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My cat is listless and does not move - Causes
My cat is listless and does not move - Causes

By its very nature, the cat does not usually show signs of illnessuntil it is truly incapacitating. That is why our cat reduces his activity and his appetite is an indication that we cannot ignore.

If our cat is listless and does not move or seems sad, apathetic or lethargic, we should consult the veterinarian. In this article on our site, we will answer the question why my cat is listless and won't moveWe will see that both psychological and physical causes can be hidden behind this decline.

How do I know if my cat is sick?

Since cats do not usually show signs of illness until their situation is not more serious, to know if your cat is sick, we must be observant, paying special attention to these aspects:

  • Abnormal attitude in the cat.
  • Does not eat or drink.
  • Inactivity.
  • Dry and hot muzzle (symptom of fever).
  • Abnormal urine and/or stool.
  • Problems with fur.
  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Loud purr and meow.
  • Foul breath.
  • He scratches a lot.

For more information, you can consult this other article on our site on How do I know if my cat is sick?

My cat is listless and does not move - Causes - How do I know if my cat is sick?
My cat is listless and does not move - Causes - How do I know if my cat is sick?

Why is my cat down and not moving?

There are several possible causes that explain why your cat is listless. In short, it can be caused by the following problems:

  • Stress.
  • Pain.
  • Parasites.
  • Diseases.
  • Old age.

Next, we will comment on each of these aspects. Of course, in the event of any abnormal behavior in your feline, it is best to take it to the vet.

Stress in cats

Cats tend to define themselves as independent animals, but the truth is that they show a high sensitivity to everything that happens in their environment and with their family. Thus, any change can lead to an alteration in their behavior due to the stress they experience in these situations. For example, a change of address, the arrival of new members to the family, but also changes that go unnoticed, such as a noise that scares him. Sometimes the cat is down and does not move or interact as sign of stress The cat will be sad and too much standing, may hide, lose appetite and even begin to urinate or defecate outside of their litter tray.

Although it is very easy for cats to become stressed, if we detect this symptomatology, we cannot assume that it is a psychological problem. We should always go to the vet to rule out a physical cause, since diseases can also be behind the decline. Only by confirming that the cat is completely he althy, we can think of a psychological origin.

To check if your cat is really stressed, you can consult this other article on our site about 5 symptoms of stress in cats.

My cat is listless and does not move - Causes - Stress in cats
My cat is listless and does not move - Causes - Stress in cats

Cat sad because of pain

A cat that is listless and does not move can indicate that he is experiencing some pain whose causes are varied. Cats are not very expressive when it comes to their discomfort. This means that they are not usually complainers. They hold on as long as possible before showing weakness and this makes it difficult for us to discover that they are sick or that we do so when the ailment is already in an advanced stage. Signs of illness can go unnoticed. In addition, they are sometimes very subtle and nonspecific.

For example, vomiting from time to time does not usually alarm caregivers, especially if the cat shows no further change in behavior. But, in reality, it may be indicating kidney disease. Another case would be that of an older cat that seems to sleep a lot due to its age, but may be too still because it feels pain in its joints. That is why it is important that, if our cat is down, he does not play, does not move as usual or, simply, we notice him sad, we go to the vet

To identify the symptoms of pain in cats, we leave you this other article on 10 signs of pain in cats.

My cat is listless and does not move - Causes - Cat sad due to pain
My cat is listless and does not move - Causes - Cat sad due to pain

Physical causes of decay in cats

There are numerous causes that can cause a cat to be listless and not move, so it is advisable to consult the veterinarian. Depending on your age, some may be more likely than others, like the ones below:

  • Intestinal parasites: thus, kittens that show a decrease in their normal activity may be infested by intestinal parasites. It is common that, if it is the case, the little one also presents diarrhea or decomposition, but not always.
  • Infectious disease: being dull, sad or down can also be indicative of suffering from an infectious disease that is in the incubation phase. An example is panleukopenia, a serious viral illness that causes intense vomiting and profuse diarrhea, often bloody, that can start with a simple malaise.
  • Old age in cats: on the contrary, in geriatrics, that is to say, those of advanced age, it is not strange to observe that the cat is down and sleeps a lot. Cats are sleepy animals and it is normal for them to sleep up to 16 hours a day. In these older cats, the period of sleep can even be increased, but if we notice that he is sad and listless, his lethargy may be a symptom of pain or a systemic disease.

Your vet can make a diagnosis after examining you and running tests such as blood and urine tests, X-rays or ultrasounds. Of course, not only elderly animals can get sick. Relatively young adult cats should also be taken to the vet if they feel listless.

My cat is listless and does not move - Causes - Physical causes of listlessness in cats
My cat is listless and does not move - Causes - Physical causes of listlessness in cats

What do I do if my cat is down?

We insist that, if our cat is down and does not move, we notice that he is sad or dull, we must consult the vet Of course, we must follow his instructions if he prescribes medication or a diet. If the review determines that the cat is he althy or if the decline is due to old age, we have the option of trying to encourage it with recommendations such as the following:

  • Watch it: Examine your routine to identify the change that has made you sad and, if possible, reverse it.
  • Props-Put props to make it easy for you to get up and down from high places.
  • Toys: adopt environmental enrichment measures. This means that the cat needs stimuli, such as climbing areas, places to hide, scratching posts, toys, etc. so that you do not fall into situations of stress or depression.
  • Dedicate time: it is not about forcing the cat to caress or to play games that he does not want, but we do have to promote and continue your interactions
  • Pheromones: Use calming pheromones. We can get them in different formats and their function is to relax the environment through scents that are calm for the cat.
  • Tranquility: this is not the time for changes. An old and listless cat will not usually improve with the introduction of a playful kitten in its territory. On the contrary, it can be a stress factor that worsens the condition.
  • Professionals: if our cat is still sad and the vet has ruled out a physical problem, we can turn to feline behavior specialists or ethologists.
