Is it normal for dogs to burp?

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Is it normal for dogs to burp?
Is it normal for dogs to burp?
Is it normal for dogs to burp?
Is it normal for dogs to burp?

Like people, dogs burp to remove gas from their bodies. It is usually due to the fact that the animal has swallowed air during the meal, however if it is constant and recurrent belching it may be an indication that something is not works fine.

It is normal for dogs to burp, even so, in some cases it will be important to evaluate the cause that is causing them, especially when it can be a symptom of diseaseIn this article on our site we will try to guide you and give you some tips to prevent burping in your dog.

Why do dogs burp?

Gases are formless fluids generated in the large intestine during digestion. They are mainly due to the fermentation of ingested food or the presence of air that is swallowed when eating. It's totally normal and natural.

What happens if the dog has a lot of gas? If we are not talking about isolated cases, it is important to know some of the causes that cause belching in dogs, below we will explain the most common ones:

  • Eating raw foods, such as fruits and vegetables.
  • Poor quality food.
  • Molossoid breeds, such as the Boxer, Pug or Dogue de Bordeaux, which involuntarily ingest excessive air when eating.
  • General stress and anxiety.
  • Competitive feeding, which appears when the dog eats together with other animals.
  • Diseases.

When the dog belches repeatedly and constantly we should know that the gases may be causing pain. Finding the cause of this problem is essential if we want to solve it.

Remedies for gas in dogs

When the dog eats too fast it can be indicated buy an anti-voracity feeder. These are normal bowls, but with an irregular structure, which prevents them from eating everything at once and which can also be a source of enrichment and fun.

It is also advisable to distribute the food in different feedings, for example in two or three, in this way the dog will feel more satiated and will tend to accumulate less gases.

If you can't afford a slow feed bowl, you can practice seaching, an olfactory stimulation activity that will help you relax your best friend and slow down eating. This activity is highly recommended for dogs suffering from stress.

When offering food, if you have several animals at home, you can choose to feed them atseparate rooms , this way you will avoid competitive feeding. You should also try not to excite him during this time, so that he is relaxed.

When you notice that your dog burps, something that makes him feel uncomfortable, you can try to reassure him and help him with a massage that you will perform from the chest to the neck, to help him eliminate gas more easily.


Avoiding a sedentary lifestyle and opting for physical activity is an excellent remedy to get rid of gas, since we will be accelerating your metabolism and carrying out enriching activities, which will not only help improve their well-being, but will also favor their natural expulsion.

Some people use the classic aeronet tablets for dogs, others prefer the use of prebiotics, which help balance the intestinal flora, or activated charcoal, an absorbent that helps protect the stomach from harmful foods. In any case, we recommend always consulting with the veterinarian before offering the mentioned products.

When is it time to worry?

If you notice that the dog suffers diarrhea and abundant gas you should go to the vet as soon as possible, as it may be a symptom of illness. Some of the most common gas-related illnesses are:

  • Stomach torsion: The stomach expands and contracts due to a large amount of fluid, food, or gas. We will observe the very nervous dog with a very dilated abdomen. It is a medical emergency and you should go to the vet as soon as possible since it puts the life of the animal at risk.
  • Colic or colitis: is an inflammation of the large intestine that can cause gas. Dogs are weak, listless and tend to pass very small stools with possible traces of blood or mucus.

If you observe any abnormality, such as excessive panting, vomiting, blood or difficulty breathing, do not hesitate and contact your trusted veterinarian, even if it is through a phone call, to rule out a serious problem that requires emergency action.
