How to Prepare for the Arrival of a CAT at Home? - 10 Tips

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How to Prepare for the Arrival of a CAT at Home? - 10 Tips
How to Prepare for the Arrival of a CAT at Home? - 10 Tips
How to prepare the arrival of a cat at home?
How to prepare the arrival of a cat at home?

When we decide to adopt a feline for the first time, countless doubts may arise. It's normal that we don't know what to do when a new kitten comes home, what are the accessories a cat needs or what kind of food it requires.

Next, on our site we will show you the things necessary to have a happy and safe cat in its new environment and how to act when having a cat at home for the first few days. Find out below how to prepare for the arrival of a cat at home.

1. Create a relaxed environment for your cat

Cats are animals that are very susceptible to change, so they tend to suffer stress very easily if we don't introduce these changes properly. In this sense, the arrival of a cat in its new home is a very big change, loaded with new stimuli, which will most likely cause some fear, stress and/or anxiety. To avoid this as much as possible and help the kitten adjust to its new home, it is essential to prepare the environment and create a calm environment.

Whether you have adopted a baby kitten or an adult cat, during the first few days at home it is convenient to have the animal isolated in a room or space specially prepared for him In this way, he will feel more sheltered and safe and will be able to begin to discover his new home little by little. In this space, it is good to include some of their toys from the shelter or previous home to favor adaptation. If you notice familiar smells, it will be easier for you to make the change. Likewise, so that it can hide if needed, we recommend placing a cardboard box or nest-type bed.

Little by little and as he gains confidence, the cat will begin to explore the different corners of the home. And to promote this relaxed atmosphere even more, you have the option of connecting the FELIWAY CLASSIC Diffuser, a product specially designed to convey messages of happiness and make kittens feel feel much better. Cats emit a series of pheromones with different purposes and some of them are intended to convey security and confidence, such as when they rub their faces with people and objects to mark your comfort zone. What this product does is release a synthetic copy of the pheromones that cats transmit naturally, imperceptible to humans, but highly reassuring to cats. For this reason, it usually offers excellent results from the first week of use in cats that have just arrived, are frightened or that remain hidden most of the time. To do this, you can place it in the space prepared for the cat or the place where it spends more time.

How to prepare the arrival of a cat at home? - 1. Create a relaxed environment for your cat
How to prepare the arrival of a cat at home? - 1. Create a relaxed environment for your cat

two. Prepare a good environmental enrichment for your cat

In relation to the previous point, both the space enabled for the cat's first days at home and the rest of the home must have good environmental enrichment. Environmental enrichment for cats consists of introducing visual stimuli or smells into the different spaces that help the cat to stay entertained, physically and mentally stimulated and, in general, to lead to a good quality of life. The use of walkways, scratching posts with different heights, intelligence toys, food dispensing toys, shelves or simple cardboard boxes are some examples.

Playing with us is also important, as it allows the cat to socialize and exercise. Keep in mind that cats don't enjoy playing alone, so spending some time every day doing play sessions with him can be very beneficial to stimulate him. We can use fishing rods or simply a massage and relaxation session.

Don't forget that cats, although they are more independent than dogs, are very sociable animals and need relationships to be happy. Dedicate time to your best friend and provide him with the best quality of life as far as possible. All this will affect your emotional well-being and prevent behavioral problems.

3. Get a suitable cat waterer and feeder

Cats in freedom eat many small meals throughout the day, therefore, the ideal is for our cat to have fresh water and food available 24 hours a day The containers must be located away from the litter tray and, if possible, somewhat separated from each other.

We will opt for easily washable containers that are large enough for our cat to eat and drink without their whiskers rubbing against the edges, as this is very annoying for them. If you notice, your cat will often eat only the food that is in the center of the feeder for this very reason. Likewise, it is best to opt for stainless steel or ceramic waterers and feeders for cats, being careful when placing the latter correctly, as they could break when falling from a high place. Of course, we will completely avoid plastic containers. Also, if we want to encourage our cat to drink water, the ideal is to opt for a fountain, since cats love moving water.

Feeding the cat

Before the kitten arrives home, we must have the food we are going to offer ready, since it is one of the most necessary things for the animal. To do this, we recommend consulting the type of food that you have been receiving previously to assess if it is appropriate and we can maintain it or to make a transition process.

To change the cat's food to a new one, follow this step by step, it will help you avoid various digestive problems:

  1. Start by mixing 80% old food with 20% new food.
  2. After a few days, reduce the amount of previous food, for example, using 60% old food and 40% new food.
  3. Follow this process proportionately for a week or two until the food you offer is 100% new.

It's not always easy choosing a good cat food The ideal is to analyze the composition in detail until you find a good quality food based on fresh, natural ingredients fit for human consumption. Keep in mind that the cat is a completely carnivorous animal, so you should reject feed based on large amounts of cereals.

It will also be important to choose the food according to the age or needs of the feline. In the market we find feed for puppies, adults and the elderly, but also for sterilized cats, overweight or with different he alth problems.

On the other hand, you can choose a homemade diet, however, when we talk about homemade recipes, we always recommend consulting a veterinarian beforehand to avoid nutritional deficiencies or prevent different he alth problems.

