Psychological pregnancy in bitches - Symptoms and treatment

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Psychological pregnancy in bitches - Symptoms and treatment
Psychological pregnancy in bitches - Symptoms and treatment
Psychological pregnancy in bitches - Symptoms and treatment
Psychological pregnancy in bitches - Symptoms and treatment

Psychological pregnancy in bitches, also known as pseudo-pregnancy, is a relatively common disorder in this species. It appears at the end of the diestro and is characterized by the manifestation of clinical, physical and behavioral signs, typical of motherhood, which include milk production and the rearing of inanimate objects, but without the bitch actually gestating. It can occur in chihuahuas, yorkshires, dachshunds or mestizas, that is, any female is susceptible to it.

In this article on our site we will talk in detail about psychological pregnancy in dogs, explaining why it occurs, what symptoms are the most frequent or what is the treatment of choice that our veterinarian may suggest. Likewise, we will also explain what to do to avoid it.

What is a psychological pregnancy in dogs?

To really understand what pseudo-pregnancy is, we must talk about heat in bitches and the estrous cycle. Once sexually mature, around 6-9 months of age, the bitch experiences her first heat, which is repeated from time to time, becoming more regular over the years. The following phases stand out:

  1. Proestrus (from 3 to 17 days): at this stage the bitch begins to attract males, however, she is not receptive for mating and not fertile.
  2. Estrus (from 3 to 17 days): now the bitch is receptive for mating. At the beginning of this phase, the most fertile days of the bitch occur. You can get pregnant.
  3. Diestro (from 60 to 100 days): at this stage the bitch refuses to be mated again. If fertilization has occurred, the female will experience gestation.
  4. Anestro (130 days): period of sexual inactivity in which the bitch's body "rests".

Right-handedness is a stage of predominance of the hormone progesterone, regardless of whether a pregnancy has occurred or not. But this hormone can decrease gradually if there has been no fertilization or abruptly when it has occurred, in which case the secretion of another hormone, prolactin, linked to breast development and milk production, is also stimulated. In pseudopregnant bitches, there is no real pregnancy, but the progesterone level drops rapidly, which explains the clinical signs that appear approximately 60 days after estrus, since the bitch believes that she has had puppies and can steal inanimate objects and raise them.

Why does psychological pregnancy occur in female dogs?

Pseudopregnancy is a totally physiological process and is part of the normal cycle of the bitch. However, when it does not resolve on its own, he alth and behavioral problems appear and that is when it should be treated by a veterinarian to ensure the well-being of the bitch.

Psychological pregnancy in dogs - Symptoms and treatment - What is a psychological pregnancy in dogs?
Psychological pregnancy in dogs - Symptoms and treatment - What is a psychological pregnancy in dogs?

Psychological pregnancy symptoms in dogs

The symptoms of psychological pregnancy in dogs are very similar to those of a real canine pregnancy, so on many occasions, lead to confusion. On the one hand, we will observe physiological symptoms, but behavioral symptoms will also appear.

Physical picture of psychological pregnancy in bitches

The symptoms of false pregnancy in dogs are as follows:

  • Increased vaginal discharge.
  • Bulging belly.
  • Enlarged breasts.
  • Milk production.
  • Breast licking.
  • Vaginal licking.

Behavior of a dog with psychological pregnancy

As for behaviour, it can also be affected by pseudo-pregnancy:

  • Makes a nest.
  • Dig the bed.
  • Steal inanimate objects.
  • “Breed” inanimate objects.
  • Hides.
  • He doesn't want to walk.
  • She is listless.
  • Sozolla.
  • Scratch the floor and walls.
  • You suffer from anxiety and stress.
  • Demand attention.
Psychological pregnancy in dogs - Symptoms and treatment - Symptoms of psychological pregnancy in dogs
Psychological pregnancy in dogs - Symptoms and treatment - Symptoms of psychological pregnancy in dogs

How long does a psychological pregnancy last in dogs?

