Parva Goldfinch: characteristics, photos and videos

Parva Goldfinch: characteristics, photos and videos
Parva Goldfinch: characteristics, photos and videos
Goldfinch parva
Goldfinch parva

Welcome to this breed file on our site in which we will talk about everything related to the parva goldfinch also known as Carduelis carduelis parva. It is a beautiful and beautiful animal, appreciated for its song and the intense colors it possesses.

The parva goldfinch specifically inhabits Spain, Portugal and North Africa, although it can sometimes travel to the south of France or Eastern Europe. It is a gregarious bird.

Next we will detail the physical aspect of this bird, its diet and its "favorite treats" or some curiosities that you may not have known.

Physical aspect of the parva goldfinch

All goldfinches have a series of physical attributes in common that make them special and different from other native European birds. Among these common physical characteristics of goldfinches we find:

  • Head: It has a bright red mask. The rest is white with black borders.
  • Body: It will depend on the subspecies to show some shades or others.
  • Wings: Totally black and with an intense yellow stripe.
  • Tail: Entirely black with intermittent white stripes.

They usually measure between 12 and 14 centimeters and their weight is around 15 or 20 grams. We also want to point out that it is a very long-lived bird that can live up to 10 years.

The main difference between the Carduelis carduelis parva and the other subspecies of goldfinch lies in the color of the animal's body, which is usually a more brownish tonewith shades of brown and dark instead of white, for example, in the case of Carduelis carduelis major.

The physical appearance of the Parva goldfinch can vary slightly if we are talking about a male or a female. For this reason and to be able to differentiate both sexes, our site offers you the basic instructions to know how to differentiate a male goldfinch from a female. To do this we must look at the red mask, the beak of the animal, the shoulders of the wings, the yellow stripe of the wings and the shape of the tail. Of course, it can be somewhat complicated if we do not have previous experience in the physical aspect of the parva goldfinch.

Behavior of the Parva Goldfinch

In the wild, the parva goldfinch usually prefers forests and dense areas, especially if they have thistles, one of their favorite delicacies. However, and due to deforestation, the goldfinch can adapt to all kinds of areas including gardens and orchards as long as there are trees to take refuge. Of course, it prefers hot places with temperate climates.

The goldfinch lives surrounded by its congeners creating sedentary populations of individuals that migrate in September and November to North Africa or other warmer Mediterranean areas. It is in the spring and autumn that the goldfinch returns with force to begin its reproductive cycle.

On an individual level they are very restless and lively specimens who enjoy singing and chattering constantly. It is the male who has the most beautiful song, although the female also emits certain elegant pronunciations. In addition to communicating with other individuals in their population, goldfinches also make sounds to alert each other or initiate courtship.

Goldfinches usually breed during or before spring. They lay an average of 4 eggs that hatch in just 12 days. With astonishing rapidity the chicks of the goldfinch parva become independent of their parents to ensure their survival. It will not be until autumn that the young goldfinch will reach its final plumage.

Caring for a goldfinch

The keeping of goldfinches in homes is totally prohibited as it is a protected bird However, if you are a wildlife conservationist who has a license and the relevant age, you can have a goldfinch in your home. our site tells you the following goldfinch care:

Remember that a captured adult goldfinch can suffer serious stress problems when found locked in a small room after a lifetime in the wild. It is for this reason that many of them perish. It is advisable to have an aviator in which we can let it fly freely on a regular basis. When exercising, it will continue to show all the splendor that the species possesses

The goldfinches will feed on mixtures that we can buy in the market or prepare ourselves at home. Among the seeds we can offer you we find negrillo, canaryseed, hempseed, perilla and rapeseed. There are also natural foods that we can collect from the field and that will undoubtedly make you very happy. We are talking about the thistle, the goldfinch's favorite treat, but also about the thistle or the dandelion. Assorted vegetables, fruits and tender shoots are perfect complements to your diet as they provide a large amount of vitamins that will have a direct impact on the quality of your plumage and your mood.

In addition to the food itself, we must include a cuttlefish bone This is a totally natural mineral supply that it is a source of calcium for the bird. It is not only recommended for the goldfinch, it is perfect for all types of birds and preferable to unnatural compounds.

Another aspect of the goldfinch's diet to take into account is that during the breeding season it usually needs an extra supply based on the insect supplyYou can opt for live food available at any store or ready-made insectivorous paste. our site recommends the second one since we will avoid having insects that have survived through the cage (as well as their droppings). As extras in their diet we can add from time to time (and especially during the breeding season) egg paste for extra protein as well as gritt for extra calcium.

The goldfinch's cage must also have fresh, clean water and must be cleaned very regularly to avoid the appearance of infections and diseases. We also recommend using natural branch restraints so that the animal can wear down its nails naturally.

He alth and diseases of the parva goldfinch

As we have mentioned, it is very important to pay attention to the hygiene of the goldfinch's environment, otherwise we risk our animal suffering from diseases. We tell you the most common diseases of the parva goldfinch below:

  • Diarrhea may appear in animals that are poorly fed, stressed or with excessive drafts
  • Coccidiosis is one of the most common diseases, it is complicated to treat and it is highly contagious
  • Obesity caused by lack of exercise and diets with excessive caloric intake
  • Appearance of lumps usually caused by an insect bite
  • Anemia due to poor feeding, excessive breeding or poor hygiene conditions
  • The red louse or "little lice" is very common and dangerous, it is usually caused by poor hygiene
  • Exogenous cutaneous acariasis or respiratory acariasis, both caused by different mites

Another aspect to highlight in terms of he alth is the forced moulting of the goldfinch: veterinarians do not recommend at all forcing the animal to carry out a forced molt. This process, which is carried out by many people on a daily basis, is a stressful experience for them who find their natural cycle altered.


As we have told you before, the goldfinch is a protected bird due to the malpractice of some fans. Not all sylvestrists act in the same way, but the truth is that both the captures and the tiny cages in which they reside favor an impoverishment of the animal's standard of living. In addition, we must also highlight the large number of poachers who are dedicated to the illegal trafficking of this species, stealing nests, adult specimens without permission and even females, something totally illegal. If you want to discover more related things, we encourage you to read the hidden face of silvestrismo

Below you can see photographs of the goldfinch as well as a video in the wild

Photos of Parva Goldfinch
