Ingestion and inhalation of bleach in dogs - Symptoms and what to do

Ingestion and inhalation of bleach in dogs - Symptoms and what to do
Ingestion and inhalation of bleach in dogs - Symptoms and what to do
Ingestion and inhalation of bleach in dogs - Symptoms and what to do
Ingestion and inhalation of bleach in dogs - Symptoms and what to do

Inhalation of toxic gases and vapors is a relatively common cause of poisoning in dogs. Products for cleaning and disinfecting the home are usually the most common cause of these poisonings, with bleach being one of the main ones involved. Using this disinfectant with caution and keeping it out of the reach of our pets will be the most effective tools to prevent this type of poisoning.

Do you want to know why bleach is dangerous for dogs? If so, don't hesitate to join us in the next article on our site, in which we will talk about the ingestion and inhalation of bleach in dogs, including itsmain symptoms and what to do

What if a dog gets poisoned by inhalation bleach?

Bleach consists of an alkaline hypochlorite solution, generally sodium hypochlorite. It is a product widely used as a disinfectant due to its low cost and its broad spectrum of action against bacteria and fungi.

Now, why is bleach dangerous for dogs and humans? It should be taken into account that it is a toxic and corrosive substance, capable of causing poisoning in pets. In dogs, the three main routes of poisoning are:

  • Oral route: due to accidental ingestion of bleach.
  • Topical route: when the bleach comes into contact with the skin.
  • Inhalation route: by inhalation of bleach.

Specifically, poisoning by inhalation of bleach in dogs is due to the formation of dichlor gas, which is highly toxic. In contact with mucous membranes, this gas gives rise to the formation of hydrochloric acid, which produces significant cell damage.

In low concentrations, the inhalation of bleach hardly produces a small irritation of the respiratory mucous membranes. However, inhalation of high concentrations of bleach, especially in closed, unventilated spaces, can cause:

  • Rhinitis
  • Conjunctivitis
  • Pharyngitis and laryngitis
  • Chemical pneumonitis
  • Acute pulmonary edema

Below, we collect the main symptoms of poisoning by inhalation of bleach in dogs:

  • Eye irritation
  • Irritative cough
  • Sialorrhea: excessive salivation
  • Dyspnea: shortness of breath
  • Chest pain
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting

It should be mentioned that poisoning by inhalation of bleach in dogs can be increased when it is mixed with other cleaning products and plungers, some of the most dangerous combinations being:

  • Bleach + ammonia
  • Bleach + sulfumant or strong water
  • Bleach + phosphoric acid
  • Bleach + vinegar
  • Bleach + alcohol

Now that you know the symptoms of bleach inhalation poisoning in dogs, we're going to show you what to do if your dog gets bleach poisoning.

Ingestion and inhalation of bleach in dogs - Symptoms and what to do - What happens if a dog is poisoned by inhalation of bleach?
Ingestion and inhalation of bleach in dogs - Symptoms and what to do - What happens if a dog is poisoned by inhalation of bleach?

What to do if my dog is poisoned by inhalation bleach?

Whenever possible poisoning by inhalation of bleach in dogs is detected or suspected, the first thing to do is remove the animal from the contaminated environmentIn addition, it is convenient to wash the mucous membranes (mainly eyes and nose) with water or saline solution to reduce the levels of the toxicant.

After that, it is essential to go urgently to a veterinary center Mild cases are usually easily resolved, however, poisoning Severe require urgent medical treatment. For this reason, it is important that the animal is treated as soon as possible by a veterinary professional who can assess the severity of the poisoning caused by inhalation of bleach.

Before knowing what can be given to a dog that is intoxicated, and after exposure to irritating gases, it is necessary to know information about:

  • Oxygenation
  • Ventilation
  • The acid-base status of the animal

To do this, it is necessary to take an arterial blood sample and perform a blood gas analysis In addition, it is convenient perform a chest X-ray to determine the status of the lungs, although it should be noted that diffuse damage and pulmonary edema may appear later.

It should be noted that you should never induce vomiting in your dog if he has been poisoned by inhalation of bleach or has drunk it with water, since it is a potentially corrosive substance and can damage your furry's esophagus.

Depending on the animal's symptoms and the results of the diagnostic tests, supportive and symptomatic treatment will be established which may include:

  • Mechanic ventilation
  • Oxygen therapy
  • Fluidotherapy
  • Mucolytics

In the case of dogs that remain asymptomatic after exposure to bleach by inhalation, it is important monitor the possible appearance of signs of intoxicationfor about 8-10 hours.

My dog has drunk water with bleach, what's wrong?

At this point, what happens if a dog drinks bleach? It should be noted that the symptoms of poisoning by inhalation of bleach in dogs are similar to the symptoms that appear if your dog has drunk water with bleach, although other clinical signs are added.

How do I know if my dog has drunk water with bleach?The symptoms that he will present after a few minutes will be:

  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Itching in the mouth area.
  • Excessive Drooling.
  • Irritations in the area around the mouth and oral mucosa.
  • Stomachache.
  • Atypical behaviors.
  • Mouth ulcers.
  • Seizures.

Let's keep reading to find out what to do in this case of dog bleach poisoning.

My dog has drunk water with bleach, what can I do?

If my dog has drunk water with bleach, it will show slightly milder signs than those of bleach inhalation poisoning in dogs, since the water reduces the concentrated product. Even so, it is essential that you go to the vet with your dog.

In the event that your dog has drunk water with little bleach, you will have to be alert. The first thing we will do is offer more water to our dog so that the amount of bleach ingested is diluted, in addition to rinse the areafrom the mouth to avoid burns or product residue.

Symptoms should disappear within 30-45 minutes but, whether they go away or not, it is advisable to visit a professional that guarantees the he alth of our dog and confirms that there is no greater risk of poisoning with bleach in the dog.

As we have now been able to see what happens if my dog suffers from inhalation poisoning with bleach and know what to do if my dog has drunk water with bleach, we are going to give way to some prevention measures so as not to suffering from bleach poisoning in dogs.

How to prevent my dog from getting bleach poisoning?

As we have seen throughout the article, bleach is a product capable of producing intoxication in dogs through different routes. Preventing this type of poisoning is simple as long as the following precautions are taken into account:

  • Apply the bleach following the manufacturer's recommendations for use, especially regarding the concentration of use.
  • Use bleach in open or well-ventilated spaces.
  • Keep the animals away during bleach application.
  • Rinse treated surfaces with which animals may come into contact.
  • Keep bleach stored out of reach of pets.
  • Do not mix bleach with other products with which they can react and generate toxic gases, such as ammonia or strong water (sulfumant).

Since you already know what to do in case of bleach poisoning in dogs, you may want to take a look at this video on our site about other odors that dogs hate, for more information on the subject.
