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Cat Eye Diseases
Cat Eye Diseases

In this article on our site we are going to talk about the eye diseases in cats that we can find more frequently. Although many times they can be treated successfully, the truth is that, to achieve this, it is very important that we go to the veterinarian early. Otherwise, eye injuries can progress to cause irreversible damage that will leave the cat blind and even require the removal of the affected eye or eyes.

Types of eye diseases in cats

Ocular diseases in cats are characterized by discharge, excessive tearing, redness or inflammation, among other symptoms. These signs may be associated with different he alth problems, some viral, others bacterial, and others as a result of foreign bodies or trauma. The following are the most common :

  • Corneal ulcers
  • Dendritic ulcers
  • Conjunctivitis
  • Uveitis
  • Glaucoma
  • Obstruction in the nasolacrimal duct

In the following sections we will discuss the symptoms of each of these eye diseases in cats and their possible treatments.

Corneal ulcers in cats

This disease in the eyes of cats is quite common and its severity will depend on the depth of the damage that, together with the cause or type of ulcer, will determine the treatment. Ulcers produce pain, more or less intense depending on the depth, the superficial ones being the most painful, since in that area there are more nerve endings. In addition, the appearance of the cornea is modified.

The most common causes of ulcers are trauma, such as scratches, foreign bodies, hairs that grow and rub against the eye, bacterial infections, etc. Those caused by the herpesvirus stand out, causing dendritic ulcers that we will explain in the next section.

Our veterinarian can reach the diagnosis by applying fluorescein to the affected eyeor, for more superficial ulcers, a pigment called Rose Bengal The treatment will depend on the cause, but it must be implemented quickly to avoid perforation of the cornea. The most serious require surgery.

Diseases in the eyes of cats - Corneal ulcers in cats
Diseases in the eyes of cats - Corneal ulcers in cats

Dendritic ulcers in cats

We highlight this type of ulcer as one of the most common eye diseases in stray cats, since it is caused by the herpesvirus, cause of feline rhinotracheitis, highly contagious among cats that live in communities. Among cat eye infections, rhinotracheitis, responsible for an intense eye discharge, is the most common, especially among younger cats.

Although these ulcers are mild, the virus can cause deeper ulcers that, without treatment, could perforate the cornea, which which is the cause of removal of one and even both eyes in the most serious cases. Ulcers appear in cats with rhinotracheitis, but also in those that, having overcome a first infection by this virus, keep it in their latent organism and this is reactivated by stress, by the administration of corticosteroids, etc., due to its effect. immunosuppressive. These ulcers are usually accompanied by conjunctivitis and appear in one or both eyes.

Diseases in the eyes of cats - Dendritic ulcers in cats
Diseases in the eyes of cats - Dendritic ulcers in cats

Conjunctivitis in cats

We highlight conjunctivitis as a very common eye disease, especially in kittens. Although it can be caused by causes such as a foreign body, is usually associated with the herpesvirusthat we mentioned in the previous section, even in cases in which the cat does not show other symptoms.

Conjunctivitis is characterized by its bilateral presentation, with ocular redness, an abundant purulent secretion that sticks to the eyelids when it dries and, in cases of rhinotracheitis, it is accompanied by a respiratory condition. It requires veterinary assistance, with support treatment and antibiotics. For more information, do not miss the following article: "Conjunctivitis in cats - Causes, symptoms and treatment".

Diseases in the eyes of cats - Conjunctivitis in cats
Diseases in the eyes of cats - Conjunctivitis in cats

Uveitis in cats

This is another eye disease in cats that appears most frequently. The most important thing is to know that it is a symptom common in various pathologies, although, other times, it is related to trauma due to fights or run over. These causes are toxoplasmosis, feline leukemia, immunodeficiency, FIP, some mycoses, bartonellosis, herpesvirus, etc. Some of these diseases are potentially fatal, hence the importance of going to the vet, since the treatment involves identifying this cause.

Uveitis can be more or less severe depending on the structures involved, distinguishing between anterior, intermediate and posterior uveitis. Symptoms of uveitis are pain, photophobia, severe tearing, and third eyelid protrusion The eye appears smaller. Thus, the treatment is oriented towards the cause of the uveitis and the control of the symptoms.

Diseases in the eyes of cats - Uveitis in cats
Diseases in the eyes of cats - Uveitis in cats

Feline Glaucoma

Among the most common eye diseases in cats, we also highlight glaucoma. This pathology is due to different causes that have in common that increase intraocular pressure by producing more aqueous humor than is eliminated. This process damages the optic nerve and is a cause of blindness. Among the causes, the syndrome of inadequate direction of the aqueous humor stands out.

Luckily, glaucoma is not very common in cats and, when it does occur, it does so in those over 8-9 years of age. In addition, it is often associated with uveitis, neoplasms, traumatisms, etc. Hence the importance of quickly going to the vet as soon as we see signs of eye disease which, in the case of glaucoma, will be those of the pathology that causes it.

When glaucoma causes pain, enlargement of the eyeball or dilation of the pupil, it is likely that the eye is already blind. Diagnosis is based on measurement of intraocular pressure. Treatment involves identifying the cause and using medication to reduce pain and pressure inside the eye.

Diseases in the eyes of cats - Feline Glaucoma
Diseases in the eyes of cats - Feline Glaucoma

Watery eyes in cats

A constant tearing in one or both eyes can alert us to the presence of an eye disease in our feline. This tearing may be due to a foreign body but, if it is continuous, which is known as epiphora, it could indicate a obstruction in the nasolacrimal duct Through this duct the excess tears are diverted towards the nose, however, when the tears are blocked they come out through the eyes. This process can be temporary, due to some infection or inflammation, or permanent, usually from birth. It is more common in brachycephalic breeds such as Persians. We must consult our veterinarian, since the treatment will depend on the cause.

Diseases in the eyes of cats - Watery eyes in cats
Diseases in the eyes of cats - Watery eyes in cats

Eye diseases in newborn cats

Kittens are born with their eyes closed and begin to open around eight days of age. Even with their eyes closed, they can get infections. In these cases we will see one or both eyes swollen If we press gently, pus may come out that, when dry, will form scabs that we must clean with a gauze or cotton moistened with physiological serum or warm water. It is very important to go to the vet so that the infection, usually caused by herpesvirus, does not damage the eye. You will need antibiotic treatment that will have to be applied by gently separating the eyelids, while the eye does not open completely. Likewise, we must extreme hygiene, since it is a very contagious condition. Do not miss the following article to know how to properly clean the damaged eye: "How to clean an infected eye of a cat?".
