Syringomyelia in dogs - Symptoms and treatment

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Syringomyelia in dogs - Symptoms and treatment
Syringomyelia in dogs - Symptoms and treatment
Syringomyelia in Dogs - Symptoms and Treatment
Syringomyelia in Dogs - Symptoms and Treatment

Dogs have a complex organism, they even have some similarities with human anatomy and physiology, therefore, there are many structures susceptible to some disease.

Some of these diseases that can affect our pets are neurological, affecting the central nervous system and finally causing important physical alterations that must be be treated. In this AnimalWised article we talk about one of these disorders, syringomyelia in dogs and we show you what its symptoms are and treatment

What is syringomyelia?

Syringomyelia is a pathology that originates from a anatomical disorder known as Malformation Type -Chiari or CM.

This malformation consists of a skull that is too small to accommodate the brain mass adequately. This disproportion is evidenced mainly in the caudal fossa or rear part of the cranial structure. This finally produces an alteration in the normal movement of the cerebrospinal fluid, which gives rise to syringomyelia.

Syringomyelia is a disorder that causes the development of abnormal cavities along the spinal cord, filled with cerebral fluid. spinal cord and whose main danger is the increase in pressure they produce on the nerve structures or nerves.

Although it is true that brachycephalic (flat-nosed) breeds have a higher risk of suffering from this disease, it can affect any type of dog, regardless of breed or sex, although it is very common in Cavalier King Charles Spaniels.

Syringomyelia in dogs - Symptoms and treatment - What is syringomyelia?
Syringomyelia in dogs - Symptoms and treatment - What is syringomyelia?

Syringomyelia symptoms in dogs

The main symptom of syringomyelia is pain in the dog, although this can be diffuse and difficult to locate, although it is true that it is easier to observe that our pet complains, apparently, for no reason. Other symptoms that this disease can cause are as follows:

  • Lack of coordination and weakness in limbs.
  • Excessive scratching and biting of the skin, as a result of the nervous sensations caused by the disease.
  • Sleep with your head elevated, as this can relieve pain in some cases.

Not all dogs affected by syringomyelia experience all these symptoms, it is also possible to observe this in a dog that is not affected by this disease, hence when suspecting that something may happen to our pet it is priority veterinary attention

Diagnosis of syringomyelia

Generally, syringomyelia in dogs is diagnosed through a magnetic resonance imaging which will show all the cavities filled with cerebral fluid on the image. that press on the spinal cord.

Syringomyelia in Dogs - Symptoms and Treatment - Diagnosis of Syringomyelia
Syringomyelia in Dogs - Symptoms and Treatment - Diagnosis of Syringomyelia

Treatment of syringomyelia

The surgical treatment gives good results in approximately 80% of the cases, although it is a very complex procedure and which may also require significant financial resources.

It is also possible to reduce pain with the help of drugs anti-inflammatories, and morphine or cortisone derivatives may be indicated in those more severe cases. bass.

The pharmacological treatment can be complemented with alternative therapies that will help relieve pain less aggressively and without side effects, although the professional A holistic veterinarian is best suited to oversee them.

Syringomyelia in dogs - Symptoms and treatment - Syringomyelia treatment
Syringomyelia in dogs - Symptoms and treatment - Syringomyelia treatment

What can we do at home?

It is important to follow some tips that can greatly improve the quality of life of the dog, dedicating time to its care, either in the post-operative period or in the daily intake of medication.

With a simple action like lifting the bowl of our dog we will improve his symptoms, since this way he won't have to strain his spine by lowering your head and you will be able to feed comfortably and without pain.

We should also know that if we own a dog with syringomyelia we should never breed it since it is an inherited disease that descendants may also suffer. It is our responsibility.

Killers must also take their share of the responsibility against syringomyelia and not breed those specimens that show any signs of this disease.
