can cause serious intoxication if it is consumed in poor condition or if the product is already intoxicated with ciguatoxin.

You will only need to create a salad with the chosen products, although you can cut the larger ones into small pieces. Add a little oil and it's ready to serve.

BARF recipes for cats - Example 4 of the BARF diet for cats: Seafood salad
BARF recipes for cats - Example 4 of the BARF diet for cats: Seafood salad

Example 5 of the BARF diet for cats: Pork Bites

To prepare this dish we have chosen pork, although there are other meats that you can also use. Pork is rich in protein, although the level of fat will depend on the area chosen. It also contains B-type vitamins.

To prepare delicious pork bites you will need:

  • Pork Meat
  • Honey
  • Rosemary

Cut the pork into small cubes, coat it with oil and sprinkle a little rosemary on top. Let the mixture marinate between 10 and 15 minutes covered with a film. Then you just have to add a little honey (of natural origin, untreated) and serve it.

BARF recipes for cats - Example 5 of the BARF diet for cats: Pork Bites
BARF recipes for cats - Example 5 of the BARF diet for cats: Pork Bites

Is raw meat good or bad for cats?

There are different opinions about the BARF diet for cats. It is important to highlight that a diet based on meat, bones and viscera would be the most similar to what a feline would have in the wild, so in general it tends to have good acceptanceHowever, it is advisable to start the cat on this type of diet from an early age, otherwise it can be rejected.

Raw meat is good for cats, as long as quality products are chosen. Otherwise, our best friend could suffer from a parasite infestation or a disease caused by pathogens. To avoid this, many people choose to buy "barf food for cats" already packaged and prepared, ready to consume and without any risk. Other people freeze it or lightly cook it. Remember that deworming your cat regularly and going to the vet will be essential routines to ensure good he alth.
