White Owl: characteristics and photos

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White Owl: characteristics and photos
White Owl: characteristics and photos
Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

The white owl (Tyto alba) is popularly known as barn owl, but it also receives other names, such as barn owl It is distributed around the planet, except in areas with a desert climate, at the poles and in other specific areas. There are also 29 subspecies of snowy owl, but specifically in Spain we can find three: Tyto alba alba, Tyto alba guttata and Tyto alba ernesti.

In this file on our site we will talk about the snowy owl, explaining its physical characteristics, habitat or food among others. Did you know that owls are capable of hunting in total darkness? Do you think you can tell the difference between an owl and an owl? Here we give you the keys to achieve it. Find out more about these white-faced raptors!

Origin of the white owl

The snowy owl, whose scientific name is Tyto alba, is a bird belonging to the family of totonidae, which it shares with other owls such as the long-legged owl, the golden owl or the Cape owl. All these birds of prey are usually confused with owls, as is the case with the well-known Hedwig from Harry Potter, because in the film what we see is a snowy owl, although refer to that bird as a white owl. The most noticeable difference is that while owls have feathers that at first glance look like ears, however, owls lack them, so it is a first step to begin to differentiate them.

Characteristics of the Snowy Owl

White owls are birds of prey of medium size, with an average weight of 450 grams in males and 500 in females, these being somewhat larger than their respective ones. The length, from the head to the tip of the tail, in the males is 36 centimeters, while that of the females is 38. The wingspan of their wings ranges between 80 and 95 centimeters.

These birds have rounded wings and not excessively large, with feathers whose structure allows a silent flight, although not too long. One of its main characteristics is the heart-shaped disk that appears on its face, completely white, framing small, dark eyes.

The plumage of these birds of prey is a yellowish cream with whitish spots, including a range of very light grayish or golden tones. Females tend to have darker colors than males, with a browner back and a more yellow belly. The song of this bird is pitiful and strident, standing out in the silence of the night in which they move and hunt, since they are nocturnal animals. Although they produce a series of very diverse sounds, the hissing they emit in situations in which they are cornered or threatened stands out.

Habitat of the Snowy Owl

This species of owl inhabits all continents, except Antarctica, and is found in both warm and temperate climates. It is not found in desert areas, nor in jungles. In this way we can find snowy owls throughout southern North America, South America, Europe, Africa, southern Asia and Australia.

Although it is not the most common even some owls establish their home in urban areas, it is common for them to build their nest in the bell towers of churches, that is why in some places it is known asbarn owl It is also found in open fields, forests and wooded areas, places where it finds possible prey to feed on.

Screen Owl Feeding

The snowy owl is a carnivorous animal. Its main source of nutrients are the small rodents such as mice, getting about three of them a day, although it also hunts other birds, insects, reptiles and even some amphibians, thus adapting to the resources available in the ecosystem in which they live.

These raptors are Incredibly adept at hunting, relying on their refined senses. Various studies have shown that owls are capable of hunting without any light, using their acute hearing, with which they are able to locate their target without having to visualize it. Once it locates its prey, the snowy owl will pounce on it, seizing it with its strong claws without it even being able to feel its approach, as they are silent and agile birds.

Screen Owl Reproduction

Barn Owls breed depending on the availability of resources in the environment, so if there is a high number of them the Barn Owls They can nest several times in the same year. They could be considered one of the most faithful animals to their partner, since they choose another individual as a reproductive partner for life. In addition, they are very protective and will not hesitate to face any kind of predator or danger in order to protect their own.

These birds do not build nests but take advantage of holes or holes in human constructions or nooks and crannies found in nature, such as holes in the trees They lay regardless of the weather and the time of year, it is usually composed of between 4 and 7 eggs, which are incubated for a period of 32 days.

When the chicks hatch they are cared for only by their mother, since the male is in charge of providing them all by hunting for all the offspring. These pups will be able to fly as soon as they reach month and a half, but it won't be until they are three months old that they begin to become independent.

Photos of Snowy Owl
