Anxiety in cats - SYMPTOMS and TREATMENT

Anxiety in cats - SYMPTOMS and TREATMENT
Anxiety in cats - SYMPTOMS and TREATMENT
Anxiety in Cats - Symptoms and Treatment
Anxiety in Cats - Symptoms and Treatment

Cats are animals that are very susceptible to change, so it is not uncommon for them to show stress when a new member arrives at home or they move to another house. But when this situation does not subside, the cat can suffer from anxiety. If your cat is panting, has dilated pupils, urinates outside the litter box, or eats less than usual, she may be suffering from anxiety.

If you suspect this is the case with your cat, go to the vet, since clinical signs such as those mentioned can be caused by other diseases that must be ruled out first. Next, in this article on our site we are going to talk about anxiety in cats, symptoms and treatment

What is anxiety in cats?

Cats experience moments of stress in their daily lives that allow them to adapt to changes, such as moving house. In this sense, stress is positive because it favors this adaptation. The same happens with fear, since it helps the cat to mobilize to escape from potential danger. But when these states, which must be punctual, do not subside or are too intense, they lose their function and become a problem.

Chronic stress evolves into what we know as anxiety, which we can define as an exaggerated fear response to a stimulus that the cat perceived as dangerous, although it really is not, for example, the move that we have mentioned.

You have to keep in mind that anxiety does not only depend on external stimuliThe experiences that the cat has experienced throughout its life will also condition its way of reacting to the different elements that it must face. In other words, not all cats have the tools to adapt to change and so develop the clinical signs of anxiety in an attempt to relieve stress. Anxiety can be:

  • Generalized, when the cat is permanently stressed without a single cause being identified.
  • Territorial, if for any reason, such as moving, the marks with which the cat has delimited its environment disappear.
  • Interspecific, which occurs when the cat loses the rituals that calmed him down and that he performed with his caregivers, as can happen when moving house
  • Intraspecific, in this case the problem occurs with other cats, not with people.
  • In closed places, which refers to indoor cats that live in environments lacking sufficient stimuli.
  • For sickness.
Anxiety in cats - Symptoms and treatment - What is anxiety in cats?
Anxiety in cats - Symptoms and treatment - What is anxiety in cats?

Causes of anxiety in cats

Cats stand out as animals that are very sensitive to the introduction of any change in their environment, as caregivers who have had to move, do work at home or incorporate another member of the family will have perceived. That is why there are multiple causes that can cause anxiety. Many are easily intuited, but the problem is that others can go completely unnoticed, delaying diagnosis and, consequently, treatment. It is advisable to observe carefully to know what factors can trigger anxiety attacks in cats. We highlight the following causes:

  • Environment in which the cat cannot carry out activities that are natural to it, such as climbing, hiding, scratching or watching. A home without stimulation can be at the origin of anxiety, as well as, paradoxically, not providing new experiences.
  • Inadequate litter box that does not meet the cat's expectations, so it is not used. It may be due to defects in the tray itself, such as being too small or dirty, or the place where we have placed it, for example if it is in transit areas or very noisy.
  • Insufficient number or poor placement of feeders or waterers in households with more than one cat. There can be conflicts when accessing basic resources and these fights are a cause of anxiety.
  • All kinds of changes in the home, whether they are furniture or removals, or the arrival of other animals or people. Changes such as the one involving a visit to the vet and, of course, any change in the location of the scratching post, feeders, litter box, etc. can also generate anxiety.
  • Management problems, which usually occur when we don't know feline psychology, we don't respect the cat's needs, we punish them, etc.
  • Organic pathologies, although an anxious cat is more at risk of getting sick, for example, it may have problems with hairballs caused by Excessive licking, which is one of the clinical signs of anxiety, also happens the other way around, that is, a pathology that causes pain will trigger anxiety. An example is idiopathic cystitis.
Anxiety in cats - Symptoms and treatment - Causes of anxiety in cats
Anxiety in cats - Symptoms and treatment - Causes of anxiety in cats

Anxiety symptoms in cats

The clinical signs of anxiety are organic, also called physical, or behavioral. Although it should be known that this disorder can present itself in very different ways in each cat, within the physical signs we highlight:

  • Tachycardia, which is an increased heart rate.
  • Tachypnea or rapid breathing.
  • Panting.
  • Loose stools or diarrhea.
  • Vomiting.
  • Dilated pupils and wide eyes.
  • Ears back.
  • Hypersalivation.
  • Continuous swallowing of saliva and licking of lips.
  • Tremors.
  • Walking in a crouch and squatting on the chest, flicking the tail.
  • High-pitched meows.

