My dog has swollen testicles - Causes and what to do

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My dog has swollen testicles - Causes and what to do
My dog has swollen testicles - Causes and what to do
My dog has swollen testicles - Causes and what to do
My dog has swollen testicles - Causes and what to do

The testicles are a sensitive area of our dog's body and it is easy for them to be injured when coming into contact with bushes or bushes when we take him for a walk through wooded areas or with irritating substances that can be found on the ground when the dog sits on them.

In this article on our site we are going to explain why our dog has swollen testicles, what causes can cause this ailment and how we must act. We remind you that castration is highly recommended to prevent these and other he alth problems, as well as to avoid overpopulation.

The dog's genital apparatus

Dogs mature between 6 and 12 months, depending on the breed, with larger dogs taking longer. His reproductive system is made up of the penis, covered by the foreskin, and the testicles, both of which must be inside the bag calledscrotum , to which they usually descend around two months of life, although in some dogs it can be delayed until six.

Both testicles should be similar in size, firm and regular in consistency, and oval in shape. When the testicles are not in the scrotum, that is, they are not visible or palpable, they will be inside the dog's body, a disorder known as cryptorchidism. These dogs are sterile. Sometimes only one of the testicles is retained. This case is called monorchidism It is possible that these dogs are fertile, so we must take precautions.

Descended but very small testicles will show testicular hypoplasia. We will see below what disorders can cause our dog to have swollen testicles.

My dog has swollen testicles - Causes and what to do - The dog's genital tract
My dog has swollen testicles - Causes and what to do - The dog's genital tract

Orchitis in dogs

If our dog has swollen testicles, he may be suffering an infection in them, known asorchitis Its origin is usually in a wound produced in the scrotum or in the testicle itself. These wounds can appear after a bite in a fight with another dog, an injury caused by a sharp object or even a frostbite or burn.

If our dog has irritated testiclesfrom having come into contact with nettles or some chemical substance, he may also end up developing a infection. These wounds can cause our dog to have swollen and red testicles From them bacteria can access the body and start an infection, which can also spread through the sperm ducts.

Symptoms of orchitis in dogs

If our dog has swollen testicles as a result of orchitis we will notice that he feels pain The dog will have theswollen testicles and will lick the area frequently. In addition, the testicle enlarges and hardens, which is why we will see that the dog has an inflamed testicle, since the infection is likely to affect only one of them. This increase in size and the associated pain causes the dog to keep its hind legs apart and walk abnormally, avoiding rubbing.

My dog has swollen testicles - Causes and what to do - Symptoms of orchitis in dogs
My dog has swollen testicles - Causes and what to do - Symptoms of orchitis in dogs

Treatment for testicular orchitis in dogs

If we observe that our dog has swollen testicles we should go to the vet If the diagnosis of orchitis is confirmed, the treatment will consist of administration of an appropriate dog antibiotic prescribed by this professional.

It may also be necessary to give the dog some type of anti-inflammatory to reduce swelling and pain. A gauze or a wet cloth in cold water can also provide relief to our dog, always consulting the veterinarian first.

The consequences of orchitis

If our dog has suffered from orchitis, it is possible that, after controlling the inflammation, the testicle will decrease in size and harden. In this way cannot produce sperm In other cases, the infection does not completely heal and removal of that testicle is recommended.

To prevent orchitis, all the wounds we see on our dog's scrotum should be checked by your veterinarian, as they easily become infected. We insist on the benefits of castration to avoid this and other he alth problems. In the next section we will see another cause that can explain why our dog has swollen testicles.

Testicular Tumors in Dogs

These tumors usually occur in testicles that are retained inside the dog's body, being rarer in those that are normally descended. In these cases we will see that the dog has a swollen testicle, of greater consistency and irregular or nodular feel Other tumors do not cause an increase in size but rather consistency.

Some of these tumors can produce estrogens, which are hormones that will cause the dog to show typical female traits. Therefore, if our dog suffers from one of these tumors, he will also present the enlarged breastsand we will be able to see the hanging foreskin and equal hair loss on both sides.

Treatment for testicular tumors is castration. Therefore, any change in the size or consistency of the testicles should be evaluated by a veterinarian.