How to prepare the arrival of a cat at home? - 3. Acquire a suitable cat waterer and feeder
How to prepare the arrival of a cat at home? - 3. Acquire a suitable cat waterer and feeder

4. Establish your resting place

Cats can sleep up to 20 hours when they are adults and, in order to enjoy that rest, they need a place where they feel comfortable and safe. Depending on their character, cats will have different preferences, but normally these animals prefer covered places because they feel more protected. In addition, they also often look for high places where they can control everything.

On the market you will find all kinds of beds and accessories for your cat, although you should bear in mind that it is possible that your recently arrived home kitten prefers a box with a mattress and a blanket inside to a nice bed. As we said in the first section, the nest-type beds are the most suitable, especially for baby kittens or for new cats that arrive in homes where they already live other cats or dogs. These beds serve as a refuge when they need to isolate themselves or rest without being disturbed.

5. Distribute different scratchers for your cat

The cat's quintessential accessory is the scratching post because it allows them to cover several of their basic needs, such as filing their nails, exercising and marking their territory If we do not provide them with a scratching area, they will most likely look for it in our furniture, sofas, curtains, etc.

To guarantee success with this utensil, the best thing to do is to buy several scrapers of different types and place them in different areas of the home. One of these scratching posts, preferably with different heights, should be located in one of the main areas of the house and near a window. If you place scratching posts in hidden corners, chances are your new cat will choose to scratch surfaces that he shouldn't.

The scratching posts with various heights not only allow the feline to rest in an elevated area, it also encourages exercise and helps prevent obesity. Of course, these types of structures must be stable and safe.

If after all of the above the cat does not use the scratching post, there are different ways to prevent the cat from scratching the furniture. One of them is to apply the product FELISCRATCH by FELIWAY on the scratching post, designed to redirect scratches and promote a calm environment. Again, we highlight the importance of conveying relaxation, security and comfort to the cat that has just arrived home.

How to prepare the arrival of a cat at home? - 5. Distribute different scratchers for your cat
How to prepare the arrival of a cat at home? - 5. Distribute different scratchers for your cat

6. Set up a cat litter box

In the market we will find many types of litter trays and the choice, in most cases, will depend more on our cat than on us. The closed trays are very comfortable because they prevent odors and the litter from coming out, but sometimes the cat will reject them because they tend to prefer the uncovered trays

In addition, it is advisable to ensure that the edges are low to facilitate entry and exit. Likewise, the litter box should be located in a quiet place, without drafts and away from feeders and waterers.

Ideally, we should have as many trays as there are cats in the house plus one. That is, if we live with two cats, the ideal is to have 3 litter boxes. Of course, sometimes, if we have several cats in a small apartment, it will not always be possible to have many litter boxes. In this case, regular cleaning is going to be essential if we don't want them to pass their bowel movements in unsuitable places.

7. Get a carrier

The carrier is a basic element to be able to move around with our cat safely. Although we are not going to travel with him, we will need him to go to the vet, in case of moving or in an emergency. It is an indispensable security element.

So that the cat does not have a negative view of the carrier, we recommend leaving it at its disposal regularly as a place to rest or eat, this way when it comes to a veterinary visit it will be much easier for it to agree to enter. You can positively associate with the carrier by leaving tasty food treats inside or their favorite toys. The use of a fluffy blanket or similar can also be very interesting.

For the carrier to be safe and comfortable, it is preferable that it be removable, this way it will be easier to take it out at the vet and you will be able to clean it easily. In addition, it is recommended that it be rigid and made of plastic so that it is safer in the event of a car accident and is easy to clean.

How to prepare the arrival of a cat at home? - 7. Get a carrier
How to prepare the arrival of a cat at home? - 7. Get a carrier

8. Protect windows

In order to prepare a relaxed and safe environment for your cat, it is convenient to protect the windows of your house. Cats love to investigate, explore and discover new scents. For this reason, if you live in an apartment you should place protections on the windows to avoid possible falls, since they are much more frequent than we usually think. The skydiving cat syndrome is an example of this.

The cat will not jump into the void without a reason, but it may try to catch something or just trip and fall, so it is better take precautionsPlacing a mosquito net is not useful, as these are not resistant enough, we must opt for a specific mesh for these cases that we can find in many pet product stores and make sure to place it well.

9. Give him all your love

When preparing for the arrival of the kitten at home, it is important to acquire all the utensils that it will need and foster a suitable environment, but it is also important to bear in mind that it is an animal that will need attention and a lot of care. love. Many people choose to adopt a cat because they consider that they are more independent and do not require as much attention. However, the truth is that these animals do need us to pay attention to them, to play with them and keep them company.

10. Be patient and respect your cat's pace

Not all cats adjust to their new home in the same way. Each cat has its own rhythm of adaptation and it is important to respect it. Therefore, if during the first days he hides or does not want to leave his shelter, do not scold him or force him, choose to reward him when he decides to do so and be patient.

With all these tips you can prepare for the arrival of your new cat at home and offer him a comfortable space in which to live. However, if you think that your cat doesn't quite trust you, don't hesitate to visit this other article: "Tips for gaining a cat's trust."
