CALIFORNIAN RABBIT - Characteristics, Character and Care

CALIFORNIAN RABBIT - Characteristics, Character and Care
CALIFORNIAN RABBIT - Characteristics, Character and Care
California Rabbit
California Rabbit

In addition to being charming animals, rabbits are excellent companions for people of all ages and with different personalities, thanks to their friendly character and great intelligenceAnd if you're considering adopting a lagomorph as a pet, you need to know more about the California rabbit, a breed of American origin that stands out a soft coat and his very affectionate temperament with his relatives.

In this tab on our site, we will tell you everything about the origin, physical characteristics and character of the Californian rabbit In addition, you can know the fundamental care to provide a he althy and happy life to your lagomorph companion. Remember that on our site you can discover many other breeds of rabbits in our complete files.

Origin of the Californian rabbit

As its name goes on, the California rabbit is a breed developed in California, in the United States, during the 1920s. Its development is attributed to Sr. George West, who would have selectively crossed Himalayan rabbits with American chinchilla rabbits to obtain a new breed that featured a dense coat that was, at the same time, soft and delicate. In addition, some theories state that the first offspring obtained from these crosses could have been crossed with rabbits from New Zealand to obtain the appearance that, today, characterizes the Californian rabbit.

Originally, the breed is developed and "promoted" thinking about the exploitation not only of its fur, but also of its meat, whose consumption was quite popular at the beginning of the 20th century. But starting in the second half of this century, Californian rabbits also began to gain popularity as companion animals

Physical characteristics of the Californian rabbit

The most characteristic feature of Californian rabbits is their abundant coat made up of two layers of coat which, despite being dense and thick, it should be soft and pleasant to the touch. Regarding coat color, the ARBA only recognizes the standard pattern, which consists of a white base with black pigmentation on its nose, tail, feet and ears. However, the British Rabbit Council (BRC) in the United Kingdom also recognizes Californian rabbits with dark brown, chocolate, lilac and blue pigmentation, in addition to the traditional standard variety.

These lagomorphs also feature a robust body with well-developed muscles, usually weighing between 3.5 and 4 kg in adulthood. Its ears are long, and can measure up to 3 cm, have rounded tips and are generally erect, as a sign that the Californian rabbit is alert to its surroundings. In addition, it highlights red eyes that are medium in size.

An interesting curiosity about the metabolism of the Californian rabbit is that the pigmentation of their fur can react in different ways depending on the climate of the place where they liveWhen they live in colder cities, these rabbits tend to show more dark parts on their body, while in the fur of Californians who live in more temperate or warm regions, the white base clearly predominates with the classic pigmented areas.

California rabbit character

As famous as the peculiar pigmentation of its coat, is the friendly and affectionate character that characterizes the Californian rabbit, making it one of the The best rabbit breeds for families with children. These lagomorphs stand out for being very curious, greatly enjoying being loose and exploring their environment freely. But we must be careful so that they do not hide in dangerous places, in addition to having a safe environment and properly delimited to prevent our rabbit from escaping.

Despite their great curiosity, California rabbits can be a bit shy when arriving at their new home or meeting for the first time time with some unknown person or animal. Fortunately, these adorable rodents are often very easy to socialize, so with the help of positive reinforcement and a supportive environment, they quickly adapt to their environment and they are predisposed to interact with their new family. Logically, like any pet, Californian rabbits also need to have their quiet moments respected, especially when resting and feeding.

In addition, the Californian rabbit is possessed of a great intelligence and, when well stimulated, they tend to be very predisposed to learning. Therefore, when adopting a rabbit, it is important to commit to its education and mental stimulation, presenting it with different orders of obedience, tricks, tasks and varied activities.

