METRITIS in Dogs - Symptoms, causes and treatment

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METRITIS in Dogs - Symptoms, causes and treatment
METRITIS in Dogs - Symptoms, causes and treatment
Metritis in bitches - Symptoms, causes and treatment
Metritis in bitches - Symptoms, causes and treatment

Metritis in dogs is a bacterial infection that occurs in the uterus during or shortly after delivery. There are different causes involved in its development, as we will see in this article on our site. For this reason, it is very important that a pregnant dog receive all the necessary care both at the time of birth and throughout the postpartum period.

Metritis is a disease that requires rapid veterinary intervention, as it could have fatal consequences for the bitch. In this way, if you observe the symptoms that we will mention below, you should visit the veterinarian urgently. Read on to find out what is the treatment of metritis in dogs and how to avoid this problem.

Causes of metritis in bitches or uterine infection

Metritis in dogs is caused by bacteria that manage to ascend to the uterus, triggering an infection. The most common causes of this disease are those that allow bacterial overgrowth and thus expose the bitch to bacteria. The following stand out:

  • Placental retention.
  • Mummification of a fetus.
  • Contamination of the birth canal both during and after delivery.
  • Lack of hygiene in the place of delivery.
  • Do not remove the placentas if the bitch does not ingest them.
  • Do not change the bed after delivery.

Symptoms of metritis in bitches

Symptoms of metritis in bitches can be seen two to seven days after parting has taken place. The signs that should make us suspect a uterus infection in the bitch are the following:

  • Lethargy.
  • Anorexy.
  • Fever.
  • Stop caring for the puppies.
  • Vomiting.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Vaginal discharge with a very bad smell, which is what differentiates it from normal lochia after childbirth.
  • More thirsty than usual.
  • If the dog is not treated, the infection can spread rapidly into the blood and cause shock and death.

Although all the above signs are serious, if we notice brown vaginal discharge, we may be facing acute metritis that should be treated immediately. As a consequence of this flow, it is very likely that we will see the bitch licking her vulva frequently, so this sign can also alert us, leading us to watch her so that she does not lick herself and thus we can check if there is indeed a discharge.

Metritis in dogs - Symptoms, causes and treatment - Symptoms of metritis in dogs
Metritis in dogs - Symptoms, causes and treatment - Symptoms of metritis in dogs

Treatment for metritis in bitches

A dog with symptoms such as those described should be seen immediately by a veterinarian. Palpating the abdomen or performing an ultrasound it is possible to discover the presence of some placental remnant or fetus that has been retained in the uterus.

The ideal is to take a sample to make a culture and know exactly what bacteria is causing the uterine infection in the dog. In this way, the veterinarian will be able to prescribe the most appropriate antibiotic treatment to combat them. Given the severity of this infection, how quickly it can spread, and its potential to cause death, treatment is given intravenously

To do this, the dog must be hospitalized, since she will also receive fluid therapy and hormones such as oxytocin or prostaglandin to empty the uterus. Sometimes the vet also directly irrigates the uterus with saline or a disinfectant. In the most serious cases, the last option is surgery to remove the ovaries and uterus It is a life or death operation. Recovering bitches may sustain a mild persistent infection in the lining of the uterus, called endometritis and castration of affected bitches is recommended.

Metritis in dogs - Symptoms, causes and treatment - Treatment for metritis in dogs
Metritis in dogs - Symptoms, causes and treatment - Treatment for metritis in dogs

What happens to the puppies of bitches with metritis?

The most severe cases of metritis in female dogs result in them being too ill to care for their puppies. If this happens, we are the ones who will have to take care of them and feed them artificial milk specially formulated for dogs. The vet will explain what care we should give them. For more details, we recommend reviewing this article: "How to feed newborn puppies?".

Prevention of metritis in bitches

By understanding how metritis is triggered in female dogs, it is possible to prevent this infection. A good measure is that the veterinarian check the dog approximately 24 hours after delivery. In this way, for example, it can help to empty the uterus if necessary, since remains can remain in it that can trigger uterine infection.

It's also a good idea to take her temperature after delivery once a day. To do this, we just have to gently introduce a thermometer rectally. In this way, we will be able to detect any rise in temperature and contact the veterinarian at the slightest suspicion of illness. It is essential to treat metritis quickly.

Although the above measures make it possible to detect metritis in the bitch in time, without a doubt the way to completely prevent it is through castrationIn this way, we will not only avoid developing a uterus infection, but we will also be able to prevent other he alth problems such as pyometra and, of course, the birth of unwanted litters. In the following video we talk about the differences between neutering and spaying.