The behavioural clinical signs can be behaviors that are intensified with anxiety or the opposite, that is, the cat does them less frequently, which may be a sign of their passivity in an environment they consider threatening or in the face of a lack of stimuli:

  • Poor appetite or, conversely, overeating, even substances that are not food.
  • Increased self-grooming, to the point of causing hair loss and skin wounds. This lick is not like grooming, so the coat can look sloppy.
  • Sleep disturbances.
  • Marking with urine, feces and scratching.
  • Aggressiveness.
  • Hyperalert state.
  • Hyperesthesia syndrome, which we can detect as spasmodic contractions in the muscles of the back or by tail chasing.
  • Lethargy, the cat does not play, is not interested in anything and hardly moves from its hiding place.
Anxiety in cats - Symptoms and treatment - Symptoms of anxiety in cats
Anxiety in cats - Symptoms and treatment - Symptoms of anxiety in cats

How to treat anxiety in cats?

In the presence of any of the clinical signs mentioned, it is necessary to consult the veterinarian It is the only way to obtain a diagnosis, it is that is, to confirm that it is an anxiety problem and not another pathology. Before starting the treatment of anxiety in cats, organic diseases must be ruled out. The cause must also be discovered, since treatment should be directed towards it.

In any case, this involves implementing measures in the cat's environment and management, with the aim of reducing its stress, trying to locate the trigger to avoid it as much as possible. Ethologists or experts in feline behavior are the professionals who can help us treat this problem. It is essential:

  • The environmental enrichment, that is, the incorporation of interactive toys in which food can be hidden for the cat to look for, Vertical scratchers, shelves to climb and, in general, any element that allows the cat to develop the behaviors that are natural to it are ways of offering stimulation and entertainment to our feline. Remember that the cat's home must be three-dimensional, that is, you have to think about it horizontally, but also vertically. In fact, they love to control from above.
  • The sandbox, feeders, waterers and rest or play areas must be well distributed throughout the house and in sufficient number, if there is more than one cat in the home. All these elements must be comfortable for him, that is, the litter box must be clean, the feeders must be wide so that his whiskers do not rub against him, etc.
  • Attention. Just because we are cats, we can't do without dedicate time and care to them This does not mean that we should invade their space. It has to be him who decides when and how he wants to interact with us. You never have to force. Spend some time every day playing with him and encourage him to exercise.
  • The synthetic appeasing pheromones in spray or diffuser.
  • Foods that contain ingredients known for their anxiolytic properties, such as alpha-casozepines or tryptophan, or beneficial for the damage that the cat is inflicting on itself, such as fatty acids for skin disorders.

Anxiety medications for cats

Some cats present such severe anxiety symptoms that it is not enough to implement measures in their environment. To help them overcome this phase, the veterinarian, only this professional has the skills to do so, can prescribe a drug that promotes relaxation while the management measures take effectAn example is benzodiazepines, tricyclic antidepressants or fluoxetine.

In any case, you have to know that they can have side effects, that it is usually complex to administer them to a cat, also with anxiety and for as long as necessary, and that they are not the solution, but a help to improve the cat's condition while seeing the results of recommended management measures or in cases where nothing works.

Anxiety in cats - Symptoms and treatment - How to treat anxiety in cats?
Anxiety in cats - Symptoms and treatment - How to treat anxiety in cats?

How to calm an anxious cat?

The advice we have given so far allows you to calm down, little by little, a cat's anxiety. But if, for example, we have just adopted one and it presents a picture of anxiety with physical signs like the ones we have mentioned, that is, dilated pupils, panting, etc., the right thing to do is leave him alone until he relaxes At that point, any approach on our part will make the situation worse.

To do this, we will put everything you need in the room where you find it, such as a sandbox, water, food and a good hiding place, and close the door. It is a good idea to provide a carrier because, if it is introduced, it will be easier for us to take it to the veterinarian for evaluation, diagnosis and treatment, if we do not already have it. You can also put a pheromone diffuser Better to avoid the spray because many cats are scared by the noise.

While you enter all these elements do not speak or speak very softly and move slowly, avoiding loud noises. Of course, do not let other animals access the cat or yell or fight. It's okay for him to see you and make sure you're not hurting him. If you have already been diagnosed, the treatment prescribed by professionals will gradually improve your condition.

Remedies for anxiety in cats

As we have seen, the key to treating anxiety in our cat is that we ourselves implement the measures and management advice recommended by the professional at home. For this reason, rather than remedies, in this case we can talk about guidelines, never about treatments, which can only be prescribed by the vet.

It is true that we can help calm the cat with some natural products, but the fact that they are natural does not mean that they are harmless, that's why You also have to ask the vet before giving them. Examples are valerian or lemon balm. You have more information in our article Natural tranquilizers for cats.