Care of a Californian rabbit

One of the main cares for the Californian rabbit is the maintenance of its delicate coat The ideal is to brush it at least three times a week, always using an appropriate brush to avoid breaking the fiber of its soft hairs. Your rabbit will need to get used to this completely new experience for him, so you should be patient and act calmly to reassure him before you start brushing him. Do not forget that lagomorphs are very sensitive and are always alert, being able to be frightened quite easily. The idea is to make your rabbit assimilate grooming sessions as moments of relaxation, cuddles and mutual trust.

As we have already mentioned in the previous section, it will be very important to stimulate the mind of your Californian rabbit, both to educate it and to prevent symptoms of stress or boredom. To teach him new tasks, activities or tricks, we advise you to use the clicker, the same device that we usually use to facilitate the training of dogs and cats. In addition, you can use small pieces of good-for-he alth fruits and vegetables as a positive reinforcement, to reward him and encourage him to persist in his learning.

In addition to working on their intelligence, Californian rabbits also need physical activity to strengthen their bodies and expend energy to maintain stable behavior Ideally, they should be released from their cage at least 2-3 times a day and have an open, safe space where they can run, jump, and explore their surroundings. It is worth remembering that physical exercises will also be essential in managing a he althy weight, preventing complications derived from obesity in rabbits.

Good hygiene is also one of the key cares for rabbits (including Californians), preventing them from coming into contact with possibly pathogenic microorganisms. Ideally, cleaning droppings, wet hay, and food residue from his cage daily. Drinkers and feeders should be washed at least three times a week, and it will be necessary to sanitize the entire cage of your lagomorph at least once a week.

California Rabbit Feeding

California Rabbits will need complete and balanced nutrition to fully develop their physical, cognitive, emotional and social capabilities. The rabbit's diet must fully supply the specific nutritional requirements of each stage of its life, preventing them from suffering the negative consequences of possible nutritional deficiencies. Hay will be the most important element in the diet of adult rabbits, thanks to its high fiber content that stimulates intestinal transit and facilitates digestion, preventing Gastrointestinal disorders.

Your rabbit will need to have fresh, good-quality hay always available in its cage, but you will need to check it regularly to prevent it from becoming get wet with water or come into contact with urine. Humidity favors the proliferation of bacteria, fungi and other pathogens that can compromise the he alth of your rabbit. In addition, you can offer him vegetables, fruits and vegetables, always in appropriate amounts according to his size, weight, age and lifestyle. It will also be essential to provide optimal hydration for your rabbit, always leaving fresh and clean water in its cage.

Finally, don't forget that rabbits need to wear down their teeth, as they grow constantly throughout their lives. In specialized stores, you can find organic wood and fruit bouquets that are appropriate to offer to your rabbit. But make sure they are from sustainable sources, to prevent them from containing chemicals that can cause damage to the body of your fellow lagomorph.

California Rabbit He alth

The Californian rabbit, like all rabbits, is better adapted to temperate climates, usually suffering quite a lot from high temperatures. Therefore, it is essential to properly condition your rabbit's environment during the hottest days to prevent excessive heat and sunlight from leading to heat stroke, burns or other risks to its well-being. In addition to leaving fresh, clean water always available, don't forget to locate his cage in a room or environment that is cool, shaded, and has good ventilation.

However, rabbits are also sensitive to cold and sudden changes in temperature. Although it has a dense coat that helps keep it warm, your rabbit will need your help to protect itself from low temperatures, preventing burns, colds and even hypothermiaTherefore, remember to provide a properly conditioned shelter for your rabbit during the winter and never leave it outdoors.

In addition to suffering from climatic adversities, the Californian rabbit can also develop some common diseases in rabbits, such as rabies, turalemia, infections of viral, bacterial or fungal origin, problems of skin such as scabies or ringworm, among others. To maintain good he alth and enjoy your day-to-day at home, your rabbit will need adequate preventive medicine. Therefore, don't forget to take him to a specialized vet every 6 months to carry out a preventive consultation and always keep his vaccinations and deworming up to date.

Photos of California Rabbit
