Hairballs in rabbit's stomach

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Hairballs in rabbit's stomach
Hairballs in rabbit's stomach
Furballs in the rabbit's stomach
Furballs in the rabbit's stomach

Like cats, rabbits lick their fur to groom their coats. This routine, if not complemented with foods that help the evacuation, can become a very dangerous habit for our rabbit since it leads to the appearance of hairballs.

These hairballs called trichobezoars are very dangerous to rabbits. In fact, it is one of the most serious problems that can happen to you and seriously affects your intestinal he alth.

For this reason, on our site we will detail the things you can do to prevent hairballs in the rabbit's stomach. Keep reading!

How to prevent hairballs in rabbits


daily brushing with a metal brush or a very thick horsehair brush is the best way to prevent trichobezoars.

Be especially careful during moulting periods, as rabbits lose a lot of dead hair during moulting periods.

The molting cycle is determined, regardless of temperature, by the hours of sun exposure in wild animals. Rabbits and other domestic pets do not perceive both factors. Consequently, they delay the moult throughout the year.

Hairballs in the rabbit's stomach - How to prevent hairballs in the rabbit
Hairballs in the rabbit's stomach - How to prevent hairballs in the rabbit


The rabbit must eat hay every day. Since its great contribution in fiber is beneficial for its regular intestinal transit.

Also the alfalfa, if the rabbit is not overweight, it will be a very convenient vegetable to regulate the intestinal transit of the logomorph. The natural pineapple in pieces (1 or 2 times a week), is also ideal for evacuating stomach hairballs.

Hairballs in the rabbit's stomach
Hairballs in the rabbit's stomach

Symptoms of hairballs in rabbits

If you suspect that your rabbit is suffering from hairballs or trichobezoars in its stomach, take note of the following symptoms:

  • Bloated belly
  • Will not defecate for days
  • Will refuse to eat
  • Your stool will come out with hair attached

Due to these symptoms you should go to the vet with your rabbit, as this ailment worsens faster than in cats.

Hairballs in the rabbit's stomach - Symptoms of the presence of hairballs in the rabbit
Hairballs in the rabbit's stomach - Symptoms of the presence of hairballs in the rabbit

The use of m alt for rabbits

If the rabbit is more than 3 months old, we can supply rabbit m alt.

If you don't like to eat it, which happens quite often, you should spread a leg with rabbit m alt. The rabbit will lick the leg to remove the sticky matter, which indirectly will be eating the beneficial m alt for rabbits. A very convenient help to avoid trichobezoars.

Causes of abnormal hair loss

Our rabbits can suffer abnormal hair loss caused by dermatological diseases, stress and nutritional deficiencies.

The regular visit to the vet will be a good way to detect any pathology that affects his he alth and damages his coat. There are specific snacks for lagomorphs that provide a lot of fiber to the rabbit.

If you liked this article and want to continue knowing more about rabbits don't hesitate to visit our complete article on fruits and vegetables recommended for rabbits or prohibited foods for rabbits.

It may also be useful to review the most common rabbit diseases.