It is estimated that pseudopregnancy in dogs lasts approximately between 1 and 3 weeks, however, we must know that a bitch who is sensitive to these changes is very likely to experience a psychological pregnancy in all heats In any case, some he alth problems that appear during pseudo-pregnancy can be maintained even after three weeks.

Diagnosis of psychological pregnancy in bitches

If you suspect a psychological pregnancy in the bitch, it is best to go to the vet, since only a specialist can issue a accurate diagnosis. The professional must rule out the possibility of a true pregnancy by abdominal palpation and ultrasound or radiography. If it's an unwanted litter, he can explain how to safely terminate a female dog's pregnancy

Once pregnancy has been ruled out, the vet will analyze the dog's symptoms and prescribe the treatment she deems appropriate for both the physical symptoms and the behavioral problems caused by hormonal changes. Special consideration will be given to clinical history

Psychological pregnancy in dogs - Symptoms and treatment - Diagnosis of psychological pregnancy in dogs
Psychological pregnancy in dogs - Symptoms and treatment - Diagnosis of psychological pregnancy in dogs

How to remove psychological pregnancy in female dogs? - Treatment

In general, the psychological pregnancy remits after three weeks, so if the dog does not present physical or behavior, it will not be necessary to apply any pharmacological treatment.

Nevertheless, we must know that licking the teats causes an important stimulation for milk production, so it may be interesting to do some quick rubs with camphorated alcohol Its taste will disgust you and it will also prevent possible infection. Of course, avoid overdoing the scrubs, since excessive manipulation will also stimulate production, something that we must avoid. In more severe cases it may be necessary to place an Elizabethan collar, which will increase your stress levels and help to cut off your milk. It will also be vitally important to remove the toy, rag or inanimate object that the bitch is "breeding", as it increases maternal behavior.

On the other hand, we will increase physical exercise as much as possible or carry out training sessions to keep your mind active and distracted. She will probably be reluctant to do so, so it is advisable that we encourage her with the voice and with tasty treats. As for behaviors related to stress, anxiety and demands for attention, they should be completely ignored and replaced by requests for obedience, which we will then reinforce.

In the most serious cases the veterinarian may prescribe antiprolactinics and/or anxiolytics, always taking into account the weight, age and condition of the dog. For its part, the appearance of canine mastitis , the inflammation/infection of the breasts, should be treated with antibiotics and anti-inflammatories. Remember that in no case should you use a drug that is not expressly prescribed by the veterinarian.

Psychological pregnancy in dogs - Symptoms and treatment - How to remove psychological pregnancy in dogs? - Treatment
Psychological pregnancy in dogs - Symptoms and treatment - How to remove psychological pregnancy in dogs? - Treatment

Home remedies for psychological pregnancy in dogs

It is very common to find home remedies that claim to solve this problem, however, it is important to note that no trick is going to be able to solve pseudo-pregnancy, since we are talking about a he alth problem caused by a hormonal imbalance. For this reason it is not advisable to use home treatment for psychological pregnancy in female dogs, as we could inadvertently worsen the he alth of the female dog.

How to prevent psychological pregnancy in female dogs?

As you have seen, pseudopregnancy can cause the appearance of serious problems, such as mastitis, stress and anxiety, among others, as well as depression or behavioral changes. Knowing that 5 out of 10 female dogs will experience psychological pregnancies throughout their lives, castration is always recommended, a safe option that completely avoids pseudo-pregnancy and helps prevent other he alth problems, such as breast tumors or canine pyometra, a particularly serious pathology.

If you want to know more about psychological pregnancy in dogs, don't miss this full video by veterinarian Susana González from the San José Veterinaris on our YoTube channel:

Is psychological pregnancy in male dogs possible?

Pseudopregnancy is a disorder that is caused by a hormonal imbalance in female dogs, so it is not an alteration that we can diagnose in a male dog. This does not mean that they cannot suffer from behavioral or he alth problems linked to their organs or reproductive cycle, which also require the attention of the veterinarian or make castration advisable.
