Meaning of the coloration of the mucous membranes of dogs

Meaning of the coloration of the mucous membranes of dogs
Meaning of the coloration of the mucous membranes of dogs
Significance of mucous membrane coloration in dogs
Significance of mucous membrane coloration in dogs

The color of the dog's mucous membranes helps us quickly and easily identify a possible change in the animal's vital signs. The mucous membranes are the transition tissues between the dermis and the internal system, highly vascularized areas, so it is easy to observe the peripheral blood circulation, the blood volume or the degree of hydration.

In this article on our site we will explain the meaning of the coloration of the mucous membranes of dogs,how you can observe them and other details relevant to take into account if they are altered and other symptoms appear.

How to see the mucous membranes of the dog?

There are three areas of the body where we can observe the mucous membranes of the dog:

  1. Gums: we can see the gums by lifting the dog's upper lip, however, some dogs show dark-colored gums and we prevents seeing the real color of the mucous membranes.
  2. Inside of the eyelids: we will make a certain inversion of the eyelid with the thumb. As with the gums, the inner face of the eyelid can be dark, so we will have to resort to the genital area.
  3. Genitals: the glans must be exteriorized or the vulvar fold inverted. If you don't have experience it can be somewhat complicated to do.

We will know that a dog's mucous membranes are normal when we see them pink, moist and shiny and with a TRC (time of capillary refill) no longer than two seconds. Mucous membranes that are dry or show abnormal CRT suggest an abnormality in the peripheral circulation and may be caused by shock or dehydration of the dog.

Capillary refill time

Calculating the capillary refill time is very simple, we only need to press the finger on the mucosa (genital or oral), which will turn white. After two seconds it should be back to pink.

In the case of observing a mucosa of an abnormal color, it is always advisable to assess a second mucosa, in this way we will be able to detect a possible local or generalized variation.

Meaning of the coloration of the mucous membranes of dogs - How to see the mucous membranes of the dog?
Meaning of the coloration of the mucous membranes of dogs - How to see the mucous membranes of the dog?

Pale or anemic mucosa

We will observe the white mucous membranesIndicates a decrease in blood flow or red blood cells. It is common in dogs that are in shock, dogs that are suffering from internal bleeding, or those that have been poisoned.

Significance of the coloration of the mucous membranes of dogs - Pale or anemic mucous membranes
Significance of the coloration of the mucous membranes of dogs - Pale or anemic mucous membranes

Congestive mucous membranes

We will observe the mucous membranes of intense red color. They indicate an increase in blood flow and the cause of this color may be related to heat stroke.

Meaning of the coloration of the mucous membranes of dogs - Congestive mucous membranes
Meaning of the coloration of the mucous membranes of dogs - Congestive mucous membranes

Cyanotic mucosa

We will observe the blue or violet mucous membranes, indicating a lack of oxygen in the blood. It may be caused by suffocation or poisoning.

Meaning of the coloration of the mucous membranes of dogs - Cyanotic mucous membranes
Meaning of the coloration of the mucous membranes of dogs - Cyanotic mucous membranes

Icteric mucous membranes

We will observe the mucous membranes of yellow color. Indicates an increase in bilirubin values and can be caused by many causes, ranging from intoxication to hemolysis.

Meaning of the coloration of the mucous membranes of dogs - Icteric mucous membranes
Meaning of the coloration of the mucous membranes of dogs - Icteric mucous membranes

What to do if our dog has altered mucous membranes?

If we see congested or cyanotic mucous membranes, we should go to the vet immediately, as it is an urgency However, the other colorations are no less important, we will call our trusted veterinarian to communicate the situation and see what measures to take.
