Famotidine for dogs - Dosage, what it is for and contraindications

Famotidine for dogs - Dosage, what it is for and contraindications
Famotidine for dogs - Dosage, what it is for and contraindications
Famotidine for Dogs - Dosage and what it is used for
Famotidine for Dogs - Dosage and what it is used for

Famotidine is a drug that is also used in human medicine, so we probably have it in our home medicine cabinet. But we shouldn't make the mistake of administering famotidine for dogs just because we think their symptoms match ours. Only veterinarians can prescribe the use of drugs.

In this article on our site we explain what is famotidine, what is it prescribed for in dogs and what are the contraindications and side effects to be aware of.

What is famotidine?

Famotidine is an active substance that is included in the group of H₂-receptor antagonist drugs or H₂-blockers In other words, It works by blocking the H₂ receptor, thereby inhibiting the secretion of gastric acid that induces histamine. Specifically, it prevents the union of histamine released by stomach cells with its receptor. In this way, the secretion of hydrochloric acid is significantly reduced. It is considered more powerful than other active ingredients of its group, such as cimetidine and ranitidine, and is long lasting.

In summary, its scope of action is the digestive. Basically it is a drug with anti-ulcer effect, by reducing the amount of stomach acid produced. Famotidine for dogs has the problem of poor absorption, which means that only 37% is used when administered orally. It is eliminated through urine.

Famotidine for dogs - Dosage and what is it for - What is famotidine?
Famotidine for dogs - Dosage and what is it for - What is famotidine?

What is famotidine used for in dogs?

Famotidine is used to treat diseases associated with acid produced in the stomach. Thus, we will find that famotidine for dogs is prescribed in cases of gastritis of different types, gastroduodenal ulcers, esophagitis due to reflux or systemic mastocytosis Famotidine resolves symptoms that occur related to these conditions.

All these pathologies must be diagnosed by a veterinarian. So even if you have famotidine in your medicine cabinet, don't give it to your dog on your own. Treatment with this drug requires regular veterinary supervision. It should be noted that dogs are often very sensitive to the formation of gastroduodenal ulcers as a side effect of NSAID administration. Famotidine manages to mitigate the decrease in gastric flow in these cases, thereby contributing to the prevention of these ulcers in dogs undergoing prolonged treatment with NSAIDs, although its efficacy is controversial.

Famotidine Dosage for Dogs

The dose of famotidine for dogs can only be prescribed by the veterinarian The same happens with the time of administration and the frequency between each taking. This is because, as is often the case with any other drug, it will depend on the clinical situation and the characteristics of the dog. That is, it is necessary to individualize it.

In fact, the range of the recommended dose is very wide. It ranges, orally, between 0, 1 and 1 mg of famotidine per kg of dog weight and can be given between one and two times a day. In addition, once the treatment has started, it must be maintained for as long as the veterinarian has indicated, even if we notice improvement beforehand.

Famotidine in dogs It is usually used in tablets and it is better that they are administered before eating. They can be broken to facilitate their consumption, especially if it is necessary to hide the tablet in the food so that the dog takes it without realizing it. More tricks in this other article on How to give a dog a pill. Other formats are the injectable famotidine for dogs, which will be administered by the veterinarian, or the oral suspension. In the latter case, famotidine comes in powder form that must be reconstituted by adding water.

Famotidine contraindications in dogs

Famotidine could interact with other drugs, therefore, if our dog is taking or has just taken any medication, we have to put it on inform the veterinarian if he does not know the data. This includes food supplements. Of course, dogs that have shown allergic reactions to famotidine at some point should not consume this drug again. On the contrary, it can be given to female dogs during pregnancy or lactation, of course, always following the advice of the veterinarian.

On the other hand, extreme precautions must be taken with dogs suffering from kidney or liver disease already diagnosed. Famotidine is not the most suitable drug for these specimens. Caution is also recommended in cases of elderly dogs or with any previous condition that weakens them. If after administering famotidine for dogs we perceive any adverse effect, we must inform the veterinarian. We will have to do the same if it seems to us that the drug is not having the effect it should.

Famotidine side effects for dogs

Occasionally, famotidine can cause adverse reactions in the dog, although these are rare. These include the following:

  • Loss of appetite.
  • Vomiting.
  • Diarrhea.
  • S dry mucosa and skin.
  • Hypotension.
  • Decreased heart rate when administered intravenously.

Also, although it is a very safe drug if used according to the veterinarian's recommendations, if an overdose occurs it is possible detect symptoms such as the following:

  • Vomiting.
  • Nervousness.
  • Heart rate increased.
  • Collapse.
