Cramps in dogs - Causes, symptoms and what to do

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Cramps in dogs - Causes, symptoms and what to do
Cramps in dogs - Causes, symptoms and what to do
Cramps in Dogs - Causes, Symptoms and What to Do
Cramps in Dogs - Causes, Symptoms and What to Do

Although they can be difficult to see with the naked eye, dog cramps are more common than we usually imagine. Although this type of muscle problem can affect all dogs, it is usually especially common in sporting dogs, since it is generally associated with trauma or injuries resulting from a excess exercise. It is also common in older dogs due to the natural degeneration of their muscle tissues throughout the aging process.

Often we think of cramps as a "minor problem", but involuntary spasms in dogs can cause intense pain and impair your quality of life and mobility. In this article on our site, we invite you to learn more about cramps in dogs, their symptoms, main causes and how to prevent them

What are cramps?

Cramps are a type of sudden muscle spasm, that is, a sudden involuntary contraction of certain muscles. In theory, any muscle in the dog could be affected by cramps, but they tend to affect mainly the muscles of the legs and paws.

Although there are painless involuntary spasms, cramps in dogs are often quite painful and the dog may be unable to move for some or several minutes.

Cramps in dogs - Causes, symptoms and what to do - What are cramps?
Cramps in dogs - Causes, symptoms and what to do - What are cramps?

Dog Cramp Symptoms

The intensity and duration of the symptoms that a dog experiences when cramping will logically depend on the severity of the cramps. The most characteristic symptoms of cramps in dogs are:

  • Muscular stiffness
  • Muscle pain
  • Inability to move

In the most severe cases the dog may collapse and have seizures, although these episodes are rare and infrequent.

Causes of cramps in dogs

As we have mentioned, the main cause of cramp in dogs is usually excessive exercise, or improper performance of some activity physical. In a context of overexertion, the muscle is subjected to excessive or exaggerated tension, which can cause involuntary spasms. For this reason, sports dogs or dogs that carry out a more demanding training routine can be more easily affected by these muscular problems.

However, there are also other causes of muscle cramps in dogs, such as:

  • Dehydration, especially common in dogs that do not hydrate adequately during an exercise routine.
  • Leg or back injuries, resulting from accidents, trauma, blows, fights, etc.
  • Brain tumors and neurological disorders involving partial or total loss of nerve function.
  • Seizures, which can occur after trauma or as a symptom of an underlying disease, such as distemper or cancer in dogs, of metabolic disorders, such as hypoglycemia, or due to congenital malformations.
  • Chronic stress, which usually causes excessive and permanent muscle stiffness, facilitating the appearance of spasms and contractures in dogs.
  • Muscular weakness, which may be associated with an underlying disease, congenital malformations, poor nutrition, insufficient physical activity, or to the aging process that leads to the degeneration of bone and muscle tissues.
  • Circulation problems, which can impair oxygenation of the muscles and favor the development of cramps.
  • Degenerative diseases that affect the bones or muscles, leading to a long period of immobilization or the inability to move, such as osteoarthritis in dogs for example.
Cramps in dogs - Causes, symptoms and what to do - Causes of cramps in dogs
Cramps in dogs - Causes, symptoms and what to do - Causes of cramps in dogs

What to do if your dog has cramps?

The treatment for cramps in dogs will also depend on the intensity and frequency of the spasms, their specific cause and the he alth status of each dog. Therefore, it is always recommended to go to a veterinary center after observing recurrent muscle problems, such as spasms and involuntary contractions in dogs.

If your dog is he althy, well-trained, and has had a mild cramp after a long session of physical exercise, his symptoms will most likely last only a few minutes. In these cases, it is important to immediately stop the activity, keep your furry well hydrated and you can also massage his paws very gently to promote oxygenation of the tissues, relieve muscle stiffness, and help you regain movement.

If you notice that your dog is showing signs of dehydration, you can make a homemade serum for dehydrated dogs to help balance his fluid and electrolyte levels.

Although emergency veterinary attention is not necessary in cases of mild cramps, we recommend that you consult a professional to verify the state of your dog's he alth and rule out the possibility of any injury due to overexertion. In addition, the vet can help you to establish an exercise routine more appropriate to your dog's age and physical condition, thus avoiding the appearance of new cramps.

If you notice that symptoms persist, your dog has muscle pain or is unable to walk properly again, you should take him to the vet as soon as possible possible. These signs may indicate a more severe cramp or muscle injury, and your dog may need to undergo rehabilitation with physical therapy (physiotherapy) to regain mobility.

On the other hand, if you notice that your dog has frequent cramps, shows symptoms of muscle weakness, lameness, difficulty moving or avoids place one leg on the ground, it will be essential to take it immediately to the veterinary center or hospital. Remember that spasms and muscle contractions can appear as a symptom of underlying diseases, which must receive adequate treatment according to the needs and the organism of each animal.

Cramps in older dogs can also be quite frequent, due to the progressive degeneration of their muscle and bone tissues. In these cases, the treatment will prioritize improving the quality of life of each furry, being able to use physiotherapy and alternative therapies, such as acupuncture for dogs and relaxing massages to avoid sudden contractions.

It will also be essential for the furry to have a comfortable and accessible environment, so that he does not need to make great efforts to move around the home and enjoy the company of your family members.

How to prevent cramps in dogs?

To prevent sudden cramps and spasms in dogs, we must follow some basic guidelines, which are listed below.

  • Balance your dog's physical activity, according to his age, physical build, temperament and he alth status.
  • Always keep your furry Well hydrated, especially during walks and training sessions.
  • Offer him complete and balanced nutrition, meeting his nutritional requirements at each stage of his life
  • It is preferable to exercise it in those hours that have the most pleasant temperatures, when it is not so hot or so cold.
  • Adopt a stretching routine before and after your physical training sessions.
  • Knowing how to respect and accompany your dog's aging, providing essential care for elderly dogs.
  • Provide adequate preventive medicine to your furry throughout his life, visiting the vet every 6 months, respecting his schedule of vaccinations and regular deworming.
