REVERSE SNEEZING in cats - Causes, symptoms and treatment

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REVERSE SNEEZING in cats - Causes, symptoms and treatment
REVERSE SNEEZING in cats - Causes, symptoms and treatment
Reverse sneezing in cats - Causes, symptoms and treatment
Reverse sneezing in cats - Causes, symptoms and treatment

The reverse sneeze in cats is a very striking. It is produced by a paroxysmal and noisy inspiratory effort in order to expel excess mucus, foreign or irritating substances from the nasopharynx through coughing or the digestive system.

It's just a nervous aspiration reflex, but it can hide important respiratory and non-respiratory diseases. Continue reading this article on our site to find out what the reverse sneeze in cats consists of, how it occurs, why, what the associated symptoms are and how to treat it.

What is reverse sneezing in cats?

If a normal sneeze consists of a reflex of the nasal cavity to remove foreign matter by expelling air under pressure, the reverse sneeze is the inspiratory reflexto send that air into the respiratory tract, in order to eliminate debris that irritates the upper part of the back of the nasal cavity (nasopharynx) of cats.

When this reverse sneeze occurs continuously several times It gives the impression that the cat is choking, having a fit of asthma or even trying to vomit. This is due to the posture it adopts, that is, lowering the back, abducting the elbows and stretching the neck, and the sudden and noisy sound of the air blown inwards.

For the inverse sneeze to occur, the intra and subepithelial myelin endings of the trigeminal nerve must act, which are located in the lateral nasopharynx as the most sensitive point. Sniffing is also involved as a superimposition of both upper respiratory tract reflexes.

Reverse sneezing occurs with a strong contraction of the muscles involved in inspiration along with adduction of the cartilage of the larynx, which generates negative tracheal and pleural pressure that suddenly opens the glottis, causing a rapid and strong inspiratory airflow that reduces mucus and irritating particles, facilitating their passage to the oro and more caudal nasopharynx to be purged by mucocilia and eliminated through the digestive tract or by coughing.

Reverse sneezing in cats - Causes, symptoms and treatment - What is reverse sneezing in cats?
Reverse sneezing in cats - Causes, symptoms and treatment - What is reverse sneezing in cats?

Causes of reverse sneezing in cats

The stimulation of the nasopharynx for the production of the inverse sneeze can be caused by the following causes:

  • Allergens: dust, pollen, mites.
  • Chemical substances: cleaning products, air fresheners, perfumes.
  • Stress.
  • Tight collar.
  • Asthma.
  • Excitement.
  • Exercise intolerance.
  • Sudden temperature changes.
  • Respiratory infection or feline respiratory syndrome.
  • Nasal tumors or nasopharyngeal polyps.
  • Dental disease.
  • Increased runny nose.
  • Pneumonia.
  • Cleft palate.
  • Lower tract infections, such as bronchitis.
  • Involuntary movement of the respiratory cilia (ciliary dyskinesia).

Reverse sneezing in dogs is more common than in cats. In these it is more common in asthmatic specimens.

Symptoms of reverse sneezing in cats

Cats with reverse sneezing appear distressed. The great inspiratory effort causes your elbows to abduct, your neck to extend, and your back to stoop, which is called orthopneic posture There is also often a backward movement of the head with the mouth closed, causing nausea and the cat swallowing or coughing to remove the secretion. During the reverse sneeze cats also make a loud inspiratory sound and expand their chest.

Generally, they recover completely after each episode, which can last from a few seconds to two minutes, and they don't even lose the tone or awareness during it. If the reverse sneeze is caused by an illness or infection of the respiratory tract, the cat will exhibit symptoms such as the following:

  • Fever.
  • General discomfort.
  • Decay.
  • Anorexy.
  • Respiratory signs such as runny nose, cough and wheezing.
  • In nasal tumors, in some cases, the mass can be seen with the naked eye due to a bulge in the area.
Reverse sneezing in cats - Causes, symptoms and treatment - Symptoms of reverse sneezing in cats
Reverse sneezing in cats - Causes, symptoms and treatment - Symptoms of reverse sneezing in cats

Treatment for reverse sneezing in cats

If the reverse sneeze is caused by a disease, it must be diagnosed and treated as soon as possible to avoid this type of sneezing. Therefore, it is necessary to go to the vet Generally, when the excess secretion or foreign matter is removed from the nasal cavity, the reverse sneezes stop, as well as when controlling the asthmatic process, dental disorders or tumors. An antihistamine and decongestant may also be necessary in allergy cases. Also:

  • If the sneezing was the result of an irritant product, these should be removed or kept away from the cat whenever they have to be used.
  • We must keep the home clean and dust-free, because, in addition to attracting mites, excess dust is one of the triggers for reverse sneezing in small cats.
  • If the cat has a collar, be careful that it is not tight to avoid irritating the area externally.
  • On the other hand, massaging the cat's throat can also stop or reduce spasms.
  • Closing his nostrils to make him swallow usually has the same effect.
